Weather warning for Walkathon

Participants in tonorrow’s NEN Walkathon are being urged to put safety first as the recent spell of hot weather shows no sign of cooling down. Walkers should carry and drink plenty of water, wear loose, light-coloured clothes and stay out of the sun as much as possible – especially in the fierce heat if the midday sun.

Temperatures over the weekend are expected to remain high, with many places expected to reach 26 or 27 degrees centigrade – that’s into the eighties in Fahrenheit – so here are some timely tips for our Walkathon walkers:

Seek Out Shade

Direct sun can make the temperature feel up to 15 degrees hotter! Check your area to see if there are parks with trails through the trees.

Expose Your Skin

Sweat can evaporate more easily from bare arms and legs – wear plenty of sunscreen, even under your shirt.

Just Add Water

Wet your shirt, and you’ll have on-the-spot air-conditioning!

Ice Your Thirst

Freeze a half-full water bottle, then top it off as you head out. Take sips regularly while you’re walking. Six to eight ounces of water every 15 minutes should be enough. As an extra precaution against dehydration, weigh yourself before your walk and again afterward. If you’ve dropped a pound or two, drink up. You’ve lost fluid that is important to your body’s cooling system.

Try Sports Drinks

If you just can’t get yourself to drink more water on your summer jaunts, then why not try a sports drink? They taste good and supply less than half the calories of fruit juices. They’re absorbed quickly into the bloodstream, so you can walk farther and avoid post-exercise fatigue. If you don’t like the taste of a sports drink, you can also diluter your favorite fruit juice with water and take it along with you.

Cover Your Head

Wear a breathable hat (not a visor—it will only protect your face, not your head), and wet that too.

Switch Shoes

For warm-weather workouts, you need lightweight, ventilated walking shoes and socks that wick away sweat. Mesh is cooler than leather and dries faster when your feet sweat. Or try a walking sandal.

Reduce Friction

Be aware of areas where skin rubs against skin—between your toes, thighs, and under your arms—and apply a small amount of petroleum jelly or use Runner’s Lube, a nonstaining cream made from lanolin, zinc oxide, and benzocaine. It can be found in many sporting goods stores.

Listen to Your Body

Your body will tell you when you can push yourself, and when it’s time to coast. If you develop a headache or become dizzy or weak, stop exercising and head for a cool place. Drink plenty of cool fluids, and rest.

Walkathon Route Map 3

NEN Walkathon

Saturday 20 July

Leaves Edinburgh College Granton Campus 10.30am

Come and join us!


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Edinburgh reporter and photographer