New term, new classrooms


Hundreds of primary school children will start learning in their new classrooms today as the city council continues to tackle the issue of rising school rolls. Local primaries Wardie and Flora Stevenson are among the schools to start the new school year with additional classrooms. 

The Council has provided 24 new class spaces, delivered in conjunction with partners Hub South East Scotland Ltd and Morrison Construction, for the start of the 2015/16 school session.

The primary schools where the new class spaces have been provided are: James Gillespie’s (4 classes), Clermiston (4), Flora Stevenson (3), Gilmerton (4), Pentland (3), Ratho (4) and Wardie (2).

In addition South Morningside Primary School now has a significant new temporary annexe which has been created for P1 and P2 pupils at the former Deanbank Resource Centre and extra internal space has been provided at both Brunstfield and Liberton Primary Schools.

Since 2013 the Council has provided 70 new class spaces to accommodate the city’s increasing primary school population, ensuring catchment pupils can get a place at their catchment school.  At the start of the 2014/15 school year there were 28,010 primary school pupils but latest estimates show this is anticipated to rise to 31,700 by 2020 and then increase further to 35,400 by 2030.

New classrooms or not, good luck to all the children starting their new school today!


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