Lothian landlord event to “reduce perils” of new tenancy agreements

Scotland’s largest landlord membership organisation, in partnership with the Scottish Government, will be holding an information event for Edinburgh and Lothians landlords to understand their new responsibilities when a new tenancy agreement for the Private Rented Sector (PRS) comes in to force in December. 

The event, which is free and open to anyone who lets out property, takes place at Queen Margaret University on Tuesday 24 October from 6pm – 8.30pm.

The changes to the private sector tenancy will apply to all new tenancies beginning on or after 1 December 2017.  The aim of these changes is to make tenancy agreements more flexible, easier to understand by both landlords and tenants and, providing increased clarity and security for both sides.

The new tenancy rules coming in to force include:

  • Tight restrictions for landlords on ending a lease – they will no longer be permitted to serve notice on a tenant without a specific cause.
  • Rent increases only permitted a maximum of once a year.
  • A ban on setting a duration for the lease or an end date.
  • A set of mandatory and optional clauses.
  • Changes to pre-tenancy information and documentation which landlords must provide to tenants.
  • New appeal and arbitration procedures.

SAL Chief Executive John Blackwood said: “I am delighted that SAL is working in partnership with the Scottish Government to organise this event to provide information and advice to landlords in the Lothians prior to the new tenancy agreement coming in to force on 1 December this year.

“I hope as many landlords as possible will come along to learn more and ask questions as well as find out more about how SAL can help them overcome any issues they might face in the future.

“This is only the first step in what we hope will be a programme of activity working with a variety of partners in the public and charitable sectors to provide information to the public.  The new agreement will only be effective if it is clearly understood and effectively enforced to ensure responsible landlords can flourish whilst the tiny number of rogue players who exist can be driven out of the market.”

Attendees must register in advance: call SAL on 0131 564 0100 or email info@scottishlandlords.com  

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