Views sought on Bill to strengthen charity regulator

Proposals that would see the powers of Scotland’s charity regulator strengthened are to be considered by the Scottish Parliament’s Social Justice and Social Security Committee.

Under the proposals in the Charities (Regulation and Administration) (Scotland) Bill, the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (OSCR), would have wider powers to investigate charities and charity trustees. Rules around who can be a charity trustee or senior office-holder in a charity would also be tightened.

The proposed changes to the law were developed following suggestions from OSCR. Some of the changes are intended to ensure Scottish legislation is in line with updated legislation in England and Wales.

The Committee wants to understand what impact the changes in the Bill might have. To make this as easy as possible for all charities to respond, no matter their size, the Committee is inviting people to share their views either through a detailed consultation, or a short survey.

They hope to get an insight into how the charity sector has changed since the Charities Act was passed in 2005 and get a better idea of how the updated laws might impact the Scottish public.

Natalie Don, Convener of the Social Justice and Social Security Committee said: “Charities are a cornerstone of public life in Scotland, with millions of people across the country supporting, or benefitting from their work. It is important that the public can have faith in the often vital work that they do. We’re keen to understand the extent to which the Bill might strengthen that accountability and transparency.

“We also want to understand what administrative impact the Bill might place on charities and their trustees. We understand that many people volunteer for charities and we want to know how these changes might impact on the way that they are able to perform these roles. 

“There are more than 25,000 charities in Scotland and we would like anybody who has a role working or volunteering for one to share their views on the Bill, either by completing the detailed call for views, or the shorter survey.”

The Committee’s survey and detailed consultations will both close on Friday 3 February 2023. Following the closure of the consultation, the Committee will undertake several public evidence sessions before producing a report commenting on the principles of the Bill in the spring.

Pubs, clubs and shops across the UK saved for local communities by £6.7 million rescue package

More than 30 pubs, clubs, theatres and other venues at risk of closure have been saved and placed in the hands of local people thanks to £6.67 million of government levelling up funding

  • Funding will help community groups take ownership of local institutions that have fallen into disrepair or are under threat of closure
  • Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities announced second round allocations from £150 million Community Ownership Fund (COF)
  • Scheme will help restore Moor Pool Snooker Hall in Birmingham, refurbish changing pavilions in Falkirk and rescue an 180-year old village shop in Llandyrnog

More than 30 pubs, clubs, theatres and other venues at risk of closure have been saved and placed in the hands of local people thanks to £6.67 million of government levelling up funding.

The Department for Levelling Up, Housing and Communities has today announced allocations from the second round of the £150 million Community Ownership Fund.

The funding will help community groups take ownership of local institutions that have fallen into disrepair or are under threat of closure and give them a new lease of life, ensuring they continue to provide vital services, create opportunities and boost local economies

Successful projects include the Margaret Haes riding centre in Bury, which supports people with disabilities, historic pubs in Warrington and Limpley Stoke and grass-roots sports clubs in Falkirk and Devon.

Levelling Up Minister Dehenna Davison said: “We’re putting beloved pubs, clubs and heritage sites into the hands of local people to ensure these cherished institutions and the vital services they provide are guaranteed for future generations.

“With the government backing announced today, these places will continue to thrive, make a difference to people’s lives and be run by the local community for the local community.”

Combined with Round 1 projects, this additional funding takes the overall total to £16.74m for 70 projects, with £2.0m allocated to Scotland, £1.6m to Wales and £1.3m to Northern Ireland.

Successful projects include:

