Local supermarket Sainsbury’s has been fined £6000 for allowing food chewed on by mice to be placed on sale at a the branch at Craigleith Retail park..
This is the second setback for the store after it was forced to close after damage caused during high winds earlier this year. (Picture: Thomas Brown)
Environmental officers found that rodents had gnawed on the packaging of crisps, rice and nuts at the Craigleith Road store during a visit in February last year.
They made the inspection after receiving an anonymous tip-off claiming hygiene at the branch was extremely unsatisfactory.
On Friday Sainsbury’s admitted two charges of contravening food safety regulations, while two further allegations were dropped by prosecutors, including that mice droppings and trails of mice urine were present on shelves.
The food firm blamed contractors for failing to ensure the revamped store was pest proof.
Depute procurator fiscal Bruce Macrosson told Edinburgh Sheriff Court that environmental health inspectors found a number of products that had been tampered with by the mice.
He said: “On February 10, 2011, following an anonymous complaint of mice activity at the store premises, environmental health officers of Edinburgh City Council attended the premises. The duty manager informed the officers that the company was aware there was mice activity in the store and that they were addressing the issue.
“They found that two bags of Sainsbury’s own brand salted cashew nuts had been gnawed on by mice.
“They also found two packets of rice that had been gnawed on by mice. And they also discovered a multi-pack of Quavers crisps that had been tampered with by the mice.”
The court also heard Sainsbury’s staff then destroyed all food stuffs that could have come into contact with the rodents.
Defence advocate Susan Duff told the court that the company accepted it had committed criminal offences. She said the store had suffered problems since it reopened following a £9 million refurbishment in October 2010.
Mrs Duff said contractors had failed to take adequate steps to make the store pest proof, and had failed to tell Sainsbury’s what they had done. The court heard the firm had spent only £3000 on anti-rodent measures and that inspectors visited the store around the same time Sainsbury’s discovered what was going on.
She added that the company had taken all available measures to make the shop safe for customers to visit.
Mrs Duff said: “The company deeply regrets that the offences were committed. Once it became apparent, the company took immediate action to remedy the situation.
“The £3000 spent on proofing was grossly inadequate. The company acted extremely responsibly once it became aware of the problem. Sainsbury’s decided to destroy the food stuffs that may have been in contact with the mice.
Hitting Sainsbury’s with the £6000 fine, Sheriff Paul Arthurson QC said: “In light of what has been said by the prosecution and the mitigation offered on behalf of Sainsbury’s, I will impose a financial penalty.”
I was really disappointed in an article I read in the Evening News 27th April concerning Granton & District Community Council
The article stated that Granton & District Community Council were found to be blameless in money they had spent on IT equiptment . I and many others had written to the Director of the Council Sue Bruce about the behaviour of the chair person Fred Marinello . Regarding the IT equiptment the purchase of three laptops for the group . The Community Council were asked repeatedly to provide the minutes where it was agreed to purchase the laptops . Firstly they informed the meeting that this purchase was minuted . When they were asked to provide the minutes thay could /would not produce them . No-one was accusing the community council of theft so why did they not produce the minutes ?
Fred Marinello was extremly agressive at this meeting towards two member of the Community Council who were expelled at this meeting . I did accuse the chairperson of being a bully at this meeting . I and others then wrote to the Director who passed on the complaint to Mark Turley for investigation
The only people Mark Turley interviewed were members of the Community Council I and others were not asked to any interview nor were our letters of complaint acknowledged . How can this be a fair hearing ? It was stated in the “News ” article that Fred Marinello denied being agressive . Councillor Stevie Cardownie was in attendace at this meeting . Members of the public commented on the agressive behaviour of Fred Marinello . If this is how Granton & District Community Council conduct themselves I ‘m afraid they do not represent me ….. not in my name .
Also the investigation conducted by Mark Turley appears like a whitewash when he only interviewed members of the Community Council . Should we trust Granton & District Community Council and Edinburgh City Council officials ? I think not What happened to democracy ?
Womens International Group (WIG) from Royston Wardieburn asked the community council to display a notice of a planned hustings only to be denied as it was redeemed as “political” . Very stange when the vicechair of the community council George Gordon is standing at the local council elections and the chairperson is his political agent . I submitted a letter to the Evening News voicing my concerns that George Gordon did not answer a request by the group to attend the hustings . He replied through the Evening News that I was trying to voice my political view using a community event . I am in no way affiliated to any political party. He also denied that I had sent him an invitation to attend the hustings . I sent him and other potential candidates invitations on April 14th. The leader of the party he is standing for managed to receive his invite and duly sent his apologies for being unable to attend . Do the political leaders not talk to their prospective candidates ? I have copies of the e mails I sent out to all prospective candidates including George Gordon.
Unlike Granton & District Community Council I can produce proof that I did send out the appropriate invitation .