Scottish Gas support for MS Therapy Centre

Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Therapy Centre in Edinburgh has been adopted by Scottish Gas as its local charity partner. Scottish Gas Business Services in Granton has pledged to help the MS Therapy Centre for at least the next 12 months through fundraising activities, providing IT support, refreshing the website and by staff volunteering at the Centre itself.

It is estimated that there are approximately 2300 people in The Lothians alone who live with Multiple Sclerosis.The MS Therapy Centre, which covers Edinburgh, Fife, The Lothians and The Borders,costs £180,000 to run per year with the majority of this money coming from fundraising and charitable donations.

David Stewart, HR Manager at Scottish Gas said: “Scottish Gas isproud to support the MS Therapy Centre Lothian as its local charity partner.  Over the next year, our people will hold fundraising and volunteering activities for a fantastic cause that helps so many people living with MS.”

Carole Macartney, Chairperson, MS Therapy Centre said: “This announcement is going to make such a difference to the people who use the Centre and also to our amazing team of volunteers.  I am looking forward to meeting the Scottish Gas staff as the partnership grows and would like to thank them very much for nominating the MS Therapy Centre as their charity partner.”

Scottish Gas has already raised £180 through a raffle among its Granton HQ staff and is organising a programme of further fundraising events.

Help Samaritan’s Purse Deliver its 100 Millionth Shoebox this Christmas

Samaritan’s Purse is calling on all churches, schools, workplaces, families and individuals in Edinburgh & Midlothian to help achieve a remarkable milestone – delivering their 100 millionth gift-filled shoebox during this year’s Operation Christmas Child (OCC) campaign. 

Over the past 22 years, through OCC, Samaritan’s Purse has delivered 94 million shoeboxes to needy children in over 100 countries.  To lift this total to 100 million and beyond, the charity is asking everyone in their communities to use creative ways to reach this target in time for November 18th, the final date for donors to hand in their gift-filled shoeboxes.

Edinburgh and Midlothian Area Coordinator for Operation Christmas Child, June Vasey says: “We are one of the UK’s largest annual children’s charity projects, distributing over one million gift-filled shoeboxes to needy children at Christmas time last year. The challenge for us now is to grow Edinburgh and Midlothian’s contribution to this global programme, so we’re asking everyone across the region to help us achieve that.

“We are already finding throughout Edinburgh and Midlothian many individuals and groups are creatively going the extra mile in a number of ways including hosting coffee mornings, special concerts and shoebox parties.  It’s a great way to get people together and pack their shoeboxes and it’s really helping us towards our 100 million challenge.”

Samaritan’s Purse has also come up with another creative idea by asking everyone to email photographs of them holding up the shoeboxes they’ve packed, which will form one giant mosaic on the charity’s Facebook page of a child overseas holding their shoebox.

June Vasey said: “We hope this will help people visualise the impact of what each person’s shoebox can achieve in the life of a child.  It’s not about the 100 million number that’s so significant, but that each individual child will know that someone in the UK cares about them this Christmas.”

Find out how you can be part of the 100 Million Shoebox Challenge by visiting for instructions on how to complete a gift-filled shoebox before the 18 November deadline.


Accredited transport training at PEP

Pilton Equalities Project (PEP) is offering accredited transport training courses next month.

PEP is registered with the Community Transport Association funded through the City of Edinburgh Council and recognised as the community transport operator for the North Edinburgh quadrant. We are a partner of the Edinburgh Community Transport Operators Group (ECTOG)  – PEP, Dove Transport, SEAG, LCTS, & Handicabs.

PATS stands for Passenger Assistants Training Scheme, and has been developed for those people who undertake the role of passenger assistant (also known as escorts). The PATS programme is relevant for passenger assistants working in cars, minicabs, taxis, minibuses, large buses and coaches.

PATS is open to any organisation that employs, uses or supplies passenger assistants. An organisation does not have to be a member of the MiDAS training scheme to use the Passenger Assistant Training Scheme, and the training is also open to any organisation that uses volunteers as passenger assistants.

Limited places are available for the training, which takes place on

Wednesday 12 December at PEP in West Pilton Park.

MiDAS is the nationally recognised Minibus Driver Awareness training Scheme, organised by the Community Transport Association U.K. (CTA) which promotes a nationally recognised standard for the assessment and training of minibus drivers. It is a membership based scheme that is designed to enhance minibus driving standards and promote the safer operation of minibuses,

It comprises low cost classroom-based training, plus an on-road driving assessment, as well as optional Passenger Assistance training (PAT’s) for drivers who will be transporting passengers with disabilities

Criteria: (a) Aged over 21 years and (b) held a full Driving Licence for 2 years.

