Local community mental health organisation Living Well North Edinburgh is based at West Pilton Park.
Formed in Autumn 2011 following a merger between PROP Stress Centre and the Clermiston-based Threshold Mental Health Project, the essence of LWNE is people working together to improve the mental health and wellbeing of their local community and themselves.
‘LWNE is all about helping people grow’
If you want some support, friendship, understanding or just a friendly face, then come along to LWNE. We offer relaxation sessions, and other groups such as confidence building, arts and crafts. We also have a number of weekly Drop Ins. Our regular newsletter details our future plans and activities. So, if you are feeling fed-up, depressed, stressed, anxious or isolated, please phone for an informal chat or to make an appointment to come and meet us.
Living Well North Edinburgh
5 West Pilton Park, Edinburgh EH4 4EL
Telephone 343 6375
Email: info@livingwellnorthedinburgh.org.uk
Click on link to see a copy of LWNE’s latest newsletter: