One Christmas, a long long time ago …


You will hardly credit what I am going to tell you: but thousands of our men will be writing home today telling the same strange and wonderful story. Listen.

Last night as I sat in my little dugout, writing, my chum came bursting in upon me with: ‘Bob! Hark at ‘em!’ And I listened. From the German trenches came the sound of music and singing. My chum continued: ‘They’ve got Christmas trees all along the top of their trenches! Never saw such a sight!’

I got up to investigate. Climbing the parapet, I saw a sight which I shall remember to my dying day. Right along the whole of the line were hung paper lanterns and illuminations of every description, many of them in such positions as to suggest that they were hung upon Christmas trees. And as I stood in wonder a rousing song came over to us; at first the words were indistinguishable , then, as the song was repeated again  and again, we realized that we were listening to ‘The Watch on the Rhine.’ Our boys answered with a cheer, while a neighbouring regiment sang lustily the National Anthem.

Some were for shooting the lights away, but almost at the first shot there came a shout in really good English, ‘Stop shooting!’ Then began a series of answering shouts from trench to trench. It was incredible. ‘Hallo! Hallo! You English we wish to speak.’ And everyone began to speak at once. Some were rational, others the reverse of complimentary. Eventually some sort of order obtained, and lo! A party of our men got out from the trenches and invited the Germans to meet them halfway and talk.

And there in the searchlight they stood, Englishman and German, chatting and smoking cigarettes together midway between the lines. A rousing cheer went up from friend and foe alike. The group was too far away from me to hear what was being said, but presently we heard a cheery ‘Good Night. A Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you all’, with which the parties returned to their respective trenches.

After this we remained the whole night through, singing with the enemy song for song.

Sergeant A Lovell, 3 Rifle Brigade

Christmas Day 1914


Check your GP opening times

With Christmas upon us, NHS Scotland is now reminding the public of the GP surgery closures over New Year:

While GP practices re-open on Thursday after the Christmas break, the NHS Scotland Be Ready for Winter campaign advises people to be aware that many GP surgeries and pharmacies will be closed for two days again at the New Year (Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd January) .

NHS 24’s Medical Director Professor George Crooks, explained: “While NHS Scotland staff have been very busy over the Christmas period, it is important that people remember there is another period of GP practices’ closures over Hogmanay. It’s important that people know the opening times of their local pharmacy too and make use of the next couple of days to re-stock with simple home remedies to ensure they can look after themselves and their family if needed.

“Knowing you have remedies at home to help if a winter illness does strike can make all the difference and if your symptoms worsen while your GP surgery is closed, you should contact NHS 24”

Many GPs will be working hard throughout the festive period supporting local Out of Hours services and Be Ready for Winter has the backing of the British Medical Association (BMA) in Scotland and the Royal College of General Practitioners (RCGP) Scotland. Dr John Gillies, Chair of the Royal College of General Practitioners Scotland, said: “Cold and flu bugs are most prevalent between January and March. Be prepared by stocking your medicine cabinet with suitable over the counter remedies. If you are in a vulnerable group make sure you have requested a flu vaccine from your practice. Remember that your local general practice will not be closed for very long, but if you do need out of hours advice you can look at NHS inform online or contact NHS 24.”

General advice and information on how to stay healthy this winter can be found at or contact NHS inform on 0800 22 44 88. Winter health advice is also available through the NHSScotland digital TV channel, or follow NHS 24 on Facebook and Twitter for the latest updates and tips.

The four key steps that Be Ready for Winter is recommending everyone take in preparation for their health this winter are:

Restock your winter medicine cabinet

Many children and adults pick up common winter ailments such as a cold or flu-like illness. These can often be effectively treated at home with readily available medicine. Parents are reminded to restock their medicine cabinet with remedies suitable for children.

Use your local pharmacy

Your local pharmacy is an accessible resource for you and your family. Your pharmacist can offer advice or help if you have run out of any prescribed medication. You can also collect medicine for minor ailments or illnesses.

Make sure you have repeat prescriptions.

If you or someone you care for requires medicines regularly, make sure you order and collect repeat prescriptions in good time to ensure you or your family have enough medicine to last over the Christmas holiday period.

Know when your GP surgery will be open

Your local doctor’s surgery will be open on Monday 31st December and closed for two days on Tuesday 1st and Wednesday 2nd January 2013.


A Christmas Tale


Santa was confused. “This isn’t the Pennywell I know. There used to be hundreds of happy boys and girls running around here – now the houses are boarded up and the streets are empty.”

