Adult Education Film Courses

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Cinephiles – why not take advantage of National Cinema Day on 3rd September to see a £3 film and use the savings to sign up for one of the adult education film courses to view, analyse, and learn about films with a very experienced tutor who can offer insights into directors, script writing and context to add to your awareness and enjoyment.

The courses will include viewing clips or short films and time for discussion.

Choose from: 

Films of Paul Laverty & Ken Loach

At Queensferry High School    Monday evenings 6.30-8.30pm 

& Brunstane Primary School Thursday evenings 6.30-8.30pm 


Hollywood Greats 

At Queensferry Rosebery Hall Monday afternoons 3-5pm 


Scotland in Film 

At Craigroyston Community High School Friday afternoon 2-4pm 

These 10 week courses start from Monday 26th September 

Enrolling now on 

Or ring 0131 556 7978 or 0131 469 3003

Standard fees £87.00 – Senior / student fees £43.50 – 

Benefits of all types fees £17.25

New national campaign marks the start of Sepsis Awareness Month

A leading sepsis charity and the Scottish Government have marked the start of Sepsis Awareness Month in Scotland today (1 September 2022) by launching a new national awareness campaign.

The charity Sepsis Research FEAT is working in partnership with the Scottish Government to run their first joint campaign since before the COVID-19 pandemic. The campaign aims to help save lives by increasing public awareness of sepsis and how to recognise the key symptoms.

Sepsis is a deadly condition which takes the lives of more than 4,000 people in Scotland every year. It occurs when the body’s response to an infection spirals rapidly out of control, injuring its own tissues and organs which can result in multiple organ failure and death. 

The five key symptoms of sepsis highlighted in the campaign are:

  • Confusion 
  • Not passing as much urine as normal
  • Very high or low temperature 
  • Uncontrolled shivering
  • Cold or blotchy arms and legs 

If someone has any of these symptoms, becoming noticeably worse, this could indicate sepsis and urgent medical attention should be sought.

Sepsis Research FEAT previously worked with the Scottish Government on awareness campaigns in 2018 and 2019, reaching more than 1.3 million people across Scotland. Their latest partnership will build on this success with a nationwide multimedia campaign which will include commercial TV, radio, print and social media. 

This week the charity and Health Secretary Humza Yousaf kicked off the campaign and the beginning of Sepsis Awareness Month with a visit to the home of pioneering research study, GenOMICC at the University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute.

They were joined by two charity supporters from Edinburgh – Adam Liddle who lost his wife Emma to sepsis in 2020 and Aimee King whose son Corey was 18 months old when he almost died from sepsis in 2021.

Led by Professor Kenneth Baillie at the Roslin Institute, the world-leading GenOMICC project is increasing understanding of sepsis and helping to develop improved treatments for it by examining DNA samples from patients in intensive care units (ICUs) throughout the UK.

Sepsis Research FEAT has funded the study since 2018 and has just announced increased investment supporting a new pilot study, GenOMICC Acute, in which additional blood samples will be obtained from patients shortly after ICU admission, providing researchers with insight into what happens within a patient’s body when they are at their most critically ill.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf said: “I am delighted that the Scottish Government is continuing to work with Sepsis Research FEAT to raise public awareness of the symptoms and dangers of sepsis.

“Patient safety remains key to delivering safe and effective care to all patients every time they access healthcare services and the Scottish Government’s Scottish Patient Safety Programme continues to make progress in its action on sepsis. Focusing on early identification is critical and treatment within one hour of recognition has led to mortality rates among those identified at this stage falling by 21% since 2012.

“Sepsis Research FEAT plays a vital role in funding research into this devastating disease and in making the public aware of the symptoms, and the Scottish Government is supporting them in their efforts.” 

Colin Graham, Chief Operating Officer at Sepsis Research FEAT, commented: “Sepsis Research FEAT is proud to mark the beginning of Sepsis Awareness Month 2022 with our new campaign in partnership with the Scottish Government.

