hayfever advice

Did you know that next week is Allergy UK’s Awareness Week? Me neither, but what better time for some seasonal advice from NHS Inform …?


Scots are being urged to visit www.nhsinform.co.uk for tips and advice on managing the symptoms of hay fever and other allergies.

With Allergy UK’s Awareness Week running from 28th April to 4th May and the arrival of spring, this also means for many people the onset of the hay fever season. According to Allergy UK, one-in-four people in the UK suffers from an allergy at some time in their lives and 20% of the population is affected by hayfever in particular.

Professor George Crooks, NHS 24’s Medical Director, advises people that by following a few simple tips they can help minimise the effects of the condition.

He said: “Hay fever is an allergic reaction to pollen from trees and grass, and can cause irritations of the eyes, nose and throat. In an ideal world, the most effective way to control hay fever would be to avoid exposure to pollen. However, it’s very difficult to avoid pollen, particularly during the summer months when you want to spend more time outdoors.

“Avoiding cutting grass, walking in grassy areas, and camping may reduce your exposure to grass pollens. When you are outside, wear wraparound sunglasses to stop pollen getting in your eyes and change your clothes and take a shower when you come back inside.

“If you get hay fever symptoms even when taking care, there are a number of over the counter medicines available from your local pharmacy. I would also remind people that NHS inform provides a wide range of information on the symptoms of the condition, as well as advice on minimising their effects. The site also helpful and quality assured information about other allergies, their prevention and treatment.”

The specific allergies section at NHS inform can be accessed at: www.nhsinform.co.uk/allergies


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