First Minister to set out Cost Crisis Programme for Government

Scottish Child Payment increased from 14 November

First Minister Nicola Sturgeon will set out a raft of actions this afternoon (Tuesday 6 September) in a Programme for Government designed to help people through the cost emergency.

The package will include an increase in Scottish Child Payment to £25 per eligible child per week from 14 November, with the ground-breaking anti-poverty benefit also opening to applications for all eligible under-16s from that date.

The First Minister is determined to help households and businesses cope with a “humanitarian crisis that will cost lives.” She has also called on the UK Government to take urgent action as it holds most of the key policy levers and resources to fully address the crisis.

Speaking ahead of her statement to Parliament on the 2022-23 Programme for Government, the First Minister said: “The Scottish Child Payment is unique to Scotland, the most ambitious child poverty reduction measure in the UK and an important action to mitigate the growing cost emergency. 

“We doubled the payment to £20 per week per child in April and the further increase to £25 from November means a rise of 150% in less than eight months.

“Around 104,000 children currently in receipt of Scottish Child Payment will have it automatically increased to £25 per week. All new eligible under 16s will also benefit from the £25 rate, with all payments backdated to the date their application is received.

“Through this year’s Programme for Government we will take every action, within the financial means and legislative powers at our disposal, to help people through this humanitarian crisis that will cost lives.

“The most significant powers to tackle this crisis rest squarely with the UK Government and their inaction has compounded the difficulties everyone is facing.

“In the absence of a plan from the incoming Prime Minister we have a clear set of actions which the UK Government could take now, and should have taken already, to begin to address the crisis. These include an immediate cancellation of the October price cap rise and an uprating of benefits. 

“The last few months have made it abundantly clear Scotland cannot rely on the UK Government to support people in Scotland through this crisis. It is vital they have a choice over their future.

“Make no mistake, we will continue to act where others have not to help people and businesses – and the UK Government needs to follow our example.”

Tuesday 6 September – 1420-1450 First Minister’s Statement: Programme for Government, followed by; 1450-1700 Scottish Government Debate: Programme for Government.

That’s All, Folks: Bye bye, Boris!

Boris Johnson gave his final speech as Prime Minister on the steps of Downing Street

Well this is it folks, thanks to all of you for coming out so early this morning.

In only a couple of hours from now I will be in Balmoral to see Her Majesty The Queen and the torch will finally be passed to a new Conservative leader: the baton will be handed over in what has unexpectedly turned out to be a relay race – they changed the rules half-way through but never mind that now – and through that lacquered black door a new Prime Minister will shortly go to meet a fantastic group of public servants.

The people who got Brexit done

the people who delivered the fastest vaccine roll out in Europe

and never forget – 70 per cent of the entire population got a dose within 6 months, faster than any comparable country

That is government for you – that’s this Conservative government – the people who organised those prompt early supplies of weapons to the heroic Ukrainian armed forces, an action that may very well have helped change the course of the biggest European war for 80 years.

And because of the speed and urgency of what you did – everybody involved in this government – to get this economy moving again from July last year in spite of all opposition, all the naysayers we have and will continue to have that economic strength to give people the cash they need to get through this energy crisis that has been caused by Putin’s vicious war.

And  I know that Liz Truss and this compassionate Conservative government will do everything we can to get people through this crisis.

And this country will endure it and we will win.

And if Putin thinks that he can succeed by blackmailing or bullying the British people then he is utterly deluded and the reason we will have those funds now and in the future is because we Conservatives understand the vital symmetry between government action and free market capitalist private sector enterprise.

We are delivering on those huge manifesto commitments:

making streets safer – neighbourhood crime down 38 per cent in the last three years

13,790 more police on the streets

building more hospitals – and yes we will have 50,000 more nurses by the end of this parliament and 40 more hospitals by the end of the decade

putting record funding into our schools and into teachers’ pay

giving everyone over 18 a lifetime skills guarantee so they can keep upskilling throughout their lives

3 new high speed rail lines including northern powerhouse rail

colossal road programmes from the Pennines to Cornwall,

the roll-out of gigabit broadband up over the last three years, since you were kind enough to elect me, up from 7 per cent of our country’s premises having gigabit broadband to 70 per cent today.

And we are of course providing the short and the long term solutions for our energy needs – and not just using more of our own domestic hydrocarbons but going up by 2030 to 50 GW of wind power, that is half this country’s energy electricity needs from offshore wind alone, a new nuclear reactor every year.