  • The Margaret Haes riding centre in Bury will be saved from closure so it can continue to provide vital services to people with disabilities and their carers.
  • Grass-roots sports clubs in Falkirk and Devon will more than £249,000 to transform dilapidated changing pavilions into modern, inclusive, multi-purpose facilities for everyone in the community.
  • The Kingswood community centre in Southwark will receive £180,000 in funding to reopen the library and community space for weddings, birthdays and art classes.
  • The historic Albert Park in Glasgow’s Southside will also benefit from £100,000 of levelling up cash to restore the clubhouse and pavilion
  • The ‘Haverhub’ in Pembrokeshire, a social enterprise nestled in the heart of the historic Quay Street and Riverside Quarter, will take ownership of their building so they can provide a variety of educational courses for local people.
  • A village pub in Kent, The Honest Miller, has been saved from closure so it can return and serve food and drinks to locals overlooking the Kent Downs, an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty.
  • The Aberystwyth and District Hospice provides vital support to people with chronic and life limiting conditions and their carers. The grant will give the local community the funds they need to buy their premisses outright and make the building more accessible for its users.
  • On the Isle of Arran, Scotland the doors of the Lochranza Hotel Bar will open again to welcome locals to enjoy their selection of malt whiskies.
  • The Zion Community Arts centre in Bristol will retain its place in the community and provide space for local history groups and businesses.
  • The “Heart of Newhaven” in Edinburgh will be reinvented into a vibrant space for theatre groups, choirs and local enterprise.
  • In Northern Ireland, the Glór Uachtar Tíre community centre will be transformed into a multi-generational bedrock providing a café and office space, Irish language preschool, a youth radio station and creche facilities.

Debra Batchelor, Trustee at the Margaret Haes Riding Centre said: “Thanks to this funding, the riding centre can secure the property for present and future generations to benefit from the experiences of being with horses – to empower children and adults with learning disabilities, physical and mental health disabilities, and emotional and social challenges, to lead active and fulfilling lives through equestrian activities.

“This would not have been possible without the award from the Community Ownership Fund . We can now unlock so many exciting opportunities to develop our facilities and experiences, and further benefit our community. Dreams can come true!”

Cllr Steve Roche, Horrabridge Parish Council said: ““Horrabridge’s King George V Memorial Sports Pavilion support’s the village’s 20 football teams, from age six to walking seniors, including four girls teams. 

“This major grant is the key to providing a new pavilion, fit for purpose. The old pavilion has served us well, very basic, but in a bad state of repair and this grant will help us to save this valuable community asset.”

Further information:

  • The prospectus for the second round of the £150 million Community Ownership Fund updated the fund to make it more clear and extend the eligibility requirements, following feedback from previous applicants.
  • This second round of the £150 million Community Ownership Fund will build on the success of the round one, which saw over £10 million awarded to 38 successful projects across the UK:

Thursday’s Scottish Budget set to prioritise three key areas

Helping families and services through the cost of living crisis

Eradicating child poverty, transforming the economy to deliver net zero and creating sustainable public services will be the key aims of the Scottish Budget 2023-24.

Deputy First Minister John Swinney warned relentless prioritisation was needed to tackle the combined impact of high inflation, the ongoing economic consequences of Brexit and the UK Government’s plans to reduce expenditure in future years, which are projected to reduce the Scottish Government’s funding under the Barnett formula from 2025.

He said the Budget would channel support to where it was most needed while beginning a process of reform to help public services face the future with strength and resilience.

Mr Swinney said: “Families, businesses and our public finances are under sustained economic pressure and the Scottish Government has acted decisively to provide what support it can within its limited resources.

“We have allocated £3 billion in 2022-23 to mitigate the impact of the cost of living crisis, including targeted help such as increasing the game changing Scottish Child Payment to £25 per eligible child per week – a 150% increase within eight months. 

“However, given the fiscal constraints of devolution, it is not possible to go as far as we would like and so the Budget will prioritise three areas – eradicating child poverty, transforming the economy to deliver net zero and creating sustainable public services.

“Difficult decisions are required and resources will be targeted where they are most needed and can secure maximum value from every pound spent.

“The economic challenges we face also require a fundamental change in the way we manage public spending. The Bank of England is predicting the longest recession for a century so this Budget will set in motion reforms that will place our finances and public services on a more sustainable and resilient footing for the future.

“This is a time for firm leadership and bold decision making. Steps we take now will help ensure Scotland emerges from the current crisis a stronger, fairer, greener country.”

The Scottish Budget 2023-24 will be presented to the Scottish Parliament on Thursday, 15 December.

COSLA launched its campaign last week in advance of the Scottish Budget on 15 December – an ‘SOS call’ to Save our Services.

It is a rallying call, telling communities everything they need to know about the impact of the Scottish Government’s forthcoming budget on our council services, and our communities in the coming year.

COSLA says the SOS call reflects the extremely precarious financial situation in which Councils in Scotland find themselves, during a particularly challenging period. This is as a consequence of real-term cuts to the core budgets of Scotland’s 32 Councils over recent years.

