Billy Anderson: an appreciation

Billy, second fom left, with North Edinburgh’s Social Action Research Group

Given the service took place across the other side of town, many local people made the journey to Mortonhall Crematorium last week to celebrate the life of Billy Anderson, who died on 6 August . Billy might have been secretly proud of all the attention, but he probably would have said: ‘this is a load of crap!’ or ‘what’s a’ the fuss aboot?’ That was Billy.

Billy was a hugely likeable character – grumpy and huffy, sure, and I’ll always remember with affection his regular comic fall outs with his pal John Davidson  – but William Nelson Anderson was a man who above all enjoyed company and who loved to laugh.

It’s fair to say there was a time when Billy didn’t have a lot to laugh about. The youngest of five children (he had a twin who died), family life was shattered when Billy’s mother died when he was only twelve. Billy sometimes talked about the dark years that followed, and while he often made light of it life could not have been easy for Billy as a boy and young man. He talked of sleeping under London Bridge looking up at the stars – it’s a romantic image, but it masks the ever-present danger and misery of being alone, hungry and homeless in London. These must sometimes have been desperate days, and the fact that he survived the ordeal with his sanity – and even sense of humour – intact says a lot about Billy.

Billy was the guy who only planned to stop in Muirhouse for a wee while and ended up staying thirty years, and he certainly made his mark over that time. While he’d lost touch with his real-life family, Billy managed to create himself a new one as he became part of the Muirhouse community. He became involved in a number of community activities – he was a member of his tenants group and went on to become an Edinburgh Tenants Federation executive committee member alongside his friend, Birnie’s Court neighbour (and ‘Ayatollah’!) Betty Stevenson. Billy also took the opportunity to participate in training courses in North Edinburgh – he was an enthusiastic and forthright contributor at courses run by Pilton Partnership and Granton Information Centre. And if there was a community event Billy was there – particularly if it had a social afterwards!

In recent years Billy was perhaps best known for his involvement in Muirhouse Millennium Centre – he was part of the original steering group and he stuck with the Centre all the way through, the cafe was his kingdom. The Millennium Centre was like a second home for Billy; it was a huge part of his life and the centre staff, members and volunteers were Billy’s family. It just won’t be the same dropping into Muirhouse Millennium Centre now – Billy was always there, delighted to share the latest gossip, rumour and scandal with an evil cackle!

At last week’s funeral service, Lesley Hinds read a number of touching tributes from friends and colleagues: 

Where do you start? 

Billy wasn’t your everyday guy – when you said ‘good morning’ to him he would say ‘what’s good about it?’ and ‘it was morning when I came in!’. Billy would not have been the person we all loved if he didn’t wind you up!

His stories were amazing, and if he’d written them down they would have given him a best seller.

Billy’s café, as we all knew it, was his special place. Whether it was soup, bacon rolls, pasta or puddings (although you didn’t want to try his custard!) he loved cooking.

Billy volunteered in the Centre for eleven years but was very active in getting the Centre built.

Bus Pass Billy became his new name when hr turned sixty and thought it was great as he could go for the messages jumping on and off the buses as he pleased! Although he did get carried away when he was going up to Craigleith – he ended up at The Bridges only to come all the way back using three different buses!

Everyone has good memories of Billy as he was that kind of man – whether you are young or old he touched everyone’s heart in some way. The passing of Billy has had a massive impact on everyone as it was so unexpected. The Centre doesn’t feel the same at the moment, but as he used to say ‘everybody’s got to die’; that was Billy, living every day and enjoying it.

He once said ‘naebody will care when ah’m deid’ – well Billy, you were wrong; we all care and we will never forget you as you gave us so many memories to remember you by. Take care Billy and keep an eye on us all.

Your Family and Friends at the Millennium Centre

My Memories of You, Billy

When we first met, Billy, many years ago I knew you were a character – you had such a sense of humour, you were never afraid to speak your mind and you did not care who it was! We went to so many meetings together over the years, and still were until your sudden departure. You had a colourful life – you joined the Hari Krishnas for five years and you even slept under London Bridge for a time – you said you enjoyed it and it was an experience. I tried to get you to write a book about it – you did start it, Billy, but you did not take it any further.

