Centipede to spread Christmas cheer with photo event

Muirhouse Centipede Project have come up with a ‘cracker’ of an idea …

Love at first sight?
Love at first sight?

12.12.12 Hope-Peace-Love-Joy Photographic Event

Take a digital photograph some time during the 24 hours of 12/12/12 that captures something of the Advent themes of Love, Joy, Hope or Peace. Send your photo, together with your name and age and 100 words or less telling us about your photograph to centipedephotos@gmail.com no later than 31 December 2012.

Prizes for the best in categories pre-school age; primary school age; secondary school age, 18-65, and 65+.

An exhibition of the entries and winners will be held in the North Edinburgh Arts Centre in early spring 2013.

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer