Gymnastics Festival is a huge success

This afternoon’s gymnastics festival at Broughton High School was a tremendous success, with children from across the city performing to a full house.  Among those taking part were Broughton’s City of Edinburgh Display Team, Castlebrae, Stockbridge, Broughton High, Corstorphine, Forrester High, Flora Stevenson, Ferryhill, Pentland schools and the City of Edinburgh Gym Club Display Team staged a fantastic finale.

Warning of wilful fire-raising in Edinburgh

Firefighters are appealing to residents to take precautions after several very close calls following a spate of wilful fire-raising in Edinburgh.

Lothian and Borders Fire and Rescue Service have attended a number of deliberate fires in north Edinburgh in recent weeks, which could easily have resulted in casualties.

The West Pilton Children's Centre was burned down earlier this year (Picture: Thomas Brown)

Tony Collins, Watch Commander at Crewe Toll Fire Station speaks of one of his recent experiences: “Blue Watch were mobilised to a fire outside a two- storey property in Pilton at 8.40pm on Sunday night. It turned out a lean –to structure was on fire, filled with old furniture and other highly flammable materials. When we arrived, the flames had reached the eaves of the building and had melted the gutter. The first floor flat’s bathroom window had cracked, and was, in my opinion seconds away from failing and allowing the fire to spread into the occupied first floor flat.

“Thankfully we caught the fire just in time and there were no casualties, a few minutes later and it could have been a very different outcome.”

David Lockhart, Community Safety Manager for the Service said: “These incidents are very serious as fire can easily spread into properties causing severe damage and endangering people’s lives. Wilful fire-raising is a crime and we work together with the Police to reduce incidents like these. However, residents can also play their part to reduce the risk of something similar happening near their property.

“Don’t leave clutter such as old furniture or rubbish lying around outside your property or in your common stair, discard it properly, find a secure place to store it or arrange with the council to have items uplifted. Keep wheelie bins out of sight, ideally in a secure location such as a locked bin store or garage. Keep communal areas tidy and free of combustible materials which can be attractive to fire setters.

“If parents have concerns or suspicions that their children may be involved in fire-raising they can seek assistance from the fire service or the police. Look out for small burn holes in carpets, clothing or furniture, hidden or missing matches or lighters, a smell of smoke on clothing or evidence of burnt paper or plastic. This behaviour should be addressed to protect those involved from coming to harm or harming others.”

For further fire safety advice or to find out how to access help or assistance from the Fire Service visit or call free on 0800 169 0320. To report information regarding suspected wilful fire-raising call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 .

Gymnastics Festival at Broughton High School today

Young gymnasts from across the city will come together to showcase their skills at an exciting event at Broughton High School today. 

Jude Salmon, Active Schools Coordinator for the Broughton cluster, said:  “The first Inter City Gymnastics Festival will take place at Broughton High School this afternoon (Friday 9th December) from 2 – 4pm.  This Festival is a non competitive display event, where all Edinburgh schools who take part in extra curricular gymnastics programmes will come together to perform routines to showcase their skills.

“ActiveSchools have been working in partnership with Activcity, City of Edinburgh Gymnastics Club and Edinburgh Leisure to introduce this all inclusive event to provide a platform to encourage long term participation in gymnastics and physical activity.  The event will bring together children of all levels and abilities to perform a short routine to their friends, families and peers.”

Jude Salmon

Active SchoolsCo-ordinator

Broughton Cluster



A Greenhouse Garden in West Pilton

A community garden in West Pilton growing fresh fruit, vegetables and herbs for everyone to enjoy. Come along and get involved helping build and plan the wee garden. Do you like gardening or want to learn?  Residents in West Pilton Brae looking out onto the grassland will be the first people involved deciding what the garden could look like and what to grow.

I went door to door last year asking some of the residents views on having a community garden area growing fruit and veg, and what the grassland behind the ‘greenhouse’ is currently used for.

Some of the older residents remembered allotments in the area that were demolished during redevelopment, and most folk I spoke to like the idea and could see the benefits of food on their doorstep but were a bit worried about vandalism.

Dog walkers use the open space so just a bit of the grassland would be used for a garden. None of the woodland surrounding would be touched as the local kids play in it and it is a beautiful landscape feature.

The garden could provide an opportunity for young and old to get together in a healthy fun environment, learning where food comes from seed to plate. The local schools could visit and work there as could local equalities groups. Seasonal gluts in crops could be used for cooking classes and sharing of recipes.  And people living in flats without a garden could share the growing space – those with gardens could swap plants and gardening advice.

