£25m housing boost for disadvantaged communities

Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon and COSLA President Councillor David O’Neill today announced a £25 million fund which aims to help transform disadvantaged areas across Scotland.

The Regeneration Capital Grant Fund (RCGF), which has been developed in partnership with local authorities, will provide financial support to projects that will help to deliver large scale positive improvements to deprived areas. It will focus on projects that engage and involve local communities and those that can demonstrate the ability to deliver sustainable regeneration outcomes. The fund will be open to local authorities, urban regeneration companies and regeneration special purpose vehicles.

The Deputy First Minister and COSLA President announced the new fund during a visit to Govan Workspace in Glasgow – a project supported by the European Regional Development Fund involving the transformation of the 1670m2 derelict Fairfield Shipyard offices in Govan into 12 new workspaces for SMEs and social enterprises.

Ms Sturgeon said: “Investment in large scale regeneration projects is absolutely key for stimulating economic growth throughout Scotland. The development of this fund is a great example of how Scotland’s public bodies can work in partnership to deliver initiatives that help to create more jobs for Scottish people, while bringing our communities closer together and injecting new life into deprived and run down areas.

“Community involvement is integral to the success of the design and delivery of local economic and social regeneration initiatives. This government is absolutely clear about the contribution that regeneration makes to growing our economy and improving the life chances of Scotland’s people. I am pleased that COSLA have agreed to work with us on this initiative and that local authorities will play a fundamental role in delivery while ensuring local people are at the heart of the projects that will help to transform the spaces around them.”

Councillor David O’Neill, President of COSLA said: “Councils and their partners work at the heart of every local community and are uniquely placed to deliver regeneration outcomes with and for local communities. COSLA and Scottish Government via the creation of the Regeneration Capital Grant Fund are helping to ensure the delivery of Scotland’s regeneration strategy has the biggest economic, social and environment impact possible on local communities.

“Communities want resources focused on delivering large scale regeneration projects which can also deliver wider impacts of job creation, clearing up land as well as regenerating buildings and infrastructure. We believe the fund as envisaged will deliver long term strategic and transformational change. I look forward to seeing the outcomes of this fund at local level throughout Scotland over the next few years. Scotland’s identity is to a large extent local and so are people’s expectations, this fund will enable local authorities to deliver local communities expectations of the places they want to live in and be proud of for years to come.”



Holyrood Bill will support families

Charities have welcomed news that three and four year old children will, for the first time in Scotland, be entitled to 600 hours of funded early learning and childcare through the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill, published today. Third sector organisations will also receive an additional £10 million.

The Bill proposes a range of measures which also include:

  • Looked after two year olds and those with a kinship care order will receive the same entitlement as three and four year olds
  • A named person for every child and young person from birth to safeguard and support their wellbeing, working with other bodies as required
  • Providing kinship carers with more support from local authorities to increase family stability.


Minister for Children and Young People Aileen Campbell (pictured above) also announced an extra £10 million on top of the £20 million third sector fund to be shared between 45 organisations working closely with children, young people and families, as part of wider investment in prevention and early intervention. This lifts the total budget for the fund to £30 million over two years, an increase on the funding available over the previous two years.

Ms Campbell said: “There is excellent work being done across Scotland to support parents, carers, children and young people. This Bill will improve levels of care and support to children and families across the country through an increase in free and more flexible early learning and childcare from 475 to 600 hours, as well as more joined up services to support the wellbeing of all children and young people through a named person. Further measures will also add stability to kinship care arrangements. The level of investment the Scottish Government is putting into ensuring the Bill works for Scotland’s young people also demonstrates our commitment to investing in our children from the very start.

“We must also recognise the important role of the third sector in reaching out to families and children in inventive and inspirational ways, which is why I am providing an additional £10 million on top of the Third Sector Early Intervention Fund for groups working directly with children, young people and their families. The £20 million Third Sector Early Intervention Fund captured the imagination of many key organisations that work with children and young people. This additional funding means that even more organisations will be able to work with the Scottish Government and each other, as they continue to improve the lives of Scotland’s children, young people and their families.

“Together with the publication of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill, today is the biggest step forward so far on the path towards making Scotland the best place in the world to grow up.”

kid1Anne Houston, Chief Executive of CHILDREN 1ST, said: “The Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill has a key role to play in achieving the Scottish Government’s ambition of making Scotland the best place for children to grow up. For CHILDREN 1ST, that means a place where every child and young person has a happy, healthy, safe and secure childhood. We support the Bill’s intentions and must all now maximise the opportunity before us to achieve the Scottish Government’s vision.

