World Cancer Day: Together We Can

Millions take action against the world’s deadliest disease

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Cancer will kill more than eight million people worldwide this year, which is equivalent to the entire populations of Scotland and Wales combined. More than half of these will be people of working age.

Today on World Cancer Day 2016 (Thursday 4 February), the world unites against this disease that knows no borders and represents one of humanity’s most pressing concerns.

Under the campaign theme ‘We can. I can.’ World Cancer Day represents a unique opportunity to draw attention to what can be done to address cancer, save millions of avoidable deaths and, in turn, support global economic growth and development.

wee c

Scotland’s drive to turn the Big C into the ‘wee c’

On World Cancer Day, Health Secretary Shona Robison welcomes the strides taken in Scotland to bring cancer down to size since the launch of the ‘wee c’ initiative six months ago.

The wee c, launched by the Scottish Government, in partnership with Cancer Research UK, aims to change the way cancer is viewed in Scotland, in a bid to reduce fear around the disease and boost survival rates.

Thanks to earlier detection, research breakthroughs and treatment advances, more people are surviving than ever before. It’s hoped that more people will present with potential signs and symptoms sooner rather than later, and attend screening when invited as they learn that cancer isn’t what it used to be.

Ms Robison said: “Thanks to innovation and investment, there are around 176,000 people in Scotland who have been diagnosed with cancer over the last 20 years and who are still alive – over double the population of Inverness.

“Reframing the way cancer is viewed goes hand-in-hand with boosting survival rates and everyone can play a part. If we can raise awareness of what is being done to tackle cancer, we’ll hopefully, in time, be able to address the fear people have in seeing their GP or attending their screening appointment. The earlier you come forward to get checked or screened, the better, it could save your life.

“We will also shortly be publishing our cancer strategy which will set out a range of deliverables to improve cancer outcomes in Scotland over the next five to 10 years. It will include targeted action in prevention, earlier detection and diagnosis, treatment, research, workforce and informatics to support improvements in patient outcomes. Based on evidence of what we know needs to be done it will set out a new vision for cancer care in Scotland putting people at the centre of decision making.”

Since August, a number of positive developments have been made across Scotland, including:

  • The opening of the £22 million Lanarkshire Beatson, Scotland’s newest radiotherapy satellite centre, in November 2015
  • Investment secured to bring Scotland’s first Robotic-Assisted Surgical System to the Aberdeen Royal Infirmary, which will initially be used to treat prostate cancer

  • £450,000 of funding committed by the Scottish Government and Breast Cancer Now to support Scottish-led breast cancer research in January 2016

  • Eight new project awards and fellowships across Scotland supported by Cancer Research UK to enable ground-breaking research into a wide range of cancer types and treatments

  • Latest statistics showing half a million people in Scotland are returning their bowel screening test every year – the most ever – with 52.2% uptake in NHS Lanarkshire amongst those eligible1

  • Forming of the National Cancer Clinical Services Group, to drive improvements in cancer care

  • The Innovative Healthcare Delivery Programme (IHDP) established to improve outcomes through enhanced cancer intelligence for clinicians and patients

Scotland’s Cancer Strategy, and results from the country’s first Cancer Patient Experience survey, will be published this year.

brock letter

Edinburgh North & Leith MP Deidre Brock is marking World Cancer Day by calling on all eligible women to participate in the Scottish Breast Cancer Screening Programme and go for a routine mammogram.

All women in Scotland aged 50-70 are invited for a check every 3 years, while women over 70 are encouraged to self-refer to their local centre.

Deidre spoke of her own experience of a screening and urged all women over 50 to take the opportunity to get checked. She said: “Breast cancer affects more women in Scotland than any other form of cancer – so I was worried to read there was a slight downturn in the number of women going for a routine NHS Breast screening.

“I had a mammogram recently at the screening centre for south east Scotland, Ardmillan House. I was really impressed by the set-up there; the staff were incredibly nice, and made the process as simple and stress-free as possible. The whole thing was finished in less than half an hour.

“I was obviously relieved when I received the all-clear letter (above) but I wanted to share my experience so people realise it’s not a scary process. While the majority of women who are screened will receive positive news, for those who don’t it’s better to be diagnosed as early as possible.

“According to Breast Cancer Now, for every 200 women screened, one fewer woman dies of breast cancer. It’s tragic to think that any woman’s life could be lost for the sake of a routine screening.

“I urge everyone over 50 to take up the chance to get checked.”

And in the spirit of  #ADayToUnite North & Leith MSP Malcolm can also be seen proudly wearing his wristband (below)

chisholm world cancer day

One in two people born after 1960 in the UK will be diagnosed with some form of cancer in their lifetime but, with the life changing advances in research over the last 40 years, survival has doubled.

Visit for more information on how the day is being marked around the globe.

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