Trinity’s Summer(?) Special

Did you notice (sorry, ‘detect’) that it’s been summer? (Maybe now!) Trinity Community Council (TCC) has been in recess but things just keep happening … (writes BILL RODGER)



29 & 30 AUGUST, 11am – 3.30pm

There’s a buzz going round Trinity. Neighbours are chatting and tweets are tweeting (try @TrinityGala). Signposts popping up in the strangest of places. Yes – it’s the Trinity Community Gala! Something for everyone over two days.

  • on Saturday 29th Wardie Church for ‘Open Doors’; local history and flower displays; Trinity Timeline; fun competitions; treasure hunt; quiz; kids can make their very own gardens or try out cold cooking.
  • on Sunday 30th Lomond Park has an open air service at 11am then from 12 it’s BBQ time with Porto & Fi; live music, local bands; kidz sports; bouncy castle; face painting; ‘Marathon’, bowls and tennis tasters; local produce, fun dog show and much more….

The Gala now enjoys the support of many local businesses and organisations keen to celebrate the spirit of our community – so do come and join the jamboree and some real GALA FUN!

Granton Harbour

Following concerns raised with us by Granton CC we had asked CEC for information about the piecemeal nature of this development and how some residents are alleged to be subject to exploitative facilities charges.

It seems that since then the developer’s demands have become more forceful and, with CEC holding a strong line, this has culminated in the developer withdrawing for further discussion with officials. Watch this space. Let us know if you have a view.

Also on the waterfront … cruise liners

You may have noticed the cruise liner Britannia docked at Newhaven in July with 5,000 passengers. While a welcome commercial boost, inevitably there was some disruption while passengers were ferried to and from the City Centre. What do you think? Is this an exciting new development or an emerging problem?

Closure of RBS Goldenacre


The branch closed its doors on 13 August. We protested not only about the impact on local business and vulnerable people but also about RBS’ failure to consult despite signing up to a protocol on this as recently as February.

When a meeting was eventually arranged, it was at short notice, without an agenda and not even held locally. It was evident that RBS had no intention of even delaying closure and the only concession conceded was to hold drop-in sessions to help customers wishing to try online banking or gain familiarity with ATMs.

Unbelievably, though, even this was undermined when RBS decided not to mail customers to let them know about this help.

If you are unhappy about the move we can only point to local alternatives Bank of Scotland or TSB at Goldenacre – or alternatively you might want to get up to £150 simply from switching to another bank.

Legislation introduced in 2013 now makes this very easy: see

Starbank Park Green Flag

Keep Scotland Beautiful has awarded a Green Flag to Starbank Park recognising the magnificent efforts of the Friends and CEC staff in restoring the park to its place as a jewel in Trinity’s crown. It means that both Trinity’s parks now have a Green Flag.

Victoria Park Tennis and Basketball Courts

Victoria Park 1T

And on the Glorious Twelfth, Victoria Park’s renewed basketball and tennis courts were formally opened by Cllrs Lesley Hinds and Richard Lewis together with Jamie Hepburn, Minister for Sport (above). Our parks are really going from strength to strength!

127 Trinity Road

The application to build five houses was rejected by CEC on 12 August following a lot of local concern. TCC had expressed its concerns about overdevelopment and that was the reason CEC gave for rejection. It remains to be seen whether the developer will now modify the proposal, appeal or abandon the project.

Granton Walled Garden

There seems to be growing support and greater cooperation from developers for the preservation of this medieval garden. It gives hope that a nearby amenity will be saved from being built over.


City councillors voted for a hearing to be held on 26 August about the demolition of the “Earthy” building at Canonmills Bridge despite officials earlier recommending demolition. The decision means that objectors will be able to present the case for retention directly to the Development Committee.

Scotland Street tunnel

And in Scotland Street tunnel next month there will be a community exhibition of thoughts, paintings and photographs. Launch event is on 27 September.

South East Scotland City Region Plan (SESPLAN): Major Issues Report

The MIR is the first stage of preparing a new strategic plan for the 1.25m people (forecast to rise to 1.5m) living in Edinburgh, the Lothians, Borders and half of Fife. It is a consultation document and is the principle opportunity for everyone to give their views on how the region should develop over the next 20 years.

Consultation runs until 30 September. You can make your thoughts known at . Alternatively pass them on through TCC. Or do both!

Neighbourhood Watch Alerts

Want to know if there’s a break-in near you or if cars are being vandalised? Sign up for free emails or text messages through this link: for more information.


This is just a sample. Much more at our next meeting on Monday 14 September at 7 pm in Wardie Parish Church, Primrose Bank Road. Open to all. Come along and give us your thoughts. We need to know them!

Did you find this bulletin useful or informative? If so, why not show it to a neighbour? Anyone in Trinity can subscribe to the bulletin simply by emailing Or drop us a line and tell us what you think could be better.

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer