Some healthy advice for festivalgoers

T in the Park Health Advice


Scotland’s national telehealth and telecare service is urging music lovers going to T in the Park next week to think ahead and look after their health. NHS 24 is advising festival goers to be prepared by taking a few essential items in case they become unwell.

NHS 24 Medical Director Professor George Crooks said, “Summer festivals are great places to meet people and enjoy music with friends but try and remember to pack a few small items with you in case you do become unwell. Take some over the counter medication with you for stomach upsets or diarrhoea and take a simple painkiller such as paracetamol or ibuprofen. It is also really important to have sunscreen of SPF 15 or higher and antiseptic hand gel is always handy to have at outdoor events.”

He added: “Plan ahead and take some condoms with you to protect you from sexually transmitted infections. Also, tampons, wet wipes and hay fever medication – if you are a sufferer – will always come in handy over the weekend. Don’t forget to take your asthma inhaler or any prescription medicine you need with you and keep it handy.”

Festival goers are reminded not to ruin the weekend for themselves and others by drinking far too much too quickly. Try alternating soft drinks or water for alcoholic ones on a regular basis over the day and don’t forget to eat regularly. You don’t want to miss out on seeing your favourite bands by feeling unwell with the effects of too much alcohol.

Professor Crooks advised: “If you do become ill, go with a friend to the nearest First Aid area. Remember there is safety in numbers. Never leave your drink unattended, never leave friends on their own and don’t wander off by yourself. Organise a meeting point if you get split up and stay with people you know. “

“By taking simple steps, you can help minimise or even prevent minor health problems from ruining your weekend. Stay safe and have a happy and healthy time at T in the Park.”

For further summer health advice go to

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