When we went to Edinburgh Tenants Federation Executive meetings you used to say to me: ‘get it finished before 9pm as my programme is on the telly then!’ We brought in New Year together and watched the fireworks but last year you fell asleep, and for that you got an ear-bashing from Leanne! Leanne asked me the other day if yo would still see the fireworks – I said you will have a better view than anyone!

I remember when you took your first heart attack over ten years ago – we had been at a meeting in the church, and when we came out you looked terrible. I asked what was wrong: you said it was indigestion and blamed it on the vicar’s tea, saying it was stewed!

When you got the flat next door to me you were happy and said you felt safe, but you continued to have trouble with your heart, diabetes and high blood pressure – but you would not slow down, you said you’d be bored. You loved working with the young kids and their mothers at the Millennium Centre and even gave some of them cooking lessons.

Billy, you had a few nicknames for me; some I would not dare repeat but the latest one was Her Next Door Who Must Be Obeyed! You loved it when you got your bus pass – not having to pay fares, it was like you had won the Lottery!

I always said you were a free spirit, Billy, and you were – you lived your life the way you wanted to. I hope you are now free from pain and at peace. I for one will miss you. As well as a neighbour you were a friend and I will always remember you as that. Rest in peace, dear friend.

Betty Stevenson

Billy was an activist who worked hard for his area. He was always there in the background but when it mattered his voice would be heard, Billy came to Muirhouse as a visitor and ended up staying for 30 years. Billy has left his mark in Muirhouse, North Edinburgh and Edinburgh.

Councillor Lesley Hinds

I don’t remember the first time I met Billy but I was surprised to learn that he was only a member of the (Edinburgh Tenants Federation) Executive Committee for five years, as it feels like he has been a part of the Federation for ever!

Billy was always good fun and had a wicked sense of humour. He would come out with a comment at just the wrong moment and have me spluttering when I was trying to be serious! Billy was particularly good with helium, having lots of fun when helping to set up for our social events! I am going to miss him.

Mary Cockburn

I loved Billy’s wicked sense of humour. I enjoyed his company at EC meetings and in particular at the High Flats meetings where he would always arrange refreshments. The people of Muirhouse have lost a hardworking and dedicated volunteer. Rest in peace, Billy, you will be sorely missed.

Mark Henry

Billy was a lovely guy who knew how to work the (ETF) staff; he always praised the staff reports by calling for us to be rewarded with extra holidays and pay rises – really he knew that this would earn him extra drinks tickets at social events!

Justine Bradd

I think of Billy as a quiet man with a great sense of humour and deep compassion for humanity. Billy was quiet in the sense that he had a peace about him – he was thoughtful, content and at one with his place in the world.

Billy seemed to have a strong spiritual side – I remember him telling me stories about his life as a Hare Krishna monk, we had conversations about the Dalai Lama’s visit to Edinburgh and how his message of peace could fit into this fast-paced, individualistic world.

That spiritual side fitted well with Billy’s passion for social justice. He cared about people, and especially people who were vulnerable. Maybe that’s what made him such a committed community activist – he fought injustice by being involved in community groups – to make a difference.

Billy was a very intelligent man, with a lot of life experience and a willingness to share his wit and wisdom with others in his own quiet way. He was fun to be around as well – he had great stories to tell about his life in Edinburgh and in London, and he wasn’t one to mince his words, either. If he had a strong view about something, you’d hear it! ‘What a load of shite!’ he would often say if something wasn’t to his pleasing! And his views were often proved right!

I worked with Billy on the ETF’s 20th Anniversary planning group, where we organised a big plan of events to celebrate this milestone. Billy was really positive, coming up with lots of creative ideas and keeping us focused by chopping us down and telling is to ‘get real’ when our ideas got a bit too mad!

I’ll remember Billy as being a supportive Executive Committee member for ETF. He was really funny and brought a lot of knowledge to the table. Wherever he is now, I’m sure he’ll be swearing about Betty being the Ayatollah! Their ‘love/hate’ relationship was comedy gold to watch, especially because you knew they were great friends and neighbours behind the hilarious banter. Billy will be warmly remembered and sorely missed.

Clare MacGillivray

A collection following Billy’s memorial service at Mortonhall raised £371.06p for the British Heart Foundation. There is some speculation about who donated the 6p!

