North Edinburgh Community Circle
North Edinburgh Community Circle has been running for just over three years. We meet once a month at North Edinburgh Arts Centre and welcome people from the local area and all over Edinburgh to share food, friendship, ideas and resources.
In July’s meeting we had a planning session to talk about how to make the most of our connections and include new people in the circle. We also talked a lot about what people get from coming to the circle. We were amazed by what we found out!
These are some of the things people said:
‘It lifts me up coming here’
‘I feel included, part of things and I come out of my ‘pod’’
‘Everyone comes as themselves without their labels’
‘Everyone is on an equal level’
‘Even after a bad day you need to think of something positive (and the circle helps you to do that)’
‘It’s nice to learn people have different ways of doing things’.
People also appreciated how welcoming the circle is and how nice it is to have somewhere to come where people are focusing on positive things. Some also said it had helped to increase their confidence in general.
In the circle meetings we eat together (food is always provided), get to know each other, and share our resources whether they are our ideas, things we don’t need anymore, or our skills. We want to create a community based on respect, diversity and recognises that we all have something to give.
We’d love to welcome more people into the circle, so if you’re interested, come along! The next meeting will be on Tuesday 13th August, North Edinburgh Arts Centre, 5.30 – 8pm. We always meet on the second Tuesday of the month so if you can’t make that, come along on 10th September.
If you have any questions or want more details contact Gillian at Edinburgh Development Group: or 0131 476 0522

Gillian Allan