The call comes ahead of the Deputy First Minister outlining the Scottish Budget on December 15th but reflects the reality of what the government set out in its spending plans last May.

COSLA’s President Councillor Shona Morrison said: “There are many areas in which Local and Scottish Government work together for our communities and I fully appreciate that money is extremely tight – all Governments are having to cope with  rising inflation and fuel costs  

“However, with little room left to manoeuver, the Scottish Government’s spending plans as they stand will see Council services either significantly reduced, cut or stopped altogether.  70% of Local Government’s budget is spent on staffing, so it is inevitable that current spending plans will lead to job losses. The very serious impact of this scenario is that the critical work council staff do on prevention and early intervention will reduce significantly.

COSLA’s Vice President Councillor Steven Heddle said: “In May, the ‘flat cash’ plans looked difficult for us. Today, with prices increasing across the board, including energy costs, and inflation sitting at almost 10% and at risk of rising still further, Local Government is now on extremely dangerous ground.

“Make no mistake, what we will now face is Councils struggling to deliver even the basic, essential services that communities rely on. To put this into perspective, the estimated £1bn gap for councils in 23/24 is the equivalent of the entire budget for early learning and childcare across Scotland or 17,500 teachers. A funding gap of this magnitude will have an impact on all our communities, with the most vulnerable who rely on these services suffering the worst consequences.”

COSLA’s Resources Spokesperson Councillor Katie Hagmann concluded: “We are at a crisis point like never before – the impact for communities is serious and needs to be reconsidered.

“The financial impacts for other parts of the public sector are also serious. When councils can’t focus spend on prevention, for example on preventing ill-health, services like the NHS will end up spending significantly more money when issues become more serious.

“Directors of Finance across Scotland’s Councils are sufficiently concerned about the financial sustainability of councils that they have written to the Deputy First Minister outlining their concerns.

“This really is an SOS call from Scotland’s Councils –people in communities across Scotland will be pulled into further poverty and uncertainty without adequate funding for the vital services that support them”.

You can find out more by downloading our Budget SOS Factsheet here.

The Scottish Budget 2023-24 will be presented to the Scottish Parliament on Thursday, 15 December.

Edinburgh and Lothians charities to receive more than £33k to tackle alcohol harm

The Scotch Whisky Action Fund (SWAF) has announced that two projects based in Edinburgh and the Lothians are among funding recipients to be supported over the coming year as part of the industry’s ongoing commitment to promote responsible consumption and tackle harmful drinking.

The organisations chosen this year include LAYC, a charity supporting community-based youth and children’s work in Edinburgh and the Lothians, which is receiving funding for the first time, and Fast Forward Positive Lifestyles, a youth work charity based in Edinburgh but operating throughout Scotland, aimed at enabling young people to make informed choices about their health and wellbeing. Fast Forward is receiving its second year of SWAF support.

LAYC’s funding will be used to engage youth and children’s workers in a programme to increase their skills, knowledge, and confidence to provide a range of alcohol awareness activities, information, and support. LAYC will provide six similarly themed alcohol awareness workshops, with each focusing on the dangers of alcohol use and the impact it can have on young people.

Laurene Edgar, Director at LAYC, said: “LAYC were delighted to receive the funding from the Scotch Whisky Action Fund: this fund will benefit our network of over 2000 youth workers and volunteers, we will be able to provide alcohol awareness sessions focusing on topics such parental alcohol use and impact on children, trends in alcohol use and engaging with young people on alcohol awareness.

“The fund will also provide support and resource for delivery of diversionary activities within local communities and through the LAYC network, offering young people the opportunity for alternative activities away from alcohol use, through local youth work provision with trusted adults in safe spaces with their peers.”

Fast Forward Positive Lifestyles will use their second year of SWAF support to continue their Own It! project, delivering direct training in alcohol related harm, other risk-taking behaviours, and peer education to young people aged 10-24.

Allie Cherry-Byrnes, Chief Executive, said: “Fast Forward is delighted to have received continuation funding for our Own It! programme, which sits with our Going Forward Project. 

“This funding will enable us to further develop the programme, allowing us to inform how we work with young people with additional support needs, through development of an Own It! in partnership with the Donaldson Trust, as well as developing the model with 10–14 year-olds in our newly established going Forward Junior programme in Edinburgh.”

