Civic alliance calls for end to cold homes ‘blighting’ Scotland

“Too many children across Scotland are growing up in cold homes, with fuel poverty affecting four in every ten households.” – Martin Crewe, Barnardo’s Scotland


An alliance of civic organisations has called on the Scottish Government to end the blight of Scotland’s draughty, unhealthy homes by 2025. The call has been welcomed by the Scottish Greens, who say the government must go ‘further and faster’ to address the issue.

The Existing Homes Alliance, whose membership includes the Church of Scotland and the Federation of Master Builders, says the Scottish Government must take a long-term approach to improving the energy efficiency of Scotland’s buildings.

By doing so many benefits will be realised, including helping to reduce fuel poverty, cutting household fuel bills, lowering climate change emissions, creating jobs and preventing ill-health.

The call follows a June announcement by the Scottish Government that it intends to make home energy efficiency a National Infrastructure Priority.

The Alliance groups are calling for the Scottish Government to set an ambitious goal for that project, by committing to a goal that by 2025 all homes in Scotland are at least an Energy Performance Certificate band ‘C’.

Alan Ferguson, Chair of the Existing Homes Alliance said: “It was great to see the Scottish Government’s commitment to make energy efficiency a National Infrastructure Priority. This is vital if we as a nation are to end fuel poverty blighting our homes and step up to the challenge of climate change. However, we now need to see concrete proposals and clear goals from the Scottish Government to make this happen. These should include a goal of helping all homes reach a C energy performance standard by 2025, and a commitment to major long-term funding to support investment in energy efficiency.”

Martin Crewe, Director of Barnardo’s Scotland said: “Too many children across Scotland are growing up in cold homes, with fuel poverty affecting four in every ten households. The comprehensive Marmot review showed that this more than doubles their chances of suffering respiratory conditions like asthma, as well as impacting adversely on mental health, educational attainment and emotional wellbeing.

“Supporting all homes to reach a C standard will improve the physical and emotional health of families across Scotland and help to improve the life chances of Scotland’s most vulnerable children.”

Grahame Smith, STUC General Secretary added: “Improving the energy efficiency of Scotland’s homes is a huge opportunity to build a stronger economy and a more just Scotland. Research shows that bringing all homes up to at least a C energy performance standard would create 8-9,000 jobs a year distributed across communities in Scotland, new training and skills development opportunities and offer an excellent return on investment in generating employment and economic growth compared to other infrastructure investments.”

Alison Johnstone MSP, Health and Wellbeing spokesperson for the Scottish Greens, welcomed the call from the alliance to radically improve the energy efficiency of Scotland’s housing.

She said: “This call is very welcome and shows the need for government to go further and faster to tackle the blight of Scotland’s draughty, unhealthy homes.

“Last year Scottish ministers agreed with me that energy efficient housing should become a national infrastructure priority. During discussions on the 2015-16 budget Scottish Greens pressed for action, resulting in an extra £20million for fuel poverty measures. This was welcome but still way below what is required. 40 per cent of Scottish households are in fuel poverty.

“At the Scottish Greens conference at the weekend we announced our intention to push for 6,500 apprenticeships to support the delivery of this national priority. The Existing Homes Alliance aim that by 2025 all homes are at least an Energy Performance Certificate band ‘C’ is ambitious but necessary if we’re serious about tackling fuel poverty, climate change emissions and preventing ill-health.”

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