Students design cover for BBC History magazine

1 David Lymburn BBC History

Illustration students at Edinburgh College are helping draw attention to the year’s top history books through artwork featured in the Christmas issue of BBC History Magazine.

The students have collaborated with the magazine to design a new cover for its Books of the Year section, and several of the final illustrations have been chosen for the print and digital publication.

The magazine asked the second-year HND Illustration students to come up with an idea and designs for the section, and finalised their designs with feedback from the BBC History team.

Student David Lymburn’s illustration (above) was chosen for the December print edition. His cover depicts famous figures reading history books in a library.

David said: “I was really thrilled to see my illustration chosen and published for such a renowned magazine. The feedback session was a great opportunity for me to develop. They asked me to make the library more visually appealing, as my rough idea was of a school library. I changed the library and also the composition of the people to make the illustration stronger. This took time and effort to get right.”

Rachel Dickens, deputy art editor of the magazine said: “It was a really hard decision choosing which illustrations to use. Here at the BBC History Magazine we’re always on the lookout for emerging talent and were very impressed with the quality of the students’ work on this project.”

Glen McBeth, HND Illustration lecturer at Edinburgh College added: “I do freelance illustration work for BBC History magazine so I jumped at the chance to get my students involved too. In the second year of the course we are preparing the students for freelance work so real-life industry-led projects are great experience for them.”

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