Locals not converted by Accies plans

Stockbridge traders and residents have vowed to fight Edinburgh Academicals’ latest plans to upgrade their Raeburn Place home. The rugby club wants to build a new 5000 spectator venue – but it’s their plans to add up to nine retail units as part of the redevelopment that’s causing consternation in Stockbridge. 

The club has been tried unsuccessfully to upgrade it’s situation for ten years now. Edinburgh Accies and Festival Inns finally got planning permission in 2005 following a three year planning impasse but that development fell through. Then in 2010 new plans were tabled for a clubhouse and 52 bed hotel but these also came to nothing.

The latest plans for a ‘sensitive redevelopment’ would see a modern sports centre with boutique-style outlets fronting on to Comely Bank Road, with a series of clubhouse suites and function rooms as well as tiers of seats constructed above the units to face on to the pitches. A new rugby museum would also be created in adjacent Portgower Place. 

At a packed public meeting organised by Stockbridge Inverleith Community Council to discuss the plans on 18 July, Edinburgh Accies insisted their latest proposals are necessary to secure the club’s future, but assurances that the club will work with the local community were dismissed by some participants as ‘pure spin’ The packed meeting in LifeCare House was clearly divided on the club’s plans – many are in favour but just as many seem implacably opposed.

Frank Spratt, executive chairman of Accies, said the development should be seen as an opportunity for the local area and will bring benefits to both the club and the wider community. He said: “Edinburgh Accies is as proud of being part of Stockbridge as we are of our role in the history of Scottish rugby. Our proposals are one are be one of the most ambitious proposals made by any community enterprise in Edinburgh. They will secure the future for EAFC in Stockbridge; creating jobs as well as enhancing Stockbridge as a tourist destination with a new museum of rugby. We are delighted to work with the local community to deliver the highest quality proposals possible for enhancing the area.”

However Ann McLeod, a founding member of Save our Stockbridge, a group created to fight the proposals, said: ’Our group is for everyone who is against a 5000 seater stadium being built in Stockbridge in the centre of Edinburgh. The stadium is to be built over the historic rugby grounds at Raeburn Place. These are the oldest rugby grounds in Scotland and the site of the first ever international rugby match. The area is surrounded by beautiful Victorian and Georgian buildings. It has a unique skyline across to Inverleith Park and beyond to Botanic gardens. I fear that a monstrosity of glass and steel would destroy this skyline and blight this historic area.”

She continued: ‘The current pitches are well used and well-loved by the community. The proposed stadium will require thousands of parking spaces and room for the structure itself, so one of the two historic rugby pitches would almost certainly be lost. Retail outlets are planned as part of the stadium. The Stockbridge area already has empty shops. I believe this massive development would destroy the character of the area. I believe this would adversely affect local businesses and reduce property prices. The chaos generated on the main road by the thousands of cars coming out of the stadium does not appear to have been considered. The drunken hospitality nights would also be unpleasant; there is already a problem with this. There is also concern about the historic walls and protected trees around this ground. This development is madness and totally out of proportion – Edinburgh Accies need to think again.’

Following public consultation, a planning application will be submitted. If this is approved by the city council’s planning committee, Edinburgh Accies hopes to complete the project by summer 2014.

The controversial proposals were on the agenda at Stockbridge Inverleith Community Council meeting on 15 August, but no decision could be made. Community Council chairman Steven Brennan explained: “Frank (Spratt) stated that the Accies application will be another three weeks, so we need to see the final proposal before we take a view on it. We will let you know when the application is submitted so people can form their own opinions.”

Edinburgh Accies is Scotland’s oldest rugby club and their Raeburn Place home was the venue for the first ever Scotland v England rugby international in 1871. It seems that hard-fought battles will continue for some time to come – and perhaps in committee rooms as well as on the pitch.

Inverleith loses out as rain forces fireworks rethink

Bad weather has forced the organisers of the Edinburgh’s end of festival fireworks concert to move its family viewing area from Inverleith Park into the city centre.

Big screens and loudspeakers are usually set up in Inverleith Park to allow more people to enjoy the annual finale, but the park is waterlogged in places after persistent heavy rain and cannot be used for Sunday night’s event.

