Councillor's words show ignorance of community

We are incensed at the comments by Councillor Elaine Morris, “Councillor brands anticuts protesters ‘rabid'” (News, September 1).
Greater Pilton is a fantastic place to work and live, and in fact top council workers, councillors, MPs and MSPs all came through and gained a wealth of knowledge from the so called “rabid anti-establishment” folk of Greater Pilton.

Over 65 years ago, brave men and women fought for independence, democracy and free speech, but apparently this does not count if you are living in Councillor Morris’s ward.

The people of Greater Pilton have been in the forefront of any campaign that fights for the rights of the common man/woman. In fact Greater Pilton is proud to have, within their boundaries, an organisation which has been running for over 50 years. From this organisation many other community organisations have emerged and been encouraged to “cut the apron strings” and go it alone. When the people of Greater Pilton make up their minds to do something, they do it, and don’t change their minds halfway through because they think the grass is greener on the other side – can you say the same, Councillor Morris?

One of the definitions of “rabid” is extremely enthusiastic and zealous, well in that case, thank you Councillor Morris, at least we have the community at heart, unlike you, we fight for the whole of Greater Pilton and not just for our own little corner.

For you to threaten (in your political speak) an arts centre with withdrawing their funding if they allow this meeting to go ahead is disgusting.

The Greater Pilton area was built on the blood, sweat and tears of local activists and it will continue to go from strength to strength. Councillor Morris should also remember it was local people who voted her in. They can also vote her out.

This letter appeared in the Edinburgh Evening News from West Pilton West Granton Community Council.

Local Counillor Elaine Morris's comments have upset many local people.
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One thought on “Councillor's words show ignorance of community”

  1. Cllr morris should resign after her vile comments about people she was elected to represent . Unlike her people in North Edinburgh do not jump ship We atand together

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