“We are heartened by the proposals to provide 600 hours of flexible early learning and childcare for children in kinship care aged two and to provide a statutory definition of well-being.”

Martin Crewe, Director of Barnardo’s Scotland, said: “Barnardo’s Scotland is pleased to see the introduction of the Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill in Parliament. This Bill will be an important step forward in improving the lives of Scotland’s most vulnerable children and young people. We are particularly pleased to see more support for those young people leaving care, many of whom are not getting the help they need to make a successful transition into adulthood.

“We are looking forward to scrutinising the Bill and working with the Scottish Parliament to ensure that it delivers on the Scottish Government’s aim to make Scotland the best place in the world to bring up children.”


A 12 week consultation on the Bill was launched in July 2012 and was accompanied by extensive stakeholder communication, including national engagement events with over 800 stakeholders and activities with nearly 2,400 children and young people.

The Children and Young People (Scotland) Bill will also increase the powers of Scotland’s Commissioner for Children and Young People as well as improving support for kinship carers, families and care leavers

Provisions relating to a ‘named person’ will:

  •  Place a duty on NHS Boards to allocate every child with a named person from birth to school age
  • Place a duty on local authorities to allocate every child with a named person until they are 18 or leave school, whichever is later.
  • Oblige all relevant authorities to share information with the named person if it is necessary to safeguard, support and promote the wellbeing of the child.

The £10 million will go towards Strategic Funding Partnerships for children and youth organisations.

The Third Sector Early Intervention Fund is managed by the BIG Lottery on behalf of the Scottish Government.

Growing demand produces allotment consultation


Scotland’s Rural Affairs Secretary Richard Lochhead has launched a consultation to consider the shape of future allotment legislation following the announcement of Government plans to simplify and overhaul Scotland’s allotment rules.

Among the questions being asked are: should councils be required to provide people in their area within a specified timeframe? And should councils have a duty to provide a specific number of allotments in their area per head of population?

Mr Lochhead said: “Growing your own food is continuing to grow in popularity in Scotland and this goes hand in hand with an increasing desire to know where our food comes from. Allotments provide a range of benefits including better health, an opportunity to learn new skills, and an understanding of where food comes from – not forgetting the chance to eat the fruits of your labour.

“We’re committed to helping people to grow their own food and this consultation will consider what changes should be made to the existing legislation to make it simpler and fit for today’s community needs. Many communities have expressed a desire to get back to nature and more involved with growing their own food and that’s exactly what we’re working to make possible.”

The consultation runs until Friday 24 May.


£61m boost for Scottish colleges

Student support, including funding for childcare, will be increased through additional financial support for the college sector from the Scottish Government. The Scottish Government and Scottish Funding Council have set out how the £61 million of additional funding added to college budgets for 2013-15 will be spent.

Focusing on improving attainment, the additional investment over the next academic year (2013-14) includes:

  •  £1.9 million for additional student support through bursaries and childcare
  • £2.1 million targeted for some college regions to meet increased demand
  • £6.6 million for an additional learner places, including for women returning to study and part time places
  • £4 million to aid the successful integration of newly merging colleges.


Education Secretary Michael Russell (pictured above) said: “Earlier this year the Scottish Government showed its commitment to Scotland’s colleges by adding £61 million to the sector’s budget compared to what was originally announced for the spending review period. Since then, we have been discussing with college representatives and NUS Scotland how to allocate this funding to improve attainment so that more students gain and complete their qualifications, while moving towards a system of large, efficient regional colleges that offers courses responsive to local economic need.

“I am very pleased to be able to map out how we can further support the sector and its students. Increased student bursaries will mean more money in the pockets of our hard pressed students in times of economic difficulty. While full time courses for younger people remain a priority, there will be more learning opportunities for older and part time students, including women returning to study.

“Further funding will also help colleges with increasing demand and help institutions work closely together on a regional basis. This is a substantial investment in a sector with enormous economic importance to Scotland, and I am looking forward to working with the entire sector to ensure colleges continue to deliver for learners.”

Edinburgh to act against impact of welfare reforms

CityChambersPlans to mitigate the impact of national welfare reform measures on the capital have been announced by the City of Edinburgh Council. The plans, which will see an additional investment of £350,000 in advice and support services, will be discussed by the Corporate Policy and Strategy Committee on Tuesday (16 April).

The introduction of policies such as the Housing Benefit Under-occupancy Restrictions (or ‘bedroom tax’), which are expected to affect 3,800 Council tenants, and around 2,500 Housing Association tenants, combined with national reductions in benefits will have a significant impact on some Edinburgh residents and the city’s economy as a whole.

The Council has taken steps to minimise these repercussions where possible and is considering further actions to offer support. Residents affected by the under-occupancy restrictions have been contacted to provide advice about options such as moving to a smaller home, taking in lodgers or budgeting on a lower income.

Health, Wellbeing and Housing Convener, Councillor Ricky Henderson, (pictured below)said: “The new changes to the national welfare system will have a significant impact on the city and particularly those receiving benefits. It is also expected that the introduction of the under-occupancy changes will lead to increasing rent arrears, which may have an adverse impact on the Council’s ability to deliver services and capital investment in its homes.

“We have taken steps to bolster Council and voluntary sector advice services to make sure that residents are aware of these changes and the help that is available to them. It is vital that we support our most vulnerable citizens and do what we can to minimise these repercussions where possible.”


The committee will be asked to approve an investment of £350,000 to provide additional advice services. Of this sum, £100,000 will be provided to Citizens Advice Edinburgh, £22,000 to the Community Ability Network, £15,000 to The Action Group, £15,000 to FAIR and £7,000 to COSS. Some of the extra funds will also be invested in the Council’s own Advice Shop service and Contact Centre.

An additional £67,000 has already been agreed for the Welfare Rights and Health Project, CHAI Advice Service and Granton Information Centre.

Recent Scottish Local Government Forum Against Poverty figures suggest that changes to the national welfare system will lead to a loss of income of £223 million by 2015/2016 for people in Edinburgh. These changes mainly affect individuals and families living on low wages, those seeking work and disabled people who are unable to work. This will result in a greater need for advice about benefits, debt and budgeting, as well as an increased demand on social work, housing and homelessness services.

The administration of Crisis Grants and Community Care Grants is now the responsibility of the Council, after being transferred from the Department for Work and Pensions on 1 April. Crisis Grants are available as emergency payments where there is an immediate threat to health or safety and are now paid out from Council Neighbourhood and City Centre Offices with an out of hours service also available. A new team has been recruited to deal with the assessment and processing of claims, which can be made by phone, online, on paper and in person. Community Care grants will help to enable or continue independent living by providing furniture, carpets and white goods.

Further measures will be discussed by the Health, Wellbeing and Housing Policy Development and Review Sub Committee on Tuesday 23 April 2013.

The city council’s announcement comes as new independent research by Sheffield Hallam University has shown that welfare cuts will take more than £1.6bn a year out of the Scottish economy and hit the poorest parts hardest – the equivalent to about £480 a year for every adult of working age. The biggest losses are from reforms to incapacity benefits at about £500m a year.

The report states: “The financial losses arising from the reforms will hit the most deprived parts of Scotland hardest. Glasgow in particular, but also a number of other older industrial areas, will feel the impact most. The loss of benefit income, which is often large, will have knock-on consequences for local spending and thus for local employment, which will in turn add a further twist to the downward spiral.”

The report added: “A key effect of welfare reform will therefore be to widen the gaps in prosperity between the best and worst local economies across Scotland.” Researchers note that the scale of financial loss in Scotland would have been greater if the Scottish government had chosen to pass on the cut to council tax benefit.

The report was commissioned by the Holyrood’s welfare reform committee, and while it’s findings are unlikely to come as a major surprise, committee convener Labour MSP Michael McMahon said: “Our committee wanted a detailed picture of what would happen on the ground when these reforms were fully implemented. It is obvious to all that the impact is dramatic – and more so in the areas that can least afford it.”

A Scottish government spokesman said: “Sheffield Hallam have used the same publicly available data as the Scottish government analysis and reach broadly the same conclusions on the scale of the cuts. It is completely unacceptable that hard-working people and vulnerable groups will bear the brunt of the UK government’s welfare cuts.”

The UK government insists that changes must be considered alongside other measures like the increase of the tax threshold, that changes to the welfare system were necessary and that reforms will benefit the Scottish economy in the long-term.


Financial support to help cut your energy bills

The worst of winter may at last be over, but with sky-high utility bills dropping through the letterbox people across Scotland are being urged to seek assistance to improve the energy efficiency of their homes, helping to reduce household energy bills.

Housing and Welfare Minister Margaret Burgess has outlined that households can apply for financial assistance from the Scottish Government of up to £1,200 to pay for energy improvement measures such as cavity and loft insulation, double glazing, a new boiler or draft proofing.

Getting loft insulation can reduce energy bills by up to £175 per year, while replacing single-glazed windows with double glazed ones could save the average home around £165 per year. And taking simple steps to draught proof can cut £55 per year off the average property’s energy bill, while getting a new, energy efficient boiler could save a three bedroom home owner up to £300 annually.

Mrs Burgess said: “It is my belief that everyone in Scotland should live in a warm and safe home that doesn’t cost the earth to heat. In these current economic times, it is more important than ever that people take advantage of money saving opportunities like these when they can.

“Rising energy bills are a huge concern for this government, and fuel poverty is an absolute scandal in a country like Scotland. There is a wide range of financial support and offers available to Scottish households to support them when it comes to making the decision that is right for them.

“As well as perhaps being eligible for up to £400 towards the cost of a new boiler, householders could access up to £500 towards the cost of insulation measures, and up to £300 towards other measures such as double glazing or draft proofing if recommended as part of a Green Deal assessment. I would urge anyone who would like to reduce their energy bills to contact the Hotline as soon as possible to find out about how to get a Green Deal assessment and to find out about the offers available to them.”

You can find out more and apply for a Green Homes Cashback voucher by visiting


or by calling the Scottish Government’s Home Energy Scotland free hotline on 0800 512 012.


Scotland set for lower drink drive limits


Scotland is on course to adopt stricter drink driving limits than the rest of the UK following a government consultation. The vast majority of people who responded would like to see a lower drink drive limit in Scotland, with almost three quarters (74 per cent) of respondents to Reducing the Drink Driving Limit in Scotland believing that drink drive limits should be reduced.

The analysis also revealed that amongst those who want to see a lower limit, there was widespread agreement (87 per cent) with the Scottish Government’s proposal to lower the blood alcohol limit from 80mg of alcohol in every 100 ml of blood to 50 mg of alcohol in every 100 ml of blood.

The consultation responses suggested the likely benefits of a lower limit would be fewer road accidents and fewer casualties. A number of respondents also called for the Scottish Government to be given further powers to tackle drink driving.

Speaking at an event at Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh to highlight the harm caused by drink driving last week, Justice Secretary cKenny MacAskill confirmed that the Scottish Government will now be taking the necessary steps to bring in a lower drink driving limit in Scotland.

Mr  MacAskill said: “Drink driving can shatter families and communities and we must take action to reduce the risk on our roads. On average, 30 families every year have to cope with the loss of a loved one and around 900 people are treated for injuries caused by someone who thought it was acceptable to drink alcohol and get behind the wheel and drive. We cannot let this continue. Lowering the drink drive limit will help make Scotland’s roads safer and save lives. The evidence is clear and the vast majority of those who responded to our consultation support the Scottish Government’s plans for change.

“The consultation now allows us to progress formal discussions with the police and the UK Government on the recalibration and testing of drink drive enforcement devices to ensure prosecutions are as robust as possible. Before a lower limit is introduced we will also consider issues such as how motorists driving into Scotland from England will be made aware of the lower limit. We are exploring options with Transport Scotland, police and justice and road safety partners as we move forward with our plans. Once we have progressed these issues over the next few months, I will be asking the Scottish Parliament to approve regulations to lower the limit.”

Dr Dave Caesar, Clinical Director of Emergency Medicine, NHS Lothian, said: “NHS Lothian runs Scotland’s busiest Emergency Department and we are too often faced with alcohol related emergencies in our hospitals. We welcome the results of the consultation to lower the drink drive limit. Alcohol in your blood stream slows your reaction times and how long it takes to process visual information. A lower drink drive limit would prevent road traffic accidents and deaths on our roads and therefore reduce the number of people who needlessly die each year.”

Kathleen Braidwood, road safety officer for the Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA) in Scotland, added: “Far too many people are being killed on our roads as a result of people who drink and drive, so RoSPA is delighted to see that a clear majority of people are in favour of the Scottish Government’s proposal to reduce the current drink-drive limit. One of RoSPA’s long-standing campaigns is for the drink-drive limit to be lowered from 80mg of alcohol per 100ml of blood to 50mg, not just in Scotland but across the whole of the UK.

“People need to realise that any amount of alcohol impairs a driver’s ability to judge speed and distance while behind the wheel. Alcohol also slows reaction times and can make drivers over-confident and more likely to take risks. Lowering the drink-drive limit will not only contribute to making our roads safer but also have a wider social impact.”


Welfare cuts ‘intolerable’ – Sturgeon

The true impact of the UK Government’s benefit reforms have been revealed by a new Scottish Government analysis that shows people in Scotland could be hit with a cut of £4.5 billion in the five years to 2014-15 – £2 billion more than the UK Government originally claimed.

