Pilton has never sucked

This letter was received to the NEN from an anonymous source.

I would like to commend the North Edinburgh News Blog for allowing people to express their opinions. I was a reader of a Blog called ‘Pilton Sucks’. Now this Blog was written by someone who had complete control of the site and it seemed that no one was allowed to reply.

I have kept a dossier of posts made on the Pilton Sucks site, and have copies of many posts that have been very personal and slanderous to politicians, local workers and to community activists ofNorth Edinburghand beyond. I have been in consultation wit I.T experts and they are of the opinion that it would not be difficult to ascertain the author or administrator of the Pilton Sucks website.

I am now talking to the appropriate authorities to look into the activities of this site. I am also asking people who have been spoken about slanderously to bring this matter to the fore in order that the author of Pilton Sucks is revealed to their identity.

If there are any readers who have been wrongly named in Pilton Sucks then lease make it known. It looks like that I have a chance of clearing all the names mentioned as wrong doing in the eyes of Pilton Sucks.


Pilton has never sucked.

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6 thoughts on “Pilton has never sucked”

  1. Pilton sucks was nothing but a malicious piece of work written by cowards who did not put their name to it. At least Thomas Brown is not writing anonymously (Frances Durie) I never write anything anonymously)

  2. Isobel,

    The only information I have is the letter that was sent to NEN to be published on the Blog.

    Hopefully when the NEN returns as a paper the Blog site will be used more by local people.



  3. I never saw the ps blogsite. But the anonymous letter to the NEN sounded just like more of the same whingeing coming from Thomas Brown!

    People liked the pilton sucks blog it seems. I asked folk. It was thought to be funny, compassionate sometimes, amusingly critical
    of the establishment and at the raw edge of local issues all spun in vibrant stories and encased in humour.
    It covered controversial topics such as workplace bullying, domestic violence and the waterfront expose. Didn’t it?
    It is reported it had definitely a right of reply.

    The dossier must be worth a fortune – and it is just a pity that it is all gone now.

    Were you trying to be as successful with your blogsite Thomas? Cos that’s what this is — all
    your own work — which renders it a bit flat and uninteresting and relies upon anonymous submissions to provoke interest.

    Like the previous person who commented — I think you should hand over the info on the authors of PS — because if you can — it is a certainty it will point to just more envy and
    Mischief from yourself.

  4. I wonder about timing of publication of this letter by the NEN given given the Pilton Sucks blog is no longer online. Why bother drawing attention to it? Is it about to find a new home?


    for written word I believe it would be libel rather than slander.

    NEN, please do put me in touch with your anonymous source, I may wish to discuss their proposals with them directly

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