“This will be our largest campaign yet and will help us reach an even greater number of people and educate them about the symptoms of sepsis that everyone in Scotland should know about. We are grateful to Mr Yousaf for joining us to help launch it with the incredible GenOMICC team at the University of Edinburgh’s Roslin Institute. 

“Sepsis is a medical emergency. It is a devastating condition that can kill a previously healthy adult in hours. Even those who survive are often left with long term physical or psychological effects.

“Sepsis Awareness Month, which is observed worldwide every September, is always an important time for our charity to spread the word about sepsis. We’re asking everyone in Scotland to get involved this year by sharing our awareness campaign and learning the five key symptoms to help save lives.” 

Sepsis Research FEAT is the only UK charity that exists to fund research into sepsis alongside increasing awareness of the condition. Sepsis Awareness Month – which includes World Sepsis Day on 13 September – is a key time for the charity to raise funds for vital research and this year it is doing this through a fundraising campaign called ‘Give us 5!’.

In order to highlight the five key symptoms of sepsis and also recognise the five lives tragically lost to sepsis every hour in the UK, supporters across the country are being encouraged to give five of something – this could be giving five minutes or hours of their time, taking part in a fundraising activity covering five miles on land or on water, or donating or raising £5, £500 or even £5,000.

More information about Sepsis Awareness Month and how to get involved are available at 

Find out more about the new awareness campaign run by Sepsis Research FEAT and the Scottish Government at 

Letter: Profits of Doom?

Dear Editor

Since the election of a Tory Government there has been such a severe reduction in living standards all over the country that poverty is being seen as normal.

This Tory attack on working people is deliberate policy. How else could these people be so incompetent and so wicked at the same time?

They are responsible for the continuing rise in prices daily. This autumn there has been a massive government-sponsored rise in the cost of living; the rise in electricity prices was a devastating blow to most people in the country; the price of fuel for cars, etc. has rocketed, giving the fuel suppliers millions of pounds in profits which was promptly given to shareholders while the price of heating and food rose.

The Tories now intend to show how much they don’t care as they have already announced a 10% increases later on this winter.

Yes, this is what the Tories will do and continue to do. All workers must do all they can to resist the Tories.

The sooner we get rid of them the better.

Tony Delahoy

£12,000 donation boosts services for Secondary Breast Cancer patients

Services for secondary breast cancer patients have received an unexpected boost after a surprise donation of more than £12,000. 

The cash will be used to further the work of Make 2nds Count, which campaigns to raise awareness of the little-known form of the disease, support patients and their families and fund education and research into secondary breast cancer. 

Also known as metastatic, advanced or stage IV breast cancer,  secondary breast cancer is an incurable cancer that has spread beyond the breast to other parts of the body. It can be treated, but  around 35,000 patients in the UK are living with the disease and the death toll here is, on average, a shocking 1,000 women each month. 

This significant donation comes from Challenge Breast Cancer Scotland, which has recently decided to close its operations and wanted the funds to continue to serve secondary breast cancer patients through Make 2nds Count. 

Moira Adams, Trustee of Challenge Breast Cancer Scotland, said: “It was a bittersweet moment to donate all of our funds to Make 2nds Count as we finally wind up our organisation, but we are confident that the money will be sympathetically and efficiently utilised for the benefit of breast cancer patients in Scotland.

“Our thanks must go to all our friends and supporters who have generously donated to our charity over the past 30 years. We wish Make 2nds Count every success.” 

Make 2nds Count was founded by mum Lisa Fleming, 38, of Edinburgh, who had no previous breast cancer diagnosis, warning signs or lump when she was told she had primary and secondary breast cancer.

Her aim is to support patients and families, educate and raise funds for research into the disease. So far her charity has raised more than £1million.  

Lisa said: “While we’re incredibly sad to see the end of Challenge Breast Cancer Scotland, we’re happy to carry the torch on their behalf and to continue the great work being done to support people diagnosed with this form of the disease.

“Our lifeline comes from donations and we are committed to doing everything we can to raise awareness, fund research and improve the lives of those living with secondary breast cancer.

“This is an important and much-needed boost for our work.” 

