Searching for Teddy McDougall

Does anyone remember Teddy McDougall?
An American woman is trying to trace her husband’s childhood friend from the Pilton area. Can you help?
This is just a shot in the dark, but it is a very sincere and hopeful request.   I know Edinburgh is a very large city, and I assume “McDougall” may be as common a surname there as “Smith” is here in the States, but this is my request:
There was a boy named Teddy McDougall who lived on Pilton Walk (?) near my husband, John Geddes Martin, Jr., when he was a boy and his family lived on Granton Road in Edinburgh.   Teddy had some sort of affliction, possibly epilepsy, which caused some limitations for him, but he was very artistic.  John was, and is, a very kind person and spent time with Teddy when other boys in the neighborhood shunned him.  My husband was born in 1947, and he was slightly younger or older than Teddy, so Teddy’s year of birth would have been probably within the range of 1945 – 1949.
John and his family came to the USA in 1964.  He kept in touch with Teddy through Teddy’s mother, Lily McDougall, for several years but eventually lost touch.   I believe Teddy’s father, Jack McDougall, might have died while the Martins were still in Edinburgh, but I’m not certain about that point.  John’s parents have passed in recent years (John Geddes Martin, Sr., in 2005, and Catherine Gilhooley Martin in 2008), so we cannot ask for more information they might have remembered.   Recently when an old family friend visited, we were told that Teddy had been sent to live in a nursing facility while still a young man.
John had a stroke some years ago and one of his constant thoughts is about Teddy.   We would very much like to locate Teddy and try to communicate with him if he is able.
Considering the information I have provided, is it possible Teddy might be a member of your family or extended family?   Can you offer any suggestions how we might locate him or determine if he and his mother are still living?
I have “googled” to search for Teddy, Edward, or Theodore McDougall and for Lily, Lilly, or Lillian McDougall, but to no avail.   I’ve also searched for nursing homes in Edinburgh but found there are MANY.   I did go to the website for and sent an email through their site providing some of the information included in this email to ask if there is any way to determine if and where Teddy resides.
It is true we have no urgent medical or other reason to locate Teddy, only that it would please my husband to contact Teddy, and hopefully Teddy will remember John and be pleased also.
Thank you for considering this request and for any help you might provide.
Susie Martin
15124 Catawba Circle, South
Charlotte, NC, USA  28104
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Edinburgh reporter and photographer

4 thoughts on “Searching for Teddy McDougall”

  1. Euan, thank you for your response also. I hope you are able to view my response to Stuart above. I wonder if your mother ever was friends with my late mother-in-law, Catherine (“Cathie”) Gilhooley Martin or my late father-in-law, John Geddes Martin, Sr. They were wonderful people, as are all of my in-laws and, of course, my husband! Thank you. My email address is

  2. Is there an email address for susie martin regarding teddy mcdougall.

    1. Thank you so much for reply to Mr. Pickering’s article, which is was so very kind to publish. I am Susie Martin. I was pleasantly surprised to receive an email from Teddy’s niece, which was forwarded to me by the North Edinburgh News, informing me that Teddy and his mother, Lily, are both alive and well. I have replied to his niece/her granddaughter and hope to put my husband in touch with Teddy very soon. Everyone I have contacted in Edinburgh has been very gracious and kind, just as my late mother-in-law, Catherine Gilhooley Martin, always told me they were. My email address is Feel free to contact me.

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