And looking at what is happening in this country, the changes that are taking place: that is why the private sector is investing more venture capital investment than China itself, more billion pound tech companies sprouting here than in France, Germany and Israel combined and as a result unemployment as I leave office, down to lows not seen since I was about ten years old and bouncing around on a space hopper.

And on the subject of bouncing around and future careers let me say that I am now like one of those booster rockets that has fulfilled its function and I will now be gently re-entering the atmosphere and splashing down invisibly in some remote and obscure corner of the pacific.

And like Cincinnatus I am returning to my plough and I will be offering this government nothing but the most fervent support.

this is a tough time for the economy, this is a tough time for families up and down the country – we can and we will get through it and we will come out stronger the other side – but I say to my fellow Conservatives it is time for the politics to be over folks and it’s time for us all to get behind Liz Truss and her programme and deliver for the people of this country.

Because that is what the people of this country want, that’s what they need and that’s what they deserve.

I am proud to have discharged the promises I made my party when you were kind enough to choose me,

winning the biggest majority since 1987 and the biggest share of the vote since 1979.

delivering Brexit

delivering our manifesto commitments – including social care

helping people up and down the country

ensuring that Britain is once again standing tall in the world

speaking with clarity and authority

from Ukraine to the AUKUS pact with America and Australia

because we are one whole and entire United Kingdom whose diplomats, security services and armed forces are so globally admired

and as I leave I believe our union is so strong that those who want to break it up, will keep trying but they will never ever succeed

thank you to everyone behind me in this building for looking after me and my family over the last three years so well including Dilyn, the dog

and if Dilyn and Larry (the Downing Street dog and cat)can put behind them their occasional difficulties, then so can the Conservative party.

And above all thanks to you, the British people, to the voters for giving me the chance to serve all of you who worked so tirelessly together to beat covid to put us where we are today.

Together we have laid foundations that will stand the test of time, whether by taking back control of our laws or putting in vital new infrastructure: great solid masonry on which we will continue to build together, paving the path of prosperity now & for future generations.

And I will be supporting Liz Truss and our new government every step of the way.

Thank you all very much.

Collective: Join us for Doors Open Days

Collective is delighted to be taking part in Doors Open Days 2022, with a chance to visit both Observatory House and the McEwan Dome, which are not usually accessible to the public.

Doors Open Days is Scotland’s largest free festival that celebrates heritage and the built environment. It offers free access to over a thousand venues across the country each September. The aim of Doors Open Days is to ensure that Scotland’s spaces and stories, new and old, are made accessible to people living and visiting the country.

Please note that due to the historic nature of the architecture, there is no step-free access to Observatory House or McEwan Dome. Other spaces within the City Observatory and the wider site are accessible to all.

Book your tour on 24 or 25 September here.

About Observatory House

Dating back to 1776, Observatory House represents the very first attempt to develop an astronomical observatory on Calton Hill. Recently restored by Collective and including newly commissioned artwork by four contemporary artists, Observatory House is now available to rent as a holiday let, with proceeds helping to support our year round work with artists and communities.

About McEwan Dome

The City Observatory, designed by William Henry Playfair in 1818, gained Royal status after King George IV’s 1822 visit to Edinburgh. The neoclassical building houses a number of historic telescopes: the Transit telescope on the ground floor, and the Cooke telescope within the McEwan Dome, which is not usually accessible to the public.

Winter vaccines programme begins

Elderly care home residents are among the first to receive COVID-19 and flu vaccines as the winter vaccine programme gets underway.

More than two million people in Scotland will be offered vaccines over the next three months – helping protect the public and relieving pressure on the NHS.

Invitations will have been sent to all over 65s by the end of the week and more than 41,000 frontline health and social care workers have booked appointments through the portal since it opened last month, continuing efforts to keep Scotland as the UK’s leading nation in vaccine uptake.

Both new bivalent vaccines, which target Omicron and the original variant of COVID-19, will be deployed alongside existing vaccines, though the vaccination individuals receive will depend on age and vaccine availability. Both the current and new bivalent vaccines provide good protection from severe illness and hospitalisation from known COVID-19 variants. The COVID-19 vaccine will be given at the same time as the flu jab where possible.

Health Secretary Humza Yousaf visited the Victoria Manor care home in Edinburgh where residents Agnes Taylor and Andrew Young were among those being vaccinated.

Mr Yousaf said: “This country is indebted to those dedicated frontline workers who work tirelessly to get the majority of Scots immunised all year round – and whose efforts have led to a sharp reduction in hospitalisations in recent months.

