Adult literacies in Scotland review

In 2010, the Scottish Government set out  plans to improve the literacies capabilities of Scotland’s adults over a 10 year period called ‘Adult Literacies in Scotland 2020: Strategic Guidance’(ALIS 2020).


By 2020 Scotland’s society and economy will be stronger because more of its adults are able to read, write and use numbers effectively in order to handle information, communicate with others, express ideas and opinions, make decisions and solve problems, as family members, workers, citizens and lifelong learners.”


On behalf of the ALIS 2020 Strategic Implementation Group, Education Scotland are launching a review of progress in adult literacies over the last five years as well as identifying on-going priorities and challenges for the next five years.  We are keen to seek the views of individuals and organisations.

The online survey can be accessed here, the closing date for responses is Thursday 30th April 2015.  A pdf list of questions contained within the survey is available to support organisations who wish to undertake discussion activities with partners, volunteers or staff.

For more information, please visit the CLD section of the Education Scotland website or contact the CLD team

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