The Scotch Whisky Action Fund was launched in 2013 and is administered by Foundation Scotland. Funding is given to projects taking an innovative approach to addressing the issues around alcohol misuse within a community or section of society. To date the fund has provided £1million of support to over 80 projects throughout Scotland. The SWAF also holds an annual learning event, bringing project representatives together to network, share learnings and identify and discuss common issues.

Dame Joan Stringer, who chaired the awards panel, said: “Tackling harmful alcohol consumption is a key issue for Scotland.  These projects are undertaking important work, and we look forward to supporting them over the coming year.”

Bank of Scotland – Christmas business barometer


Bank of Scotland survey shows: 

  • 33% of businesses expect higher revenues this Christmas compared to last year 
    • 23% of businesses expect to see increased demand this seasonal period
    • Only one in ten (10%) of retailers say they are completely ready for Christmas trading
  • However, a fifth (20%) of firms said they do not feel fully prepared for the festive trading period 

Despite high inflation, rising energy prices and a tighter labour market, 33% of firms in Scotland expect this Christmas trading period to be merry and bright compared to last year, according to the latest insight from the Lloyds Bank Business Barometer.

Those predicting a bumper festive period cited having more time to prepare (25%), while increasing customer demand was cited by 22% of firms as they felt less affected by Covid restrictions due to the Omicron variant last year. Those expecting a worse Christmas trading period said they were struggling with increased costs of doing business (10%). 

Almost three-quarters of businesses surveyed said that Christmas was important for their future prospects (74%), but only one in ten (10%) said they felt completely prepared for Christmas. Meanwhile, a fifth (20%) said they are not yet fully prepared for the festive period. 

When asked what could help firms prepare more effectively, 30% said they wanted more support with rising costs, with 23% saying that better access to their supply networks would help. Skilled workers were also high on businesses’ wish lists, with 25% saying access to more skilled staff would boost Christmas trading.  

Chris Lawrie, area director for Bank of Scotland, said: “This year has been marked by highs and lows but it’s encouraging to see many firms are in good spirits about trade over the festive period.  

“With no restrictions in place, the opportunities for businesses are clear but we know that some aren’t fully prepared for this Christmas trading period.  It’s essential that businesses put plans in place now to carefully manage cashflow and make the most of what will be a busy end of the year.” 

Cross-Party Group Bangladesh at the Scottish Parliament

CPG Bangladesh 

Speaking after the AGM and second Cross-Party Group meeting on Bangladesh held on 30th November 2022 at the Scottish Parliament, Foysol Choudhury MSP said: “It was great to host the Cross-Party Group on Bangladesh meeting for the first time in person at the Scottish Parliament.

” I was pleased that it received cross-party support from my colleagues Miles Briggs MSP, Sarah Boyack MSP and Kaukab Stewart MSP.

“Saida Muna Tasneem, the High Commissioner of Bangladesh, also joined us from London and spoke of the great bilateral relations between our nations and of her visit to Scotland last year during COP26, when H.E. Sheikh Hasina, Prime Minister of Bangladesh, visited the Scottish Parliament.

“The Assistant High Commissioner, Kazi Ziaul Hasan, gave an excellent presentation on the current situation of Bangladesh regarding its economic growth, developing regional connectivity, increase in education enrolment,  climate change impacts on Bangladesh, the Rohingiya crisis and UK -Bangladesh trade relations. 

“The CPG was very well attended by local community organisations and professionals from the Bangladeshi community as well as politicians Cllr Nurul Hoque Ali of Aberdeen, Cllr Naz Anis Miah of Fife and Cllr Lynn Wardlaw of Dunfermline.

“During the meeting, we discussed at length climate justice and adaptation, with many attendees expressing their concerns on the progress made since COP26 in Glasgow and potential delays in loss and damage funding release.

“We also discussed improving the travel and tourism industry to make Bangladesh appeal to an international market and create better connectivity with the world to attract visitors.

“When I was first elected in May 2021 as the first Bangladeshi-born MSP, I knew that I wanted to establish and convene a CPG on Bangladesh with the aim of promoting and enhancing understanding between Scotland, the UK and Bangladesh. I have worked very closely in the past year with the High Commission of Bangladesh in the UK to strengthen ties with Scotland and Bangladesh.

