Granton Youth Centre to celebrate ten terrific years


It seems hard to believe, but Granton Youth Centre will be holding their TENTH annual general meeting next month!

The Centre’s young people are still finalising the details of GYC’s AGM, which takes place on  Friday 20 September but among the highlights are:

  • an opportunity to see the refurbished main hall and youth work space
  • a presentation on this year’s summer programme
  •  the pesentation of Saltire Awards
  • the launch of the ‘Alcohol, The Street and Young People’ toolkit.

That’s a lot to pack into ninety minutes – the event starts at 1.30pm with the formal AGM at 2pm. Go along and celebrate GYC’s success with Granton’s young team!

For further information email: info@grantonyouth.comgy

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer