Children and families charities to receive £14.7 million

 “Our parents often refer to our family sessions as a real lifeline, and we are very grateful for this support.” – Celine Sinclair, The Yard

toys (2)Children and families across Scotland are set to benefit from funding awards totalling almost £15 million, announced by the Acting Children’s Minister today.

The funding has been awarded to 132 voluntary organisations which aim to improve outcomes and reduce inequalities for children and young people across Scotland and their families and communities that support them.

Confirming the funding allocations for 2015-16, Acting Minister for Children and Young People Fiona McLeod said:

“The Scottish Government is committed to creating a fairer Scotland and reducing inequalities, and supporting families is key to achieving that aim. I’m pleased we can invest further funding in these organisations to continue their fantastic work supporting children and families across Scotland.

“From vital childcare and youth work projects, to counselling and learning support, the work of these organisations is wide ranging, helping ensure our children get the best start in life. I’ve visited the Yard Adventure Centre in Edinburgh and have seen first hand the excellent work they do to support families.”

The funding is allocated through both the Third Sector Early Intervention Fund (TSEIF) and Strategic Funding Partnerships which began in 2013.

In the first year of the TSEIF alone, more than 3,500 families facing challenges were supported through project work.

YardThe Yard Adventure Centre in Edinburgh is one organisation which has received funding through the TSEIF. It provides supported play and recreational activities for children with multiple and complex additional support needs.

Since the TSEIF grant began, there has been an increase in the number of new families using the centre and the funding has enabled them to increase their opening hours at the weekend.

Celine Sinclair, Chief Executive of Scotland Yard Adventure Centre said: “We are delighted to receive funding from the Third Sector Early Intervention Fund for a further year. The funds will support our weekend and holiday family sessions which provide both emotional and practical support to families with children with additional support needs. The sessions run every weekend and throughout the school holidays and give children and young people a safe and dynamic play space that meets their needs.

“Our parents often refer to our family sessions as a real lifeline, and we are very grateful for this support.”

Earlier this year the Scottish Government established a short-term working group to advise it on how the current funding arrangements supporting the Third Sector could be refined in the future.

The Third Sector Early Intervention Fund was launched in December 2012 with awards beginning from May 2013. It was originally intended to operate for two years, but has been extended to March 2016.

A Strategic Funding Partnership (SFP) is an agreement between the Scottish Government and a third sector organisation. The agreement is focused on the delivery of one or more Scottish Government outcomes, where the organisation is uniquely placed to assist with delivery and improve outcomes for children, young people, adults, families and communities. SFPs were also extended until March 2016 earlier this year.

Organisations receiving funding under the SFPs are:


British Association for Adoption and Fostering, Scotland

The Mentor Foundation UK (Mentor)

Genetic Alliance UK

Hearts and Minds

Article 12 in Scotland

Capability Scotland

The Alliance Scotland

Sense Scotland

Sleep Scotland

Scottish Youth Parliament

Federation of City Farms and Community Gardens

Dyslexia Scotland

Scottish Trades Union Congress (STUC)

Lead Scotland

Learning Link Scotland

Scotland’s Learning Partnership

Scottish Community Development Centre (SCDC)

Scottish Community Development Network

Workers’ Educational Association

Girlguiding Scotland

John Muir Trust

LGBT Youth Scotland

Scottish Association of Young Farmers Clubs

Scottish Environmental & Outdoor Education Centres Association

The Boys’ Brigade

The Girls Brigade in Scotland

The Iona Community

The Princes Trust

The Scout Association

Woodcraft Folk

YWCA Scotland

Care and Learning Alliance (CALA)

National Day Nurseries Association

Comann nam Pàrant (Nàiseanta)

Cruse Bereavement Care Scotland

Families Need Fathers Scotland

Fathers Network Scotland (FNS)

Parent Network Scotland

Working On Wheels

Family Service Unit Scotland (Circle)

Relationships Scotland

The Spark (Previously Scottish Marriage Care)

Asthma UK Scotland

Partners in Advocacy

Organisations receiving funding under the TSEIF are:

Action for Sick Children Scotland

Adoption UK in Scotland

Afasic Scotland

Befriending Networks

Black & Ethnic Minority Infrastructure in Scotland – BEMIS Scotland

Child Bereavement UK

Child Poverty Action Group (CPAG) in Scotland

Children in Scotland – Working for Children and their Families (CiS)

Community Care Providers Scotland – Coalition Of Care And Support Providers In Scotland

Community Law Advice Network

Contact a Family Scotland

Down’s Syndrome Scotland

Edinburgh Cyrenians

Enable Scotland

Families Outside

Fast Forward

Govan Law Centre (Education Law Unit)

Home-Start UK

Mellow Parenting – Fathers & Parents with Learning disabilities

Mellow Parenting Very Early Intervention Project for Parents to Be


One Parent Families Scotland (OPFS)

Parents Early Education Partnership (PEEP)

Play Scotland


Rape Crisis Scotland


Royal Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children (Children 1st)

Royal Scottish Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Children RSSPCC – Parenting across Scotland (Children 1st)

Save the Children

Scottish Child Law Centre

Scottish Childminding Association

Scottish Families Affected by Drugs- Strand 1

Scottish Mentoring Network

Scottish Out of School Care Network

Scottish Pre-School Play Association

Scottish Throughcare and Aftercare Forum (STAF)

Scottish Women’s Aid

Smart Play Network

Stepping Stones for Families

The Breastfeeding Network (BfN)

The Children’s Parliament

The Church Of Scotland CrossReach – Children, Young People and Families Directorate

The Duke of Edinburgh Award

The Fostering Network (Fosterline Scotland: Early Intervention through Advice, Advocacy and Mediation)

The Fostering Network Scotland

The National Autistic Society

The Scottish Independent Advocacy Alliance

Together (Scottish Alliance for Children’s Rights)

Who Cares? Scotland

YMCA Scotland

Youth Scotland

YouthLink Scotland

3D Drumchapel

Aberlour and Quarriers: Growing2gether – Early Years/Early Intervention Service

Aberlour Child Care Trust (Aberlour Bridges Glasgow: evidence-based early-intervention model)

Action for Children (Family support volunteering project)

Action for Sick Children Scotland

Argyll and Bute Rape Crisis

Barnardo’s Scotland – You First

Care and Learning Alliance (CALA)

Childcare First Limited – Ready, Steady, Restore

Drugs Action – Families First

Edinburgh Young Carers Project

Families Outside – Addiewell Prison Visitors’ Centre

Kindred Advocacy

Midlothian Sure Start

MindMosaic Counselling and Therapy – Providing Therapeutic support for children and young people.

One Parent Families Scotland (Supporting Scotland’s Children and Fathers)

Open Secret

Play Alloa: STEP UP Project

Positive Help-Children & Young people’s (C&YP) Services

Quarriers (Opt-In Early Years Project)

Rape & Sexual Abuse Centre Perth & Kinross


Scotland Yard Adventure Centre (The Yard – Families Project)

Scottish Childminding Association

Scottish Spina Bifida Association (“Be All You Can Be” Project)

Sense Scotland (Early Years Advisory Service)

St Andrew’s Children’s Society (SACS) – SafeBase Parenting Programme

The Butterfly Trust – Social Support for people affected by Cystic Fibrosis

The Church of Scotland Social Care Council – Daisy Chain Early Years Project

The Church of Scotland Social Care Council – Postnatal Depression Services, Lothian

The Moira Anderson Foundation

The National Deaf Children’s Society (Your Child Your Choices)

Tourette Scotland

Waverley Care (African Health Project Children and Families)

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