“Vaccination remains the best way to protect yourselves, your loved ones, and the NHS from both COVID-19 and flu viruses, and I encourage you to take up the offer of a booster when you receive your appointment.”

Edinburgh Health and Social Care Partnership Primary Care Strategic Lead David White said: “Like colleagues across Scotland, we’ve been preparing for the winter vaccination programme. Everyone eligible across Edinburgh, should have easy, local access to receive both flu and Covid-19 vaccinations.

“As with other recent campaigns, we have made special arrangements for care home residents and others who are recognised as  ‘house-bound’. This includes the eligible partners and carers who will be able to be vaccinated during the same visit. Over 1.25 million people in Edinburgh have received their vaccinations since December 2020, and we encourage all eligible people to attend for vaccination.”

93-year-old Victoria Manor resident Mrs Taylor said: “It’s good being able to have both vaccinations at the same time here in the care home.

“I’m getting both to help my protection and of course, for the protection and safety of others in the care home or visiting.”

More information on winter vaccines | NHS inform

Food Festival returns to Dalkeith Country Park next weekend

The Great British Food Festival is back this year at the lovely Dalkeith Country Park on the weekend of the 10th & 11th September and it promises to be a fantastic foodie weekend.

Over 75 different traders will be in attendance, amongst them artisan food producers and award winning street food stalls.

Along with wonderful food and drink producers there will be a great line up of local bands, fantastic chef demos, foodie talks, man vs food competitions and a bake stage.

Dan Maycock, one of the organisers said ‘We have got a great mix of local Scottish produce and some coming from further afield. On the hot food front you will be able to try anything from traditional hog roast to Indian and Thai dishes, so hopefully something for all tastes!’

The Chef Demo stage hosts great local chefs and Instagram stars cooking up their favourite dishes and sharing tips, with five demos taking place each day.

One of the highlights is the ‘Great British Cake Off’, where amateur bakers compete head to head in two baking categories (see for details and to enter), and best of all, if you enter a cake you get free entry to the festival!

There is entertainment for all the family over the weekend, including kid’s cookery lessons, free circus skills, and live music. The perfect recipe for a fun, foodie day out for the whole family. See for advanced tickets.

Edinburgh community organisation to benefit from newly-refurbished office

A not-for-profit organisation helping people to live happier and healthier lives has officially opened its refurbished office in Edinburgh city centre.  

Fedcap Scotland works in the city to help people tackle health conditions, learn new skills, find new jobs and progress their careers. Across the country, its teams have been responsible for supporting more than 14,000 people in the last three years.   

The newly branded and refurbished office in Edinburgh was visited by partners and employers last week. During the visit, attendees were given an insight into how Fedcap Scotland helps people overcome the barriers they face – including tackling health concerns and poverty – to realise their ambitions and reach their long-term goals.  

Some 92.7% of Fedcap Scotland’s ‘customers’ (Eh?- Ed.) in Edinburgh have been unemployed for more than a year, while 80.6% have been unemployed for more than two years. After receiving health and wellbeing support from the organisation, customers showed a 59% improvement, on average, in their health conditions. 

The Fedcap Scotland team are also working with some of Scotland’s leading employers to help the region bounce back from the coronavirus pandemic with reliable workers. 

Fedcap Scotland is currently delivering the Fair Start Scotland service in partnership with The Lennox Partnership in Edinburgh and the surrounding area, helping people to pick up new skills, confidence and experience and into suitable, sustainable jobs. 

People who receive employability support from Fedcap Scotland find work on average within three months.   

Stephanie Lang, Employer Relationship Manager for Capital City Partnership, said: “Capital City Partnership co-ordinates employability strategy and delivery through partnership working to tackle inequality and poverty, support job growth, and help more people into employment and skills.  

“We welcome every opportunity to work in partnership with key agencies and services and are pleased to welcome Fedcap into the city as a trusted partner, already evidenced in their support of the FUSE Recruitment & Skills Hub for the St James Quarter and city centre recruiting businesses.” 

Eaman Abdel-Rahman, a Fedcap Scotland participant in Fair Start Scotland said: “I was a cancer patient and I think I lost a bit of me. Fedcap’s courses helped to get me back to where I am. 

“The new Fedcap Hub is like, wow! I like that very much. Shirley Ann Grey, my Personal Adviser, helped me into a DPSI translator course and a job in a local bank, giving me the confidence I need. 

“Thanks to Fedcap Scotland, I have regained my confidence and got my life back.” 

Brian Bell, Fedcap Chief Executive Officer, said: “You’ve seen today the passion of our people, helping participants who’ve been out of work for a long time. 

