Silenced communities?

Public meeting to challenge ‘gagging law’

38 Degrees – a non-party-political, member-led campaigning organisation – is holding a public meeting on Thursday evening to organise support against legislation they say will gag ordinary people and charities but will leave big lobbying firms untouched.

The Westminster government’s Bill is an attempt to clean up the lobbying industry but a wide range of campaigning and charity groups see the legislation as an attack on free speech which, if enacted, would severely curtail the rights of groups and individuals to participate in open public debate and discussion.

To find out more about the ‘Gagging Law’ and how it could seriously damage democracy, why not go along to 38 Degrees’ public meeting this Thursday evening?

The meeting will be held at the Cosla Conference Centre at Haymarket Yards from 7.30 – 9.30pm. Edinburgh West MP Mike Crockart is expected to be in attendance.

For further information visit or check out #gagginglaw on Twitter

Letter: say ‘no’ to pig factory farm

Dear Editor

It has taken many years of public pressure to get improved conditions for factory-farmed chickens, even after their horrendous treatment was exposed.

The vast majority of people who agree all animals should be treated with care will be horrified to learn of a proposal being put to Derbyshire County Council by Midland Pig Producers for permission to build a vast pig factory to confine 25,000 pigs until ready for slaughter. It is well known that pigs are highly intelligent outdoor animals and they would seriously suffer being confined, whatever conditions apply.

This way of treating animals must be resisted and stopped. Please write, email or fax Derbyshire County Council asking them to reject the application.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes GardensÂ