Children’s Hearings Scotland launches autumn recruitment campaign

Children’s Hearings Scotland (CHS) has launched its’ autumn campaign to recruit new Panel Members to support infants, children and young people in their local communities.

Across Scotland, the organisation are looking to recruit volunteers from a diverse range of backgrounds aged 18 and over who can listen, show empathy, build trust and show compassion to support this group of young people.

Panel Members are volunteers from local communities who take part in children’s hearings. Their role is to listen and make legal decisions with and for infants, children and young people. They are there to ensure that the young person is at the heart of every decision made – because every decision, no matter how big or small, has an impact on the life of the child or young person in the hearing.

All Panel Members, once selected, all take part in the CHS dedicated Learning Academy, in partnership with West Lothian College.  In addition to the training the Panel Member will also gain a Professional Development Award for ‘Children’s Hearings in Scotland: Panel Members’, a verified award by the Scottish Qualifications Authority.

Children’s Hearings Scotland National Convener and Chief Executive, Elliot Jackson, says:  “Scotland has an ambition to be the best place in the world to grow up, to make sure all children are loved, safe, respected and able to fulfil their full potential.

“For some children and families,  the Children’s Hearings System has a significant role to play in this ambition. Children’s Hearings couldn’t operate without volunteer Panel Members making decisions with and for children and young people.

“To do this, we are committed to having children at the heart of everything we do – including recruitment.

“This campaign comes at an exciting time of growth and change at CHS and is totally centred on what young people who have experience of children’s hearings, are telling us they want to see in their Panel Members.

“Qualities like being caring, compassionate, open minded, empathetic and a good listener. If you want to make a difference in your local community, I encourage you to take the opportunity this year to apply to join our unique volunteer community.”

Clare Haughey MSP, Minister for Children and Young People, said: “Panel Members play a critical role in ensuring children and young people’s views are heard by placing them at the heart of their hearing and, in the current challenging climate, it is vital now more than ever that we recruit new volunteers to continue this.

“This is a unique opportunity to join a diverse, empathetic, caring panel who will listen to children and young people.”

Children’s Hearings Scotland is the organisation responsible for recruiting, training and supporting volunteer Panel Members.

There are 2,500 volunteer Panel Members across Scotland who take part in children’s hearings and make decisions with and for infants, children and young people in their local community.

In 2020/21 16,2481 children’s hearings were held across Scotland supporting 8,9771 children and young people. The majority of hearings during the pandemic have been held virtually which was a massive undertaking for our volunteers who managed to continue providing their support throughout.

There are a range of reasons that a child or young person may be referred to attend a children’s hearing; in the last year, approximately 85%¹ of all referrals were on care and protection grounds.

Applications for new Panel Members open on 01 September to midnight 6th October 2022 and you can apply by going online to:

Scottish Secretary Alister Jack formally opens Queen Elizabeth House

HM Revenue and Customs’ (HMRC) Edinburgh Regional Centre and UK Government hub was formally opened yesterday (1 September 2022) by Secretary of State for Scotland, Alister Jack MP.

Mr Jack unveiled a plaque at the flagship office, named Queen Elizabeth House, alongside HMRC’s Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary, Jim Harra. Among those also attending the event were Scotland Office Director, Laurence Rockey, and the Advocate General for Scotland, Lord Stewart of Dirleton QC.

The state-of-the-art building at 1 Sibbald Walk is home to around 2,200 full-time equivalent (FTE) HMRC staff and around 640 civil servants from 24 other UK Government departments and agencies. Departments sharing the building with HMRC include the Scotland Office, Office of the Advocate General for Scotland and Department for International Trade.

The seven-storey UK Government Hub initially opened its doors to some civil servants during the pandemic on 1 September 2020 and on its second anniversary, the building has now formally been declared open.

Staff working from the site have already made a huge contribution to the country by working on the on the Coronavirus Job Retention Scheme (CJRS) which helped protect more than 910,000 jobs in Scotland, including 87,500 jobs in Edinburgh.

