Candlelight vigil at St Paul’s




A silent protest will take place on Friday 10 October from 6.15pm onwards outside St Paul’s during the Thanksgiving mass. There will be posters handed out for people to display and candles will be provided and placed around the entrance to the church and other areas (it would be helpful if you could bring along some glass jars to hold the candles to prevent them going out).

There are also posters available for children and families to colour in and decorate to display at the protest. These can be picked up at Muirhouse Library or Muirhouse Community Shop. Of course, you can also make your own posters, placards, and banners and bring them along too!

We hope to see as many people as possible attend from all parts of the community while we protest silently and peacefully to demonstrate our objection to the closure of St Paul’s.



Cichy protest odbędzie się w piątek 10 października od 18:15 roku poza St Paul’s podczas mszy Dziękczynienia. Będą plakaty rozdawane dla osób do wyświetlania i świece będą dostarczane i umieszczone wokół wejścia do kościoła i innych dziedzinach (dobrze byłoby gdybyś mógł przynieść niektórych słoikach trzymać świece, aby zapobiec im wychodzi).

Są też plakaty dostępne dla dzieci i rodzin, aby kolor i ozdobić, aby wyświetlić na protest. Te mogą być zabierani na Muirhouse Biblioteki lub Muirhouse wspólnotowego sklepu. Oczywiście, można również tworzyć własne plakaty, afisze i transparenty i przynieść je razem też!

Mamy nadzieję, że tak wielu ludzi, jak to możliwe, chodzi do wszystkich części społeczeństwa, a my cicho i spokojnie protestować wykazać nasz sprzeciw wobec zamknięcia St Paul’s.

Prosimy dołączyć w ” Wydarzenia ” , jeśli będziesz uczestniczyć

Save St Paul’s Campaign



A living memorial for Mikaeel

MY Adventure reach Towford target

MY1Money raised to pay for a memorial for little Mikaeel Kular has been donated to a local youth project in Muirhouse. The money has helped MY Adventure to upgrade an adventure centre for thousands of local children to enjoy for years to come. 

MY Adventure used a crowdfunding site to try to raise £6000 for urgent repairs to Towford, a dilapidated outdoors centre near Jedburgh. The social enterprise was over halfway toward it’s target when trustees of the Mikaeel Kular Memorial Fund decided to contribute the donations they had received – over £3000 – to the Towford venture, making the MY dream become a reality.

It’s great news for MY Adventure and proof that joy can spring from tragedy.

Jonny Kinross, Director of MY Adventure, said: “Towford Outdoor Centre will be an affordable outdoor resource for children, families, communities and businesses to stay or use for years to come. The centre, which was formerly a 19th century school, will be entrusted to the Muirhouse community and safeguarded by registered local charity Muirhouse Youth Development Group.

“Our centre will be accessible to thousands of local people, groups, businesses and school pupils all year, next year and for generations to come.

“Eighty official backers have surpassed our target of £6000, with £35000 raised from individual supporters and local organisations in just two weeks. ‘These people felt either connected to Muirhouse or inspired by what the centre will come to be and mean to local people.

‘It was this that inspired the Mikaeel Kular Memorial Fund to pledge such a large amount to our campaign. That money will secure his legacy and will specifically help create a children’s play area in the 17 acre grounds dedicated to him.

“‘It’s a testament to how his community showed strength, solidarity and compassion at a time of their greatest need.”

Three year old Mikaeel Kular died in his Muirhouse home in January after being subjected to three-day beating by his mother. Rosdeep Adekoya claimed her son had gone missing, sparking off an unprecedented local search, but Mikaeel’s body was found two days later. She was subsequently jailed for eleven years.

Mikaeel’s disappearance galvanised the local community and thousands took part in the search for the wee boy. When the tragic truth became known a fund was set up to create a memorial to remember Mikaeel – and MY Adventure’s Towford Centre will now ensure that Mikaeel’s memory will live on. 

Robert Pearson, chairman of Tenants & Residents in Muirhouse (TRIM), who initiated the collection for the memorial, said: ”Our thanks to everyone who donated, I know Mikaeel’s’ family are touched by the response of our community. It was always going to be difficult to decide just what to use the money on.

”Reading all the suggestions and talking to residents who visited the community shop, I got a sense of outdoor, play area and family activities are what people are looking for. When a resident mentioned the Towford Centre, I immediately thought it ticked all boxes. Mikaeel wasn’t allowed to grow up and enjoy his childhood – his legacy will ensure other children can.’