Tenants and Residents in Pilton meets monthly in West Pilton Neighbourhood Centre, giving anyone living locally a chance to voice their opinion and be involved with the community garden.  We have obtained permission from the council to use part of the grassland for a community garden. A bit of money is available to buy ten fruit trees to start the garden and soft fruits like raspberries and strawberries would grow well.

I will be going around the doors again to ask folk what they think and give anyone interested more information – contact details are below.

I like the gardening quote:  “Gardening requires a lot of water, most of it in the form of perspiration“!

Please get involved and help fight food poverty – we could transform the grassland into a sheltered oasis.

Kirsty Sutherland

07504 849 855

North Edinburgh survives Storm

It would appear that North Edinburgh survived the threat of the recent storm, locally named Hurricane Bawbag. Schools, Nurseries, Colleges and Community Centre’s all closed early following advice from the Scottish Government.

We have compiled a few photos form the days events which you can view and we also want to hear your views on the decisions to close schools and nurseries. If you have anymore pictures please send them to us on

A pair of hardy joggers at Silverknowes
Norman (and dogs!) braves the elements!
Police close of streets at Waterfront Avenue after scaffolding becomes unsafe.
A tree damaged a car in Drylaw after being blown over by the wind. (Picture: Pauline Bambrick)
An Easy Jet flight lands at Edinburgh Airport

Man punched friend in the face as he waited to be sentenced for killing a pedestrian

David Nisbet, 22, dislocated Jamie Angus’ cheek bone when he assaulted him in a nightclub.

A man who was facing jail for killing a trainee teacher put a friend in hospital, a court has heard.

David Nisbet, 22, punched his friend Jamie Angus with such force that he dislocated the man’s cheek bone, Edinburgh Sheriff Court heard on Tuesday.

Nisbet assaulted his friend whilst awaiting sentencing.

At the time, Nisbet was awaiting sentence at the city’s High Court after being convicted of causing the death in November 2009 of Fiona Clason, 24.

Lady Smith jailed him for five years and eight months in May 2011.

On Tuesday, Nisbet pleaded guilty to assault to severe injury on April 2011 before Sheriff William Holligan. The court heard how this was Nisbet’s third assault conviction.

Depute fiscal John Kirk said Nisbet started drinking with friends at 5pm and ended up in the Karma Nights nightclub in the city’s Lothian Road where he continued to drink.

He got into an argument on the dance floor with another clubber and then started fighting with Mr Angus.

Mr Kirk said Nisbet punched Angus with such force that he needed to go to hospital after the incident.

He said: “The complainer sustained a small cut to the face. He also sustained a facial injury. The complainer was taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary before being taken to St John’s Hospital in Livingston. The complainer needed to have an operation to remedy the injury. It is thought he will make a full recovery from the incident.”

Nisbet was jailed at the High Court in Edinburgh after pleading guilty to causing death by dangerous driving.

On that occasion, the court heard how Nisbet drove his Volkswagen Golf up to speeds of 80 mph in a residential street on a cold, wet windy evening before crashing into pedestrian Fiona Clason.

Ms Clason was heading for a bus stop at about 8pm after visiting her mum in the Granton area of Edinburgh. Nisbet’s 2.3 litre Golf tried to overtake another car and spun out of control and into the path of a bus.

Nisbet knocked over and killed Fiona Clason on Waterfront Avenue

Bus driver James Brondum narrowly avoided a collision by swerving out of the way. Nisbet’s car mounted a kerb and hit a lamp post. But he regained control and sped away, hitting Ms Clason as she crossed Waterfront Avenue. She died from head injuries the following day.

The ceramic tiler sped away and it took him five hours to report the accident to police.

Jailing him, Lady Smith said: “Her life was full of promise but was abruptly and quite unnecessarily cut short.”

Police seek publics help to reunite stolen items

An operation targeting housebreakers in Edinburgh continues with a fresh series of raids on addresses in the Capital.

Police raided a flat in Wester Drylaw Drive as part of the operation

A total of nine addresses in the north and west of the city were raided by officers as part of the enforcement phase of Operation Accessible, and nine arrests have been made so far.

A number of people were arrested and charged following a series of early morning raids, and have appeared at Edinburgh Sheriff Court .