The MIDAS training course takes place on Thursday 13 December.

Interested? Contact PEP trainers Theodora or Brian on 315 4466 or email or for further information.

Thunderclap encourages cycberspace to observe Remembrance Sunday silence

Twitter and Facebook could fall silent this weekend as The Royal British Legion launches a campaign to extend Remembrance Sunday’s two-minute silence to the online community.

Facebook and Twitter users will be encouraged to observe the silence by using Thunderclap, a new ‘crowdspeaking’ social media tool that allows users to issue a message simultaneously across social media channels.

The Royal British Legion is the first UK organisation to use the new tool, and the charity is encouraging people to visit and click on the link to the Two Minute Silence Thunderclap page. They can show their support by clicking to authorise their social media accounts to send the tweet or message that reads: ‘I’ll be remembering the fallen at 11 o’clock #2MinuteSilence #LestWeForget” at 9am on Sunday 11 November.’

When they sign up, their Twitter or Facebook feed will display the message: ‘I won’t forget to Remember on 11.11.11 Will you? #2MinuteSilence.’ It is hoped that, through retweets and online “liking” and sharing of the message it will reach many more of the UK’s ten million Twitter and 33 million Facebook users.

Helen Hill, head of remembrance at the Royal British Legion said: “We hope to create the largest ever show of online remembrance by using the communicative power of social media to remind millions of Britons that they have a very personal opportunity to honour the men and women who paid the ultimate sacrifice.”

The act of observing a two-minute silence began in 1919 following the signing of the Armistice that brought the First World War to an end at 11am on 11 November 1918. Up to 37 million people were killed or wounded in the conflict.

See previous post We will remember them

Will you be observing the two-minute silence? Is it important to you? Let us know

Get set for Christmas with the MS Therapy Centre

With Christmas less than two months away, the Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Therapy Centre in Leith is hoping that shoppers will get ahead of the game and visit its first annual Christmas Fayre.

The event, takes place from 10.30am until 12.30pm next Saturday (10 November ) at the Craighall Centre, 210 Ferry Road, Edinburgh and is a chance to pick up some early Christmas stocking-fillers, cards or home baking.

It is estimated that there are approximately 2300 people in The Lothians alone who live with Multiple Sclerosis.The MS Therapy Centre which covers Edinburgh, Fife, the Lothians and Borders provides help and practical therapies such as physiotherapy and oxygen therapy as well as emotional support and advice.

It costs £180,000 per year to run the Centre – most of which comes from donations and events like the Christmas Fayre.

Katharine Jackson, Operational Manager, MS Therapy Centre said: “I am sure that our Christmas Fayre will bring a touch of early Christmas Magic to shoppers.  We are in the process of refreshing our ageing physiotherapy equipment, so this is a vital fundraising event for us.

“In previous years, we have managed to raise around £3000 with a combination of our raffle and coffee mornings and this year, with our Christmas Fayre, we’re hoping to do even better.  We will be holding a raffle with some great prizes and some of our volunteers, members and their families will be baking delicious home-made cakes.  So, it’s a great chance to relax with a coffee, buy some gifts and know that the money raised helps local people who use the MS Therapy Centre.”

Tickets for the Christmas Fayre are £3.00 per person, which includes refreshments and can be bought at the door on the day, or from the MS Therapy Centre, Swanfield, Edinburgh.

South African activist speaks in city tonight

A prominent South African activist is to address a meeting in Edinburgh tonight. Lindela Figlan, vice president of the Shack Dwellers Movement in South Africa, will speak on “Land and Housing in the City”. 

The speaker will describe the struggle of some of the poorest people in South Africa to win access to land and to basic rights such as provision of water, electricity, sanitation, healthcare and refuse removal.

The Shack Dwellers hit the international headlines through their resistance to forced evictions.  When the government has wished to use land occupied by shanty towns for commercial developments the residents in the movement have refused to move, insisting on the right to a home and to land.

Lindela insists: “Land has to be distributed according to social need and not according to who has money. … Every land occupation is a small step towards making this a country for all who live in it and breaking the power of money over land.”

The meeting, at Out of the Blue Arts Centre in Dalmeny Street, starts at 7pm. Admission free.