What a waste! Recycling sites added to Drylaw agenda

Drylaw Telford Community Council will discuss an extra business item when they meet tomorrow evening at Drylaw neighbourhood Centre – members will be asked to consider suitable locations sites for recycling sites.

A list of suggestions provided by the council (see below) includes one site on Ferry Road and a further five in Wester Drylaw Place and Drive.

DTCC chair Alex Dale said: “Councillor Lesley Hinds has asked if this could be discussed at next DTCC meeting. This is in  response to questions raised at the last Inverleith Neighbourhood Partnership meeting on 13 August and by residents’  approaches to her following the council’s changes to waste uplifts. Although the  sites pinpointed on the map are all in Wester Drylaw we need to try to identify  areas in both Easter Drylaw & Telford too”.

The meeting starts at 7pm – all welcome.

W Drylaw Recycling

Say what you see for Macmillan!

COMEDIAN and Catchphrase presenter Roy Walker has teamed up with Macmillan Cancer Support to encourage Scots to help raise more than £10m by having a coffee. The charity hopes people across the country will take part in its 22nd World’s Biggest Coffee Morning next month by arranging their own coffee mornings. Macmillan hopes to raise £10.7m across the UK, around £1m of the target sum being collected in Scotland.

Local dads off to Holyrood!

Malcolm and son

Two local men will feature in a photographic exhibition at the Scottish Parliament next month. Dads Alex Newport and Malcolm Borthwick and their families are part of the ‘In Dad’s Shoes’ exhibition being staged by the father’s group Dad’s Rock.

Wester Drylaw’s Alex and Malcolm, who lives in Granton, are members of a North Edinburgh group set up specifically for dads. Based at the Haven Project in Craigroyston Primary School, the father’s group is run by Circle Scotland’s Nick Smithers.

Alex and family

Nick explained:  “The exhibition comprises of photos of all kinds of dads and their children, telling their own stories through photos and with words. The images show a variety of differing stages of being a father, ultimately the aim is to highlight positive, caring images of dads and their children. The exhibition has been on view at Eteaket during July and August, and, complemented  with added new material, will go to Holyrood next month.”

Previously on display south of the border following an official launch at the House of Lords in June, Dads Rock and Fathers Network Scotland worked in conjunction with Dads House to bring this unique photo exhibition to Scotland. It’s hoped that the display will continue to tour Scotland after the Holyrood exhibition.

Boys Brigade on parade at gala

The 66th Edinburgh Boys Brigade, based at Muirhouse St Andrew’s Parish Church, had a stall at the first ever West Pilton and Muirhouse Gala yesterday. Captain Andrew Hay is hopeful that the company’s attendance at the event will help boost numbers, particularly with a special anniversary on the horizon. 

Andrew said: “We have a catchment of both the  Muirhouse and West Pilton areas and we were there to make our presence known, both to try to recruit more boys and also to try to get in touch with any ex-members as our 50th anniversary is next year. The leaders had a great day and we successfully reminded many local organisations and families the Boys’ Brigade is still strong in this part of Edinburgh.”

For further information on the local Boys Brigade company go to:

Missing bird returned to Edinburgh Zoo

Edinburgh Zoo have today confirmed that Cherry the Scarlet ibis has been safely caught and returned to the Zoo.

The Zoo were inundated with calls last week from locals as Cherry had set up home at Silverknowes Beach. Zoo staff spent days sitting in the area waiting on the bird to come down from the trees, their patience paid off and on Sunday and she was recaptured.

Cherry the Scarlet Ibis had set up home at Silverknowes Beach. (Picture: Thomas Brown)

Colin Oulton, Team Leader of the bird section at Edinburgh Zoo, Said:

“It’s really quite surprising how far the Scarlet ibis flew, eventually ending up at the shore at Cramond. Being flock birds, you would expect them to stay quite close to the rest of the flock.

“During her time away from the Zoo, the escapee bird took to perching in places that made it a tad more difficult to recapture her, so we had to wait for the best time to make our move.  We always knew that it wouldn’t be a straightforward or easy task to recapture her, and that it would take a little time and patience…and luckily it paid off, as we were able to do just that after a few attempts to encourage her towards a carry box with some mussels and prawns.

