Free customer service training

A joint venture by The Edinburgh Partnership, Joined up for Jobs and Connected will deliver Free Service Training for the Retail Sector at Muirhouse Millennium Centre on Wednesday 12th March, running from 11am – 2.00pm. This will run for one day only, but should be of great advantage to young and older people alike. At the end of the session attendees will be given a proof of attendance certificate.

If you are interested, phone Peter Airlie at Muirhouse Millennium (Community) Centre (0131-467-3578) or Gwen on 0131-557-7913 to book a place.

Fancy a career in childcare?

There are still places available for the new Childcare Academy which will start on Monday 24 February 2014 at North Edinburgh Childcare.

Anyone who is interested will need to book into an information session prior to applying for the course. We have various dates and times for these drop in sessions and I would be grateful if you could contact myself on the number below or Barbara Webster on 0131 311 6926 for more details.

Kim Weir

Training Administrator, North Edinburgh Childcare