Minister urges safety first on Bonfire Night

Community Safety Minister Roseanna Cunningham has urged communities across Scotland to enjoy a safe Bonfire Night and ease the pressure on emergency services at their busiest time of the year. She encouraged the public to attend organised fireworks displays, allowing families to enjoy a safe spectacle, while reducing demands on frontline fire & rescue resources.

Bonfire Night is also a time which can see a rise in the number of attacks on firefighters.

Ms Cunningham said: “For the majority of people, Bonfire Night is a time to enjoy family fun with a few sparklers or to go to a bonfire party. I would also encourage parents and carers to make sure that they know the whereabouts of their children this weekend and on Bonfire Night, and to attend one of the host of events which I know have been organised across Scotland. I want everyone to enjoy this traditional family celebration safely.

“However, we know from past years that for a mindless minority it is an opportunity to attack or harass those who are there to protect them. We will not tolerate this. It is to be welcomed that attacks on firefighters decreased last year and I hope that this trend continues. Our fire and rescue service do a valuable job and should be able to carry out their duties free from assault or harassment. We support police and prosecutors to use the full force of the law to bring anyone guilty of such offences to justice.”

Figures for 2011-12 recorded 112 incidents where attacks on fire fighters occurred; this was a decrease of 60 incidents (35 per cent) from 2010-11.

Ms Cunningham spoke ahead of a week in which she will attend a meeting of the new Scottish Fire and Rescue Service Board in Perth on Monday (5 November) before launching the Scottish Government’s festive fire safety campaign on Thursday (8 November). This will spread the message of the importance of fire safety in the home.

Alasdair Hay, Chief Officer for Scotland’s new national Fire and Rescue Service, said:

“This is the busiest time of the year for firefighters and support staff working in the fire and rescue service. Our staff are committed to the task of keeping communities safe as they celebrate Guy Fawkes night. Our key priorities are public safety and firefighter safety. Please follow our fire safety advice to reduce the likelihood of an accidental injury or fire. Our advice is that attending an organised bonfire and fireworks display is the best way to have fun in a safe environment.

“Remember too that our crews are there to keep you safe and protect communities. Sadly we often see a rise in anti-social behaviour and violence towards crews responding to bonfire calls. This will not be tolerated and we will work closely with our colleagues in the police to report offenders. Talk to your children about the important role firefighters fulfil in local communities and make sure we are not hindered in our ability to respond to emergencies. Have a great, safe November 5th.”

Community celebrates rapid rise of Blackhall Athletic

Broughton High School was the venue for a reception to mark the formation of a new local football club last night. It’s been a meteoric rise – six months ago Blackhall Athletic didn’t exist, but now has teams playing in three football leagues!  

Club chairman John Adams explained: “Blackhall Athletic really came about through conversations in the pub! A number of parents were talking in the Blackhall Lounge – their kids were members of a team but the boys were not always getting a game. Everyone agreed that it was important that the kids get a chance to enjoy taking part in sport, no matter their abilities. It was from those conversations that the idea for the club was born”.

John (pictured above) is retired, but remains very active within the community and he was ‘coerced’ into helping parents set up a new football team for boys from Blackhall and the surrounding neighbourhoods. In August, just months later, Blackhall Athletic had three teams playing league football.

That’s a cause for celebration and last night parents, coaches and players got together at Blackhall Athletic’s Broughton High School home to say thanks to the people who made it all possible – Carey, Peri, Blackhall Sports Committee, Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership and Craigleith Blackhall Community Council have all showed their support for the new club through sponsorship.

John added: “We’ve received tremendous support from a number of sources. To make a success of something like this you really need two things – money and dedicated people to volunteer their support. It’s been quite  lot of hard work but we have both in place and we’re now able to offer young people the opportunity to come along and get involved, enjoy a game of organised football whatever your skill level. We will never be results driven – Blackhall Athletic is very much a community football club, all about sporting endeavour and playing the game in the right spirit. Everything is set up for the boys now – we have good coaches and the facilities here at Broughton are first class.”

Robert Ure (pictured below) is the Active Schools coordinator based at Broughton High School’s Sports hub. He told guests: “Blackhall Athletic is the first club to be launched from the hub here so this is a very exciting time. We are delighted to host Blackhall Athletic, and I’m delighted they have made their home here at Broughton. Our aim is to offer sporting activities for everyone – we provide a wide range of sporting opportunities with lots of different options, from dance to rugby and everything in between, so come along and give it a try!”

Blackhall Athletics has two Under Tens teams and an Under Thirteen squad side too. Given their meteoric rise, don’t rule out more teams and age groups being added to that list some time soon!