Donkey, Santa’s special adviser, smiled. “Don’t worry, Santa, I know where the children are,” he said. “Times change. I remember many, many years ago – before there were any shops or houses, this area was all farmland. Fields stretched for miles, as far as the eye could see. This area was only built up around seventy or eighty years ago, but those houses were well past their best. Houses will be built here again and the children will come back to their new homes. As I say, times change – maybe one day it will revert back to farmland again. But this is Pennywell, Christmas 2012.”

Santa was relieved. “Thank goodness for that, I thought I was lost!” he said.

Donkey laughed. “I suppose you’re not getting any younger, Santa. You need all the help you can get. Guess what I’m getting you for Christmas?”

Santa shook his head.

“Sat Nav!” said Donkey, very pleased with himself.

“A sat nav? Why would I need a sat nav? I have a perfectly good team of reindeer who take me everywhere I have to go – it’s never been a problem, it’s worked for hundreds of years!” Santa spluttered.

“Calm down, Santa – watch your blood pressure! You know money is tight everywhere just now? Double dip recession and all that? We’re all in this together, remember? So maybe it’s time to downsize, cut back on your expenditure a bit? Reindeer are expensive to maintain and run and there are far more economical ways of getting around. Oh, and they stink!”

Santa paused, then replied: “They stink? Yes, well, that would be the exhaust emissions! I fed them Brussels sprout stew today – perhaps I need to look at that particular bio-fuel and come up with something more environmentally friendly! But replace the reindeer? Never! Call me old fashioned – you always do, anyway – but the reindeer are here to stay. Can you imagine how disappointed the children would be if they saw me flashing across the night sky in some new-fangled eco-vehicle? You can keep your economic forecasts and spreadsheets, but I’m keeping my reindeer. Balance the books by all means, but you can’t put a value on a child’s happy face at Christmas time – it’s priceless!”

Donkey thought long and hard. “You have a point, Santa. Perhaps there are other economies we could make. I shall work up some options and will present these to you in a Power Point presentation early in the New Year – and the reindeer will NOT be included in any cost-saving calculations. Perhaps we could even put it out to consultation or sound out some focus groups. Whatever, the traditional Christmas mode of transport will remain – you have my word.”

Donkey looked at his watch and continued: “Time marches on and we have presents to deliver. From Aaron to Zoe, I know where all the Pennywell children are living just now – I have a list in my Blackberry. They will be asleep, dreaming of a visit from Santa …”

“You are indeed a wise donkey!” said Santa. “We won’t let those children down – let’s deliver those presents. Ho! Ho! Ho!”

With that they were off – Santa, donkey, reindeer and sleigh flying high above Muirhouse …

“Donkey, are you jealous of the reindeer just because they have magnificent antlers and you only have big floppy ears?”

“Certainly not. They may have magnificent antlers, but my personal hygiene is impeccable and I don’t stink. And I have an iPad.”

And Santa’s jolly laugh rang out and echoed across the night sky …

Merry Christmas!SantasDonkey



Christmas vote for turkeys at Rainbow Club!

Rainbow1 They always tend to do things a wee bit different at Rainbow Club Christmas parties, and so it proved again this year. In the past we’ve had plays and pantomimes, but yesterday guests were treated to a very unusual fashion parade.

A collection of seasonal supermodels took to the catwalk in Drylaw Parish Church, and partygoers were asked to choose their favourite from a prime selection – a penguin, a Christmas cracker, a fairy, a reindeer or Santa, perhaps? Nope, the popular choice was … the turkey!

Let’s hope the poor bird enjoys what little time he has left!

Rainbow Daycare manager Jackie Brown said: “I was a great day and a lot of fun. I’d like to thank State Street (volunteers are pictured below), entertainer Stevie Desmond, all clients and carers for donations to the raffle and local businesses for kind donations. And a special thanks to the staff and volunteers for all their efforts.”Rainbow3

Santa puts icing on the cake for Dads Rock


Dads Rock have had a memorable year and last week’s Christmas Party put the icing on the cake.

After a lot of fundraising and preparation the group held their first ever Christmas party on 15 December. More than than forty kids were there, and when you add dads, mums, grandparents and friends – and one very special guest (pictured above)! – over 110 people attended.

It was a perfect end to a remarkable year for Dads Rock.

“From Dads Rock point of view it was very humbling and a great way to end the year – to see the joy on the kids faces was priceless! We’ve delivered 48 sessions this year – that’s 72 hours of playgroup and had over 80 dads come along, and 90 kids.  We’ve reached over 5000 people on Facebook, had over 10,500 hits on our blog and have nearly 800 twitter followers.  It’s been Amazeballs!”dadsrock_santa[2]

Anti-Violence Initiative This Weekend

Lothian and Borders Police will deploy extra officers in communities across the Force area this weekend, as part of an ongoing effort to deal with incidents of violence and disorder over the festive period.

