SYP Elections: Edinburgh Central & Edinburgh Western candidates

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I have many hopes and ambitions for the future of young people and I hope that becoming an MSYP will allow me to put these hopes into reality for Scotland’s young people.

I want votes for sixteen and seventeen year olds in every election. Sixteen/seventeen year olds were able to vote in the referendum. It opened a lot of young people’s eyes to politics. They took a keen interest to politics by researching and deciding what they wanted to vote. Younger people involved in elections is a great idea because it shows
adults that they have a voice and are able to decide what they want and which party would benefit them. It is a step in the right direction as it would get young people a lot more involved and interested in politics.

I found that young people want more opportunities in their communities. They want more clubs and organizations focused on certain skills. If there are more opportunities to learn skills in certain areas, it opens doors for young people and could help them decide what they want to do as a career. For example, Screen Education Edinburgh is a film-making group I have worked with. SEE is open to any young person interested
in filming, editing, acting etc. As an aspiring film-maker, I have worked with SEE a lot and seeing the support they give young people who want to pursue a career in film or just do it as a hobby, is phenomenal. These types of groups benefit young people as it is a way for them to meet people, who are interested in the same things as them, improve skills and put them on a good path for their future.

I found that young people want more support when it comes to work experience. Work experience is important as it gives young people experience to put on CV’s. I was told by many young people that they want authorities to prioritise work experience for them so it is easier for them to get work experience outside school. This is important because being able to work is a skill every person must have because it opens up opportunities for them in future.

I spoke to people who were worried about lack of security streetwise. I want to see more police on foot patrolling streets instead of the odd police car. I want to know I am safe walking home and this is the case for everyone. I would make it a priority to get more security streetwise such as policemen on foot and more CCTV. Safety is so important and more security means less crime, making Edinburgh safer for everyone.

These are only a few of the things I would do as an MYSP. I have many other ideas that I feel passionate about. As an MSYP I would make it priority to make Edinburgh a better place for our generation.



My name is Lucie Duffy and this year I’ll be standing as a candidate for the Scottish Youth Parliament in the Edinburgh Central constituency. I am becoming more interested in politics and politics itself is definitely something I might like to do when I’m older, so to be able to get the chance to represent you at the SYP would be an amazing opportunity for me.

In this manifesto you can read more about me and what I believe are important topics that should be brought to the Scottish Youth Parliament.

I want to be a member of the Scottish Youth Parliament because I believe that young people all over Scotland should have the confidence to stand up and have their say in how the country is run. Also, me being a girl, I feel that sometimes women are under-represented in Governments and Parliament and I want to change that.

I believe that the youth of Edinburgh needs a positive, helpful and friendly MSYP to represent them, and I think that this MSYP could be me.

I am involved in my school’s Amnesty International Youth Group, in which we mainly organise events to raise awareness of the work Amnesty International is doing in the UK and abroad. This means that one of the key issues I would want to raise at the Scottish Youth Parliament is the basic human rights of young people in Scotland, such as being entitled to a home and a family life.

90% of 16 and 17 year olds voted responsibly in the Scottish Referendum, so I see no reason why they shouldn’t be allowed votes in all elections. This is a campaign that is already being raised at the Scottish Youth Parliament but if I were to be elected it would be something that I would help maintain. I think that we should at least try to have the topic discussed with Parliament to consider possible changes.

Last but not least, I feel that the topic of Better Sex Education in schools should be raised. Scotland has the highest rate of teen pregnancies in Europe and this is something I definitely want to change. I believe that young people in Scotland should go into these experiences with a clear head, and it shouldn’t be something to be embarrassed or confused about.

Thank you very much for taking the time to read my manifesto, and I hope to receive your vote in the SYP election 2015.



Giving young people a voice and fair representation is crucial to me. We need to protect our interests through strong representation and I want to listen and act if elected. Having been a MSYP for one term already, I feel even more motivated and enthusiastic to represent young people of Edinburgh Central.

Last year, I successfully supported to raise the national minimum wage for under 18 year olds through our national campaign “One Fair Wage”. However, I still want to work on my previous policies which were to solve the problem of the lack of funding for leisure facilities in Edinburgh, more work opportunities for university graduates and reducing bus and tram fares. My campaign for these policies is not necessarily about “change” but to review our current system and to see if there should
be more improvement.

First of all, I want young people to enjoy using facilities and not be restricted by money; they have the right to enjoy the facilities that are provided for them by Government.

Secondly, I think bus and tram fares should either be frozen for a reasonable period of time or be reduced.

Third and finally, there should be more work programmes introduced to school leavers/graduate leavers for their chosen field of work.

Young people need more opportunities today to learn a variety of new skills required in growing employment sectors. Strong and passionate leadership is needed and I believe I can make a difference by representing your interests in the Scottish Youth Parliament.

Thank you for your support.


There are two candidates:





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