Getting Connected …

With unemployment figues continuing to climb, Ann Confrey reports on a local initiative:

Part of Four Square, a voluntary [sector] organisation that provides accommodation, services and support to homeless people and other vulnerable groups in Edinburgh and the Lothians, CONNECTED is an employability service helping unemployed people and vulnerable individuals to overcome barriers, develop their confidence and skills and look for and find work.

They have a broad client base and work throughout Edinburgh with unemployed people who have multiple barriers to employment. This includes people with low levels of confidence and skills and/or a background of homelessness, substance misuse, health issues or offending. Referrals come to CONNECTED through self referral or referral from front line health, homelessness and social care services, Jobcentre Plus, Skills Development Scotland, social work and criminal justice services and other employment intermediaries. Four Square also runs a range of accommodation services for homeless young people and some of the clients come through the hostels.

CONNECTED has a range of services to suit the individual.

Amy Butler runs the courses;

Jumpstart: a young person’s work preparation course which runs for 13 weeks. It is for young people aged 16-30 who lack confidence or skills or have limited or no previous experience of work. The programme combines accredited core competencies and skills training with a structured voluntary work placement and practical team project of community benefit.

Personal Effectiveness and Career Planning: this is for clients of any age over 16 and is particularly aimed at those who have low confidence, who have been out of work for a long time or never worked at all. The course helps to increase confidence and assertiveness and help clients work out what they want to do next.

Gwen Rowland can meet people on a one to one basis to offer support with job search, college applications creating or updating CV’s, and helps clients access funding such as Individual Learning Accounts (ILA). Gwen also runs the CONNECTED work club at Leith Community Centre every Wednesday between 1pm – 4.30pm. Gwen also runs outreach surgeries around North Edinburgh so if you can’t make it to our offices you can contact her to see where else you can see her.

CONNECTED operates jointly with EFI Superstore re-use furniture business, as Four Square Social Enterprise. It provides a broad range of skills, training opportunities and practical work and volunteer placements in a range of roles. EFI Superstore is a huge warehouse full of amazing furniture and sells the goods in the warehouse store to the general public and offers EFI Assist 25% discount cards for people on benefits or low income. EFI does free uplifts of furniture suitable for re-use.

CONNECTED provides skills training and support to all of the people on work and volunteer placements within the superstore.

JP Case Study

JP met Kirsten from Connected at the Get On drop in at Leith Community Centre. Kirsten noticed that JP was incredibly nervous and anxious. JP commented that “after a lot of shaking Kirsten managed to calm me down and advised me that she worked for Connected and was here to help me”.

Kirsten referred JP to Connected’s Developing Personal Power and Effectiveness course and on the first day of the course JP again was very nervous “I will admit I was terrified, all I wanted to do was run. I walked around the building not knowing where I was going then I found the room where Michelle was. She saw I was very distressed and calmed me down enough to take a seat. That first day I shook, felt like crying but I stayed as I knew I had to do it, I had to get back to my old self and after that first day was over I felt OK.”

JP worked through the course working on her confidence, self esteem and motivation and with every session JP demonstrated improvement in these areas. The other members of the group supported her and the course content helped her come out of her shell. Towards the end she had become an effective member of the group and contributed greatly to the course and helped support others.

When the course finished JP continued to meet with Michelle on a one-to-one basis where JP indicated that although she had moved on a lot she would still find it hard and be very anxious to go into a new group of people. However JP’s aim was to move back into employment and particularly into Admin work (which she had done before.) A part time voluntary position was available at EFI Superstore, (who share the same office as Connected) which LL successfully applied for. This meant that she could continue to make progress with her development but not have to suffer the anxiety of an entirely new group as Michelle and other familiar faces from Connected would be right there in the office.

JP began volunteering 2 days a week and quickly found her feet. Matt, the project manager, was very impressed with her work and she soon became an asset to the team. JP volunteered with EFI Superstore for 5 weeks and made such an impact that she was offered a part time paid post. JP now works 3 days a week with extra work at the weekends.

JP states “I feel I have learnt more here with Connected in three months and moved further along my route back to work than over a year spent with other services”

Michelle comments “the difference between the woman I met on the first day and the one I now see practically running the office is incredible. She has come on such a long way and hopefully has further to go. It is fantastic to see someone develop themselves with our help. It was down to her own hard work and commitment that she is where she is today.”

Contacts:          Gwen Rowland:          0131 557 7912

Amy Butler:                0131 557 7913


Ann Confrey

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Edinburgh reporter and photographer