Alister Jack MP, Secretary of State for Scotland, said: “It’s a privilege to officially open Queen Elizabeth House, the UK Government’s state-of-the-art hub in the heart of Edinburgh.

“This flagship building will provide a base for more than a dozen UK Government departments which all have a key role in Scotland. 

“It is a fantastic facility and a huge asset as we engage with stakeholders, invest in communities and serve the people of Scotland.” 

Jim Harra, HMRC’s Chief Executive and First Permanent Secretary, said: “It has been fantastic to finally celebrate the official opening of our Edinburgh Regional Centre and UK Government hub today.

“This modern development promotes an inclusive working environment and is an important part of HMRC’s transformation into a digitally-advanced tax authority.

“Queen Elizabeth House provides HMRC a greater opportunity to work closely with other UK Government departments to deliver our priorities such as supporting families through the cost-of-living crisis.”

HMRC also has a regional centre in Glasgow and a specialist site at Gartcosh. Earlier this year, the department announced they would retain a long-term presence in East Kilbride, which will become Phase 2 of the Glasgow Regional Centre.

External image: Hufton & Crow

Second charter ship for Ukrainians

Preparations under way as vessel arrives to host displaced people

The second cruise ship chartered to offer displaced people safe accommodation has arrived in Glasgow.

The M/S Ambition has been chartered for six months and will be located at King George V docks on the River Clyde. The ship has capacity to host up to 1,750 people in 714 cabins, and, as with the arrangements for the M/S Victoria I at Leith, families will be accommodated according to their needs.

People on board the vessel will have access to restaurants, child play facilities, shops, cleaning and communal spaces. They will be free to come and go from the ship, as with any other temporary accommodation.

Partners will now work to put in place measures around safeguarding, health and safety, public protection and waste management to ensure that the ship is ready to welcome people. This will also include work to provide guests on board with access to appropriate support services, including healthcare and benefits support.

Minister with Special Responsibility for Refugees from Ukraine Neil Gray said: “The Scottish Government is providing accommodation that is safe and sustainable while people are waiting to be matched to suitable longer term accommodation.

“The arrival of the M/S Ambition in Glasgow is a key part of that provision which means we are providing sanctuary to more displaced people per head of population than any other part of the UK.

“We are working closely with the council and other local partners to finalise plans for how the ship will be used, with safeguarding of the people on board being the absolute priority.

“Now that the M/S Ambition has arrived, this work will begin at pace and people will move on board once the Scottish Government and Glasgow City Council are satisfied that the necessary preparations, including health and safety checks, have been satisfied.

“We do not want people spending more time in temporary accommodation, such as the cruise ships, for any longer than is absolutely necessary. We continue to take significant action to increase our temporary accommodation capacity as well as boosting our matching system to maximise the number of people who can be placed with volunteer hosts who have completed the necessary safeguarding checks.”

The latest published data on the Ukraine Sponsorship Scheme, including the Scottish Government’s super sponsor scheme, shows that on 30 August there were:

  • 15,757 total arrivals with a sponsor located in Scotland (18% of all UK arrivals), of which 12,390 have come under the super sponsor scheme
  • 35,931 applications under the super sponsor scheme
  • 29,992 visas issued under the super sponsor scheme

UNITE: Bins strikes to resume Tuesday


UNITE members in Waste and Cleansing will walk out again from Tuesday 6th to Tuesday 13th September as the dispute over local government pay in Scotland continues.

Schools workers in Edinburgh are not on strike.

Unite is adamant that until COSLA obtains funding from the Scottish Government to offer a proper pay rise, action will continue with the mandates we have in waste and schools.

The First Minister held talks with both Cosla and the striking trade unions yesterday in an attempt to break the deadlock. There has been some progress and a deal is inching closer. Talks will continue today.

UPDATE: 3.30pm UNITE has suspended next week’s strike action as members consider an improved pay offer

Double acquisition makes it 70 for Dental Group

TWO Edinburgh dental practices have become the latest to join the network of the nation’s leading dental group.

Clyde Munro has struck a deal with married dentists, Duncan Sandland and Suzanne Seaton, to acquire their Colinton Dental and Riccarton Dental practices after nearly two decades in charge.