The report also estimates that £1 billion of the welfare cuts will have a direct impact on children living in Scotland – a situation Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon today described as “intolerable”.

Ms Sturgeon (pictured below)  said: “The Scottish Government’s analysis we are publishing today suggests that the true scale of the cuts on Scottish households as part of the UK Government’s welfare reforms could be much greater than previously anticipated. In 2011, the Department for Work and Pensions claimed Scotland’s benefits bill would be reduced by £2.5 billion by 2014-15. We believe that today’s new analysis shows this to be a huge underestimation, with hard working families and children among those being hit with a reduction in benefits that may will actually reach over £4.5 billion. The UK Government must urgently clarify the true scale of the impact in Scotland.

“These unfair cuts to the welfare system have been imposed on Scotland and will hit a million working age households in Scotland, weakening consumer demand and damaging economic growth. The fact that around £1 billion of the welfare cuts will directly impact on children in Scotland is particularly worrying – it is an intolerable situation that represents a devastating blow to the hard working people of Scotland.

“Our vision of an independent Scotland, is one where the welfare system will reflect our nation’s values and provide fair and decent support for those who need it most. It will encourage those people who can – and should work – into work. But it will also support people who are unable to work, allowing them to play a full and active part in society, and it will tackle poverty where this exists. It is clear that the UK Government’s agenda is completely at odds with the aspirations we have for our country. With every day the case for independence becomes even more compelling.”


Hospitals to become smoke-free


NHS grounds to be completely smoke-free by 2015 under new Scottish Government plans

In a move to promote smoke-free environments and healthier lifestyles, patients, visitors and staff will no longer be able to smoke on NHS sites. Under the plans, people who smoke will be offered advice and support to help them not to smoke during hospital visits as well as access to specialist smoking cessation services for those wanting to quit. NHS Boards will be required to implement and enforce smoke-free policies across their grounds by March 2015.

Health Secretary Mr Alex Neil (pictured below) said: “This Government has ambitious plans to reduce the number of people choosing to smoke. To this end, we want to build on the ban on smoking in public places, which was introduced seven years ago this week, by ensuring that our hospital grounds become smoke-free.

“We know that smoking is extremely harmful to health and causes in excess of 13,000 deaths per year in Scotland. The toll of smoking on our nation’s health cannot be underestimated. Creating smoke-free hospital grounds sends out a powerful message that every visit to our health service is an opportunity to promote and improve people’s health.

“We all know how unpleasant it can be to walk through a cloud of smoke in order to enter or leave a building. These measures will help to ensure that we create a healthier environment for people who use, visit and work in our health service. That is why we believe staff, patients and visitors will support and respect this decision and refrain from smoking until off-site.”

In 2005 the Scottish Government issued guidance on smoking policies for the NHS, local authorities and care providers which gave NHS boards the power to ban smoking on their premises. The new measures will not apply to mental health facilities, which have an exemption to allow the provision of designated smoking rooms under the original smoke-free legislation.


Millions pledged for social housing

Councils will receive a share of £40 million to help families into hundreds of new social homes, Deputy First Minister Nicola Sturgeon has confirmed. The total funding package is expected to deliver around 1,000 homes, mainly for social rent, and support up to 700 jobs in construction and related sectors, over the next two years.

Local authorities will allocate £40 million to meet the housing needs in their areas.

Ms Sturgeon said: “This funding will deliver up to 1,000 affordable homes that meet people’s needs, a central focus of our housing polices and a principle that underpins everything we do. It will help realise our ambition of 5,000 council homes as part of wider plans to deliver more than 30,000 affordable homes during this Parliamentary term.

“Quite simply, investing in new homes helps people into work by creating a jobs spin-off with the employment and training that takes place during construction. This funding illustrates that despite the 26% cut to our capital budget by Westminster, the Scottish Government is determined to continue investing in new social housing. If we want a strong economy, we must have access to all of Scotland’s resources, not just the portion of Scotland’s resources that the UK Government chooses to give us.”

Pauline Mills, Land & Planning Director for Taylor Wimpey East Scotland said: “As one of Scotland’s largest house builders delivering high-quality new homes is our area of expertise, and the provision of social housing is an integral part of our business across Scotland. The announcement today of funds for Councils to provide more new affordable homes, highlights the importance of the house building industry and the key role that it plays in creating a positive impact on the economic landscape of Scotland.”

This funding package brings the Scottish Government’s budget for housing supply to almost £860 million over three years.

Affordable Housing Supply Programme (AHSP)