Of the approximately 200 stolen items that have been recovered by police during Operation Accessible, a number have yet to be identified, and police are seeking to reunite these stolen goods with their owners.

Images of the items are available on the Lothian and Borders Police website, and members of the public who suspect the stolen property belongs to them are urged to contact police through the dedicated email address

Chief Superintendent Gill Imery, ‘A’ Division (City of Edinburgh) Commander, said: “These items were recovered by officers over the past six months, and we are hoping that we can reunite at least some of the goods with their rightful owners.

“I would urge anyone who thinks that any of these items may have been stolen from them to get in touch on the dedicated email address.

“This morning’s activity is further indication of our commitment to take robust action against alleged serial offenders suspected of housebreaking.

“Lothian and Borders Police are determined to protect the public from criminals whose activities blight local communities, and to preventing crime from happening in the first place.

“Operation Accessible has delivered a strong message that we will pro-actively target housebreakers and other criminals using intelligence, and that offenders will be brought to justice.

“We continue to rely on information from the public regarding suspected housebreakers and other criminals operating in local communities, and we urge anyone with such information to contact us directly or anonymously

Anyone with any information should contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0800 555 111.

Click here to view the items Police want to reunite with their owners.

News from Edinburgh's Telford College


Community Liaison, Jennifer Kelly, gives a review of the Community Team over the last six months. 

For the second consecutive year our annual Graduation celebration was held in the Hub at the heart of Edinburgh’s Telford College. A wonderful evening was had by staff, students and invited guests, including key members of the North Edinburgh community. Graduands were piped in and entertained by singing, dancing and speakers including the College Principal – Miles Dibsdall OBE, and guest of honour, comedienne and television presenter Jenny Éclair (pictured above).

Looking at the very much wintry weather today, it is hard to believe that it was only three months ago we welcomed 4,000 local residents onto the Forthquarter Park for the third North Edinburgh Community Festival. The day was a great success, and Telford staff and students worked alongside several of its community partners to provide a free day of food, fun, information and entertainment for what is now a popular established event.

The Forth Neighbourhood Partnerships Public Meeting was given an employability twist in October and the College hosted a market place of local and city wide organisations offering help in job hunting, career development and education. Attendees also heard a number of very informative presentations including an update from Ken Shaw, Head of Employability and Skills: City of Edinburgh Council on current initiatives and achievements to date in this area.

The College is keen to support local organisations in any way it is able, and the past few months have seen Telford working alongside SACRO, Fairbridge, Citadel Youth Centre, Four Square, Apex Scotland, CORE, Link Living and WEACT, amongst others. Joint working can take many forms, including presentations, College visits and tours, providing information stands and staff, attending AGMs. This year we designed and produced annual reports for both Stepping Stones (North Edinburgh) and the Prentice Centre. We also welcomed parents and pupils from Craigroyston Community High School, Forthview Primary School and Trinity Academy.

Although events are a significant part of our Community remit, we also provide ongoing support and information to any person who is interested in coming to Telford College. We have regular drop ins at Community Renewal and represent the College at a wide variety of schools and careers events across Edinburgh and the Lothians. Get On Edinburgh, which links people up with the support they need to move forward in life, also has a presence within Learner Services and members of the public are welcome to visit between 1 and 3pm on Wednesdays.

We are proud that our students also make their mark in our community. HND student Michael Kerr, whose project to produce signage for the Forthquarter development was selected as the winning submission by National Grid. Michael produced a fully integrated campaign which included logo development, direct mail, signage points, ambient advertising and digital designs for web and mobile (pictured below).

If any member of the Community would like to arrange a College visit, we can be contacted via the following link on our website:


As you will have heard in the local and national press, Edinburgh’s Telford College has taken the decision to enter merger discussions with Jewel and Esk College and Stevenson College Edinburgh. The Government’s white paper on post-16 vocational education makes clear its aim to refocus college provision so that it is more aligned with employer and community needs, jobs and growth.  Telford has for several years collaborated successfully with its sister colleges across the City and the announcement will bring further positive developments and benefits especially for young people across Edinburgh. The College is in a strong position thanks to the quality and commitment of its staff, the engagement with its students, its curricular offer and the quality of the college estate. With our partner colleges we will continue to build a focused college sector in Edinburgh. Barbara Lawson, Head of External Liaison for the College, confirmed that Telford would keep members of its North Edinburgh Community up to date on outcomes from these developments.