“The bird has been quite relaxed about the whole thing, choosing to stay in the Cramond area probably as it is quite close to the seashore.  The ibis will have been able to go down onto the mudflats and most likely catch food for herself.

“I would definitely say that she has a curious nature and I’m sure she has a great story to tell the rest of the Scarlet ibis flock when she returns to them later this week.  Although she seems to be in perfect health, we’re just carrying out some routine tests, and after four to five days in quarantine, she’ll be reunited with the other birds after her mini adventure across Edinburgh.”

Watch our video below of Cherry avoiding recapture.




Sun shines on West Pilton and Muirhouse gala day

Organisers players were answered yesterday when the rain stayed away and the sun came out for the West Pilton and Muirhouse Community Gala. Forth One’s Grant Stott got the party started and hundreds of local residents came to West Pilton Park to enjoy both the sunshine and the entertainment on offer.

Congratulations to the organisers for staging a first class event. (And thank goodness it wasn’t scheduled to take place today!)

Some gala pictures:

Civil Service Stroll to next round of Scottish Cup

Local football club Civil Service Strollers are through to the next round of the Scottish Cup after they comfortably seen of Dumfries side Newtown Stewart on Saturday. Civil had many chances in the first half but it took until half an hour into the game to hit the net, Darren Aird was left unmarked at the back post and when the ball was whipped in he headed home from close range.

Civil Service Strollers are into the round of the Scottish Cup and could face Rangers.

After the interval Newton Stewart started to get back into the game but found it impossible to score any goals. Craig Pinnon then doubled Civil’s lead when he was played in by Ross Aitchison and Pinnon fired home from close range. Stewart O’Neill then broke away from the defence and his powerful shot nestled low in the corner of the net. O’Neill got his second of the match after Eddie Mearns went on aterrific run down the wing and squared to O’Neill who prodded home from close range.

Civil manager Chic McAleavy took part in an interview after the game with us and you can listen to this by clicking the link below.

[gigya src=”” flashvars=”” width=”400″ height=”160″ allowFullScreen=”true” wmode=”transparent”]

Spartans Scottish Cup disappointment

Spartans crashed out of the Scottish Cup on Saturday after losing 2-0 to Highland League side Wick Academy.

Spartans started nervously but came into the game as the half progressed. Keith McLeod went close with two efforts as Spartans began to look dangerous midway though the first half, but it was all to change when Ali McKinnon went off with a head knock on the half hour mark. McKinnon headed off for stitches as the half was all set to peter out. As the first half went into injury time Spartans failed to clear a corner and Wick took the lead. Only a minute later and it was two, Spartans failed to defend another corner and the Wick striker knocked the ball home from two yards.

Manager Douglas Samuel told the club’s website: “Goals change football matches. More often than not the first goal in any game is key. Yesterday, I made a big call which cost cost us dearly. We lost 2 goals in 2 mins when down to 10 men, both in 1st half injury time. Up until corner one, we were comfortable in a game where I felt we had developed the upperhand.

However, history will show that it was an error of judgement on my part, when electing to go with 10 men until Ali received treatment, that cost us (as Sir Clive Woodward said,‘winning doesn’t happen in a straight line’). Wick have some talented players, were unrecognisable to the team I watched the week before (we wish them well in the next round and for the season as a whole).

Dougie Samuel is hoping his side can bounce back next week when they are away to Civil Service Strollers.

I will learn from yesterday’s experience, as a group we will bank the lessons learned from yesterday together and move on. This team and many of the young, inexperienced players in the squad best years are in front of them. I remain confident that each player will improve during the course of the season and beyond, that our side will develop and grow. It’s unfair to compare new signings or players coming through with the star players that have left in recent years, we are comparing players at different stages in their career and development.

Yesterday was a blow, our Club has not tasted a Scottish Cup run for a few seasons now…I’m fully aware of what it means to everyone involved with the Club. It was sad to see so many E of S Clubs fall at the first hurdle, I’m sure most of them will have their own ’if only’ moments to reflect back on. In the end we fell short in terms of execution and meeting our expectations of ourselves yesterday, but not in terms of effort and application.

Our league campaign starts next Saturday vs. The Strollers away (who along with The Vale and Edinburgh City enjoyed a great result yesterday – I’m delighted for all 3 Clubs), when we have a chance to bounce back.”