New era for Edinburgh as Labour and SNP join forces

Labour and the SNP have vowed to work together to take Edinburgh forward following the local council elections on 3 May. The two parties finished first and second in the city council elections and, with a strong mandate from the electorate, they’ve jointly signed up to a ‘Contract with the Capital’.

No one political party could win an overall majority following the 3 May vote and negotiations with other parties were always going to be necessary to form a new administration. The election result – Labour 20, SNP 18, Conservative 11, Green 6 and Lib-Dems just 3 – left Labour, as the largest group, a number of options.

The resulting coalition with the SNP was a surprise for many; apart from the obvious party political differences at a national level – unionism or independence – there are some potentially fiery personality clashes too; some senior Labour figures have never forgiven former ‘comrade’ Steve Cardownie for defecting to the SNP back in 2006.

However it seems that there are now more issues that unite rather than divide the two groups, and group leaders Andrew Burns and Steve Cardownie have agreed to work together for the good of the city through a ‘contract with the capital’ which will ‘build a more co-operative and prosperous Edinburgh that benefits every individual and community’.

The agreement includes more than 50 pledges that the administration will be judged on, with a review going to Council each year detailing what progress has been made on meeting those aims.

Labour group leader Councillor Andrew Burns said: “Edinburgh is internationally recognised as a fantastic city. It is successful, prosperous and a great place to live and work. Yet our city has major challenges and we need to acknowledge that we have some work to do to rebuild trust between the residents of Edinburgh and their elected representatives. Tackling these requires strong leadership, which we will provide, as well as the political stability created by having a 38-strong coalition between the Council’s two largest parties.”

Councillor Steve Cardownie, leader of the SNP group, added: “This new contract with the capital marks a fresh start with a Council willing to listen to local people and work together with local communities, businesses and the voluntary sector. Together, we will move Edinburgh forward for the benefit of the city and its people, with decision-making that shows we are listening to public opinion.”

The agreement sets out six key priorities:

  • ensuring every child in Edinburgh has the      best start in life
  • reducing poverty, inequality and deprivation
  • providing for Edinburgh ‘s prosperity
  • strengthening and supporting our communities      and keeping them safe
  • ensuring Edinburgh, and its residents, are well cared-for; and
  • maintaining and improving the quality of life in Edinburgh.

Council Chief Executive Sue Bruce said: “The agreement lays out the goals that officers will be charged with delivering on behalf of the whole Council. It is a challenging set of objectives, as it rightly should be for a capital city. I’m very much looking forward to working with councillors, the senior management team, partner organisations and all of our committed staff on achieving them.”

The new administration has one distinct advantage over the outgoing one – experience. When the last administration came to power only Cllr Cardownie has any experience of running departments – while there were many Lib Dems councillors with years of experience, none had experience of power or responsibility, and there was a whole raft of councillors with no experience of local government at all. Almost from day one, the administration found itself on the back foot with a botched school closures programme and throughout it’s time in power it was beset with problems – in particular the tram fiasco, undoubtedly the biggest factor in the Lib-Dems dramatic demise on 3 May.

The new administration contains a good mix of politicians with strong experience of running departments, councillors with some experience under their belts and a fresh new intake – hopefully with fresh new ideas. There’s no doubt they’ll all have learned from the mistakes of the last administration – and that’s got to be good for Edinburgh.

Senior civic and committee positions will formally agreed at the first meeting of the new Council on Thursday (17 May).

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