Yes We CanCan: a Cabaret of Resistance

Peoples across the Earth make art to resist oppression, cruelty and exploitation. The citizens of North Edinburgh are no strangers to this work and they have a strong history of resistance and are rightly proud of their achievements over the last 50 years.
This commitment and its approaches and history have been exported all over the world, from the early days when the people of Muirhouse and Pilton began working with artists to learn and to make their ideas more powerful, and as a path to evoke change and to challenge and resist.
This production is a celebration of that work and is a consequence of 18 months’ research and development work with local people to create dialogues about what is important, what is precious, what hurts and destroys, what is worth fighting for.
The production explores the values and concerns of people trying to create a better life for themselves and their communities. It follows the journey of two Travellers who arrive in our urban landscape from rural Scotland and from Africa. It follows their loss, confusion and learning as they develop their insight and resistance to having their democratic relationships reduced to being consumers, profiled as “rabid and anti-establishment”, and denied their Human Rights.
Yes We CanCan: a Cabaret of Resistance uses dance, music, song, laughter, film and drama to create this exciting and special piece of work. One of the reasons it is special is that it is the first time for some years that the citizens of North Edinburgh are making theatre again, reclaiming their NEA theatre and using it as they had hoped when it was first built.
Come along and watch this great Cabaret show, be enthralled, laugh, perhaps shed a few tears and be proud of what the citizens of North Edinburgh have to say.
Yes We CanCan: a Cabaret of Resistance
Thursday 8th December 7p.m.
Friday 8th December 7p.m.
To book tickets £1 & 50 pence [cons] please e-mail: or telephone 0131 315 2151
For further information please contact:
Stephanie Knight, Director, North Edinburgh Theatre project
or Kate Wimpress, Director, North Edinburgh Arts

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