“There is a real need for our service, and Fedcap is investing in its portfolio across Scotland to further improve our delivery for participants and employers.” 

Fedcap has also recently opened new offices in Dumfries and Dunfermline.

For more information on how Fedcap Scotland helps communities across the country, visit 


Care home hosts hoedown throwdown

Wild West comes to Cramond care home for themed afternoon fun

MUSIC-LOVING pensioners at an Edinburgh care home were treated to a hoedown themed afternoon to celebrate the end of summer with a performance from local musicians.

The dedicated lifestyle team at Cramond Residence strapped on their cowboy boots and organised a country western party which saw the home’s residents enjoying some themed dancing, snacks and music courtesy of local guitar players.  

A BBQ and some summer punch were on the menu for lunch, while activities included a conga and traditional line dancing.

Alison Newton, Operations Manager at the 74-bedroom home, said: “This was the first time we have hosted a hoedown and it will definitely not be the last! Everyone involved had an enjoyable afternoon and it was a real pleasure seeing so many happy faces.

“It was great to have local musicians playing some country classics from across the decades giving residents musical stimulation while helping them to reminisce and socialise with others.

“We have to say a massive thanks to the lifestyle team who have really pulled out all the stops with their planned activities and excursions to engage residents over the last few months.

“Residents loved taking part in some traditional country dancing and it was even great to see some attendees donning cowboy hats and plaid shirts.”

The residence creates an environment that ensures residents continue to live interesting and fulfilling lives, with their needs at the heart of all operations. Its tailored activity programme combines luxury hotel living with the reassuring feeling of being in your own home.

Alison continued: “After a turbulent few years, the team have really worked hard to come up with a jam-packed calendar of events to fully engage with residents and bring a sense of joy. To celebrate a great summer, it seemed only right to end August with a party.”

Cramond Residence offers high quality care for up to 74 residents offering a small-group living concept in nine houses, with all residents enjoying an exceptional range of amenities and activities, delicious food and bespoke care from a highly-trained team.

Prices at the home start from £1,950 per week.

To find out more about Cramond Residence, visit: or contact

MSPs investigate support for disabled people’s transition to adulthood


MSPs are asking for the public to share their views on the support that is currently available for disabled children and young people as they grow into adulthood.

The findings will be considered by the Scottish Parliament’s Education, Children and Young People Committee as part of their scrutiny of a Bill which seeks to introduce more structured support for disabled children and young people in their transition to adulthood.

The Bill has been proposed by Pam Duncan-Glancy MSP, following on from work started by Johann Lamont in the last session of Parliament.

If passed, the Bill would make three main changes to the law:

  • the Scottish Government would need to have a strategy explaining how they are going to improve opportunities for disabled children and young people
  • a Scottish Government minister would be placed in charge of improving opportunities for disabled children and young people moving into adulthood
  • local authorities would need to have plans for each disabled child and young person as they move into adulthood

Sue Webber MSP, Convener of the Education, Children and Young People Committee said: “A young person’s transition to adulthood is a critical stage in their lives and our Committee wants to be sure that the right kind of support is available to help disabled children and young people as they embark on the next chapter of their lives.

“We want to hear the views of disabled children and young people, their parents and their carers on these proposals.

“We’re particularly keen to understand more about the how the support that is currently available is viewed.”

The Committee’s call for views and survey on the Bill opened on 1 September and people can share their views until 27 October 2022.

Analysis reveals the importance of SMEs to the British economy

  • Small and medium businesses dominate Hospitality industry, making up 68% of all businesses
  • Northern Ireland has the highest percentage of SMEs out of any region, at 29%
  • SMEs make up more than 25% of all businesses in the United Kingdom

New research has revealed how important small and medium enterprises are for the British economy, as businesses that employ between one and 249 employees contribute more than £2 trillion in turnover and employ 44% of the British workforce.

The study by marketing training hub School of Marketing analysed the latest ONS and government data on the number of small and medium enterprises in 2021 to see which regions and industries are powered the most by SMEs.

Analysis of the industries revealed that the Hospitality Industry has the highest proportion of SMEs out of any industry. Out of the 200,645 businesses operating in the industry, 140,050 are small or medium-sized, which equals roughly 69.8%. The Hospitality Industry is made up of accommodation and food services including hotels and restaurants.

The industry with the second-highest percentage of SMEs is Wholesale and Retail Trade. This industry, which also includes mechanic shops that repair motor vehicles and motorcycles, has more than 500,000 businesses, and more than four in ten (43%) are small or medium-sized.  

