Good news for Friends of Granton Castle Walled Garden

Hi everyone,
Some startling news has been confirmed by the planning department: Waterfront Edinburgh Limited have officially withdrawn their 2003 planning application to build inside the Walled Garden (writes Kirsty Sutherland)!
Some of you will have heard this miraculous news already as committee members, but I felt this news had to be confirmed by the planning department before sharing with everyone.
We shall be having a busy meeting this week and feel the need to celebrate a little, and plan for starting work in the garden at last! I have to thank everyone who has helped get us this far and the amazing support and skills of the action group! Lots of ideas for what to do next …!
A couple of articles were written recently thanks to our group members efforts in trying to raise awareness of our campaign and the garden itself. A great one out yesterday in Common Space announcing the good news, and linking to an article in Bella Caledonia at the start of January which has caused a bit of a stir, in a good way:
Onwards and upwards! There have been many interested individuals and groups getting in touch with positive ideas and encouragement after reading the Bella Caledonia article. If folk haven’t been along to a Friends Group meeting before but would like to attend, please contact us by email at
with any questions or ideas you want brought up at the meeting.
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