Viewing areas will now be set up on Waverley Bridge and to the north of Princes Street instead.

Waverley Bridge will close to traffic for the first time this year to provide more space for people to gather and becomes an official viewing area for the first time, and speakers will also be installed to relay the music played by the Scottish Chamber Orchestra as the fireworks are set off over Edinburgh Castle.

There will also be another viewing area on the north of Princes Street, between Castle Street and Frederick Street, for families and people with disabilities.

The Edinburgh International Festival said it would put a proportion of its allocation of Princes Street Gardens tickets on sale tomorrow (Thursday) at 10am rather than the day before the display, as is usually the case, to help those who had planned on going to Inverleith Park to make alternative arrangements.

Meeting reminders

Reminders of some local meetings taking place this week:

Tonight (Wednesday 29 August):


Extraordinary general meeting to wind up the organisation takes place at 6pm in Royston Wardieburn Community Centre, Pilton Drive North. All welcome.


Regular monthly business meeting at 7pm in Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre off Groathill Road North. All welcome.

Tomorrow (Thursday 30 August):


Monthly meeting at North Edinburgh Arts Centre 6pm. All welcome.


Annual general meeting in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre at 6.30pm. All welcome.

Keep us posted about any meetings you think our readers should know about!



LEAP on the hunt for new home

Lothian and Edinburgh Abstinence Programme (LEAP) is on the lookout for a new home following a Church of Scotland decision to terminate the lease of Malta House, LEAP’s base since it was set up five years ago. 

Dr David McCartney, Clinical Lead of LEAP, said: “We can confirm that our landlord, The Church of Scotland, has informed us it is ending the lease of Malta House and that we require to move out by the end of January 2013.

We would like to reassure patients, their families, staff and partners that LEAP will continue to provide treatment to patients with substance dependence problems.

We are sad at the prospect of leaving Malta House as many people have started their recovery from addiction here and it has met our needs very well. We are now exploring with our partners all of our possible options.”

Funded by NHS Lothian and three local Alcohol Drug Partnerships, LEAP has been a real success story since it was launched in September 2007. Operated in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council, Access to Industry (Transition) and the Serenity Café, LEAP has helped people with alcohol and drug dependencies to transform their lives through a three-month treatment and rehabilitation residential programme. In March this year, Community Safety Minister Roseanna Cunningham (below) visited the Stockbridge-based project to join in celebrations to mark the programme’s 250th ‘graduation’.

In a statement, a Church of Scotland spokesperson explained that the decision not to renew LEAP’s Malta House lease had been ‘difficult’ and was due to financial pressures on the church’s own social care budget.

“We originally leased Malta House to Scottish Ministers, acting on behalf of the NHS Lothian LEAP project, in 2007 for a 2 year period.  This was subsequently extended to 2010, when it was renewed.   At that point Scottish Ministers accepted the renewed lease of Malta House on the full understanding that the building would be sold when it was deemed that the market conditions were right, and to that end there were break points included in the lease.    In June this year, in terms of that lease, we gave six months’ notice of our intention to terminate the lease from January 2013.

“We are pleased that we have been able to support LEAP for many years through the lease of premises at Malta House.   However, we simply cannot afford to continue that support, given the financial pressures which we face in relation to our own vital services to people in need throughout Scotland.   We recognise the good work that LEAP has been doing and we have a great deal of sympathy for the situation they now find themselves in.  We have been trying to find them alternative accommodation in another Church building but have been unable to identify one that meets their needs.  CrossReach (the Church of Scotland’s Social Care Council) would dearly love to continue supporting LEAP but find ourselves simply unable to do so.  We will continue to be as helpful and flexible as possible in managing this unhappy situation.”

The spokesperson added that no final decision about the sale of Malta House has been made, but that the option to sell is ‘actively being pursued.’

A group of concerned neighbours and supporters are mustering support to keep Malta House available to LEAP – visit http://www.facebook.com/SaveMaltaHouseForLeap for more information.

There is an on-line petition to sign and add comments at:
