Letter: Bring back free special uplifts

Dear Editor

A major problem facing people in Edinburgh is how to dispose of or recycle large unwanted household items. The absence of a free council-run collection service as part of normal recycling leads to the serious issue if dumping.

The scheme currently in place – a charge of £21 to collect up to six items – is unbelievable in it’s lack of understanding people’s ability to pay, or hwo to tackle the problem of disposal if they cannot.

The City of Edinburgh Council must immediately start a free collection service for unwanted household items: this will not only benefit it’s citizens but protect the reputation of Edinburgh as a city worth visiting.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

Adios, Andy!

Farewell to CAN’s Andy Dalzell – one helluva guy!


Friends and colleagues joined Community Action North development worker Andy Dalzell for leaving drinks in The Baillie in Stockbridge last night. The big guy from Philadelphia worked in North Edinburgh for only a few short months – but the genial giant has left his mark. Continue reading Adios, Andy!