Pilton Community Health Project has been speaking to people in North Edinburgh about issues affecting their lives and what they think is important in the local area.
Many of the same themes come up again and again – safety, dog mess, no motivation, no sense of community.
Lets look at things in a different way; get underneath the issues and work together to come up with inspiring solutions that really change things!
We invite you to join us in some inspiring and thought provoking sessions thinking in a different way to resolve problems and issues and make Pilton a more active community!
What it will be:
Fun, interesting, thought provoking, possibly it may even transform your life.
We will provide:
Food, drink, prizes, childcare and fun for 2 x 5hr sessions on:
Wednesday 29 May
Wednesday 5 June
from 10am-3pm
at West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre
For more info call Lianne or Clare on 551 1671, email: moveit@pchp.org.uk