Arrangements have been made for officers who normally fulfil departmental roles to be deployed in front-line response roles to bolster the police response to such incidents on one of the busiest weekends of the year.

A range of enforcement and preventative activity will be undertaken, with officers focusing their efforts on targeting domestic assault and alcohol-related violence across Edinburgh, the Lothians, and Scottish Borders.

Chief Superintendent Malcolm Graham, from Lothian and Borders Police, said: “As part of our ongoing effort to tackle all forms of violence in local communities, we are deploying substantial numbers of additional officers within communities across the Force area this weekend.

“The extra officers will provide a visible presence on our streets, and will help police deal swiftly and decisively with incidents of violence. There will be a particular focus on domestic abuse as part of this activity, in line with the ongoing Lothian and Borders Police campaign against domestic abuse over the festive period.

“Likewise, we are conscious that this is one of the busiest weekends of the year due to the numbers of revellers enjoying a night out with friends or colleagues before Christmas, and the deployment of extra officers will ensure that we are well equipped to deal with incidents of alcohol-related violence and disorder.”


The Centipede could run and run (and run and run and …)!

The Centipede Project are busy putting together a funding proposal to try for full-project funds when the Pilot project ends with a spectacular bash on Easter Sunday (31 March 2013).

Thanks to the hard work of many individuals and groups – not least of which was Edinburgh City Council in facilitating the bulb planting on the brownfield site in a very smooth and easy way – we are looking forward to a spectacular show in the spring.

Plans are in hand for a mini-glala style day, with local groups having stalls and displays; more planting to compliment our Hollywood Style ‘Muirhouse’ big buld plant; free BBQ; Easter Egg rolling … and who knows what else!

Before that, there will be the photographic display – if you have still to send in your photos taken on 12/12/12 get emailing:


Muirhouse Centipede Project


MOVE award for Oaklands

Jim AndersonOaklands School received the prestigious MOVE quality mark on Monday (17 December).   The presentation was made by Paralympic swimmer Jim ‘The Swim’ Anderson OBE (pictured above), who unveiled a flag to mark the event.

Nigel Carter, CEO of The  MOVE Partnership was extremely  impressed with the results of the assessment of Oaklands School and how it has  developed and integrated the MOVE programme as well as the impact it has had on  the pupils.  He said “Oaklands School showed the best evidence of good practice  I have ever seen”.

Councillor Paul Godzik, Education,  Children and Families Convener said, “This really is an outstanding achievement  for Oaklands and I would to congratulate everyone involved for this and all the  hard work put in by pupils, staff and parents.  To be the first in Edinburgh to  receive this award is a fantastic achievement I and hope other schools will look  to follow in their foot steps.”

The assessment took place on the 18 September last, to  assess the implementation and quality of the MOVE programme in the school.  It  is an inclusive award that recognises good practice and progress in the MOVE  principles. Consequently, Oaklands was awarded the MOVE Quality Mark and invited  to become a MOVE Regional Centre of Excellence, the 18th in Europe  and 3rd in Scotland.

Nigel Carter, CEO of The  MOVE Partnership said, “When we visited here to assess the school in September I  was really impressed; Oaklands School showed the best evidence of good practice  I have ever seen.  We have awarded them the quality mark to recognise this and I  would like to commend them for their efforts as we look forward to working  together further in the future.”

Jim Anderson, former  paralympian swimmer was on hand to help with the unveiling of the MOVE flag  today and spent some time speaking with pupils and staff after the  event.

MOVE (Movement for Learning  and Life) helps children who have complex disabilities to:

  • Acquire and maintain  increased independence in sitting, standing, walking and transferring,
  • Learn, gain and maintain  more mobility through transference of skills and
  • Experience better health,  enhanced personal dignity, improved communication skills and access to  education.

Increased abilities in  sitting, standing and walking decrease the burden of care for families and care  providers. These increased abilities also bring new opportunities for greater  participation and involvement in family life and for inclusion into the wider  community.

MOVE is a programme shown  to improve functional mobility skills and empower children and adults who have  complex physical and learning disabilities to better direct their own lives. The  MOVE Programme uses a family/person centred approach to develop functional  mobility, based on current theory and research in education, therapy,  biomechanics and motor science.

Oaklands Head Teacher Maureen Mathieson said: “This is a very special day for Oaklands and we are all absolutely delighted to receive the MOVE quality mark.”