Real Estate Industry has the third-highest proportion of SMEs, with 35.4% of all enterprises having below 250 employees. The industry has 134,095 businesses operating in the UK, and 47,740 are small or medium-sized.

In fourth is the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing Industry, which has more than 150,000 businesses running in the country, and roughly 50,000 (33%) are SMEs.

The industry counting the fifth-highest percentage of SMEs is Manufacturing, with 32% of the enterprises operating in this industry being small or medium-sized, which is 87,210 out of the 270,000 businesses.

The study also analysed each UK region and found that Northern Ireland has the highest proportion of SMEs in the UK. 123,705 businesses are operating in Northern Ireland, and 36,369 are small or medium enterprises, making up roughly 29.4% of all companies.

Scotland has the second-highest percentage of SMEs out of all the UK regions, with 27.7% of all businesses being SMEs. There are 342,045 companies in Scotland, and 94,746 have fewer than 250 employees.

The East Midlands is home to the third-highest proportion of SMEs, with 100,300 SMEs, making up 27.3% of the 367,400 businesses operating in the region.

North West England has the fourth-highest percentage of SMEs in the UK, with 26.7% of businesses operating in the area being small or medium-sized.

Wales is tied for fourth, as 26.7% of operating businesses in the country are SMEs. 55,373 out of the 207,390 enterprises in Wales have fewer than 250 employees.

The study also assessed the most in-demand skills for entry-level positions across a range of industries and found that Communication and Microsoft Office proficiency are the most commonly occurring skills on job adverts – both appear in 61% of the jobs that were analysed.

The third most in-demand skill is a High Attention to Detail, appearing in 44% of ads for entry-level positions. Finishing off the top five is a tie for fourth between Time-Management and Self-Motivated, both showing up on 39% of job adverts.

Commenting on the findings, Ritchie Mehta, CEO of School of Marketing said: “There are more than 1.4 million British companies which employ between one and 249 people, and combined they turn over a massive £2 trillion every year, which is 45% of total turnover from UK businesses.

“It’s essential that they are not only given the support to grow and continue making such an important contribution, but also that there is a skilled workforce able to help them deliver and adapt to the demands of an evolving economy.

“This data shows that when it comes to skills, there are some common themes that employers are looking for across a range of jobs, however in the current climate, budgets for training are likely to be cut, and the skills gap could widen.

“SME owners can take advantage of the Apprenticeship Levy scheme to bring in new staff or train current ones in digital and data-led programmes, with the vast majority of the training cost covered by the levy.”

The study was conducted by the School of Marketing, which offers leading digital and data marketing apprenticeships.

Good businesses will fail, unless the government acts”

THE NATIONAL Chair for the Federation of Small Businesses Martin McTague has issued a stark prognosis for small businesses in the months ahead. 

He warned that rising energy prices and current business rates and tax will see many  businesses go under; which could have a major impact on the UK economy as 60% of the private sector workforce work for small businesses.

Speaking to GB News, Mr McTague said: “There’s a completely toxic mix, and that mix is very low cash reserves; I think the ONS figures said that that 40% of businesses are operating on less than three months worth of cash. 

“You’ve got very high taxation levels, the highest for 50 years. A massive slump in demand, and then if you build into that mix the fact that energy prices for some businesses are four or five times what they were previously. 

“Most businesses renew their contracts in October, and the quotes that I’ve seen from a lot of our members were alarming. In some cases their prices had gone from £23,000 a year up to £112,000 per year. One farmer I spoke to was seriously considering putting a generator on to power his operation because he couldn’t see how he could operate any other way.

“Now what we need, starting Monday I think, is a government that recognises that this is an urgent problem. And that a lot of good businesses will fail, unless they act. I think sometimes people treat it as if it’s something that you can separate out from consumer issues, whereas 60% of the private sector workforce work for SMEs. So that will be a major problem for lots of people.”

“There are three key things I think we need to do starting Monday. The first will be to reverse the National Insurance increase, that was something that almost universally all small businesses disliked. 

“Then there is a serious problem with business rates, I think it’s time that the government doubled the small business rates relief, currently standing at less than £12,500 and could go up to £25,000. I think that would encourage a lot of small businesses, particularly in the North of England. 

“Then cut VAT to try and encourage demand. At a time when a lot of consumers are lacking confidence, you need to give them that bit of a push to get back in the shops.”

Lauriston Farm Harvest Festival this Saturday

It’s nearly time… our Harvest Festival with @DandelionScot and @northedinarts is next weekend.

Details of the lineup on are our blog

See you down on the farm!