The Glasgow-based firm will take the reins of running the business and the administration involved in caring for more than 13,000 patients; while Duncan and Suzanne, both 52, will continue to work at the practices concentrating on what they love doing most, looking after patients.

With patients coming from as far as Kingussie to the Colinton practice, and the Riccarton site catering for a large cohort of students and staff from Heriot Watt University; Duncan, Suzanne and their 11 staff have reassured their patients that both practices will continue to run as normal.

Duncan said: “We have been filtering into our new roles this past month, and solely focusing on what we love doing, being dentists. It has brought Suzanne and I great joy.

“It has been no secret that the pandemic has induced a lot of stress on the dental sector, and Brexit has made recruitment difficult in finding qualified workers. Everyone at both practices has worked hard to pull through, and it felt like this was the next natural step for the business.

“Clyde Munro offered what Suzanne and I wanted, we also had good feedback from colleagues in the sector who opted to go with Clyde Munro.”

Duncan joined the Colinton Dental Practice in 1994 as an associate, and was followed by his wife Suzanne in 2003.

In 2006, Duncan and Suzanne decided to buy the practice from founders Robbie Richards and Tom Wishart.

From there the duo took on the Riccarton Dental Practice which currently has 60% of its patients enrolled from Heriot Watt University, under their stewardship the practice grew from one part-time surgery to three full-time surgeries culminating in a move to a new premises.

Duncan and Suzanne believe patients will see improvements on the high levels of service they currently receive.

Duncan added: “We expect there to be very little change in how the business is run day-to-day. Clyde Munro is likely to improve the business functions and systems to make life easier for the staff.

“Suzanne and I will still be there as well as the other members of staff and in fact it should improve the business as a whole.

“There are a lot of benefits for us dentists in being part of a group, and for the patients I think it will create a better environment.”

This comes after Clyde Munro last month announced it has exceeded 500,000 patients under its care. It now has 70 practices, more than 200 dentists and 500 members of staff.

Having launched in 2015 with just seven practices, approximately one in 11 Scots are now patients within its network.

Kirsty Dace, Chief Development Officer at Clyde Munro, said: “Duncan and Suzanne have been tremendously easy to work with and we are delighted that they are staying to focus on their passion for dentistry.

“We want to see independent practices thrive with little impact on the front of house operations when they join the group, and both Colinton Dental Practice and Riccarton Dental Practice are no exceptions.

“We look forward to a productive relationship with Duncan, Suzanne and everyone involved at the practices.”

Practices which join the group benefit from help with business functions including HR, accounts, marketing, compliance and facilities management – relieving many dentists from gruelling and distracting administration duties.

For more information on Clyde Munro, please visit:

Up & Running is supporting local homeless charity by gifting socks

The specialist running retailer in Edinburgh has teamed up with well-known running sock brand, Balega to donate socks to the local homeless charity, Streetwork at Simon Community Scotland.

Throughout September, for every pair of socks sold by Up & Running, Balega will donate a pair to Streetwork, in a bid to provide warmth and comfort to those forced to sleep on the streets.  

 This is the fourth year that Up & Running and Balega have joined forces, which has seen the campaign donate a substantial number of socks to help homeless charities throughout the UK. The campaign also aims to raise awareness of homelessness and the fantastic work the charities do ahead of World Homeless Day on October 10th.

Talking about the campaign, Co-Managing Director for Up & Running, George Cunningham said, “We are happy to once again be supporting local homeless shelters and projects, and are grateful to customers, staff and Balega for the contributions to the sock donation.

“The issue of homelessness is heart-breaking and serious, and affects all communities. We hope that the sock donation will help in a small way to bring some comfort and dignity to those in need.”

Jon Dennis, UK Balega representative said: “We are pleased to be partnering with Up & Running again to deliver our homeless support campaign. 

“Balega has a long tradition of supporting communities and charities and our partnership with Up & Running continues this tradition.”

If you would like to support the campaign please head down to Up & Running Edinburgh and purchase a pair of socks or visit