“The purpose of the CPG on Bangladesh aims to promote and enhance understanding between Scotland and Bangladesh at cultural, social, academic, political and economic levels.

“It has a focus on trade and investment, tourism and education. It also gives the opportunity for community members and anyone interested in Bangladesh to meet with their policy-makers to raise concerns and ways we can collaborate together to further contribute to the development of Bangladesh and ensure that it becomes a climate-resilient nation.

“I look forward to advancing the mutual interests of Scotland and Bangladesh and to representing the interests of people and organisations with Bangladeshi backgrounds living and working in Scotland. I hope the CPG can act as a forum for the Community living in Scotland.”

Dentists secure £650,000 to open practice of the future and create jobs

Two Edinburgh-based dental practices – one NHS and one private – have been acquired as part of ambitious plans to modernise and expand their treatment offerings, thanks to support from Bank of Scotland.  

The businesses will offer implants, adult orthodontics and facial aesthetics with the goal of becoming a referral hub for specialist work from other dentists. To expand the types of dentistry on offer they have already employed an additional 6 members of staff.

La Belle Court Dental & Implant Clinic and Q Court Dental Studio, based in the same building, were purchased in August 2022 by Dr Shahad Al-Dabbagh and Dr Nadine Al-Farhan. 

After meeting at university, the women both worked in various dental practices around Scotland but wanted to own their own business that could offer specialist treatments including digital dentistry, smile makeovers, adult orthodontics and facial rejuvenation treatments such as fillers and anti wrinkle injections.

Shahad and Nadine approached The Bank of Scotland, securing a £650,000 funding package that enabled the businesswomen to purchase the two practices. The support is also funding specialist machinery including an ITERO Scanner, which takes accurate scans of the natural tooth in seconds, reducing the length and number of appointments needed. Also a CBCT machine that can produce precise 3D images of a patient’s mouth was also bought. 

As part of the acquisition, the practice is introducing improved services including same-day appointments for complex treatments.  The business is also updating the interiors including a beauty therapy room, waiting area and bathrooms. The pair also plan to change the layout of the building so they can have more surgery rooms, expanding the number of appointments on offer.

Shahad Al-Dabbagh, co-owner of Sana Corporate said: “We are delighted to open our doors and showcase the future of dentistry to the public.

“The support of Bank of Scotland has allowed us to bring our vision to life. We wanted to create somewhere that offered more than regular d

ental appointments; a place for people to relax in our Therapy Suite and be confident with their smiles with our skilled clinicians.

“We endeavour to grow our dedicated team over the next few years to provide the best dental care and want to continue expanding treatments for our patients across Edinburgh and beyond. The sky really is the limit with two working mothers at the helm!”

Scott Beaton, relationship director at Bank of Scotland commented: “We are proud to support businesses like Q Court Dental Studio and La Belle Court Dental & Implant Clinic.

“Shahad and Nadine have taken their impressive dental experience a step further by creating a space that offers more of what their customers want. It’s a great example of how businesses are evolving alongside customer needs and trends to secure success. 

“We will remain by the side of businesses across Scotland as they work to reach their full growth potential.”

itison launches its most important Social Bite fundraiser yet during cost-of-living crisis

Annual £5 fundraiser aims to provide over 100,000 meals and gifts for homeless people

As thousands of people face hardship this winter and the demands on charities to provide support increases, Scottish-based business, itison, launches the eighth year of its Social Bite campaign, asking big-hearted Scots to donate £5 at  to buy over 100,000 meals and gifts for homeless people this Christmas.

The cost-of-living-crisis, as well as continued impact of the pandemic, has meant this year has been one of the toughest on record for families and individuals, and the £5 fundraiser aims to ensure that the most vulnerable in our society can enjoy a hot meal and a gift this festive season, and meals throughout the year.

Running since 2014, the annual Christmas appeal has raised an incredible £3 million and 700,000 donations to those who need it most, and last year, despite the hardship felt by many following the pandemic, over 100,000 donations were made, with an impressive 63% coming from new contributors across the country, showing just how selfless Scots can be.

In addition to the 100,000 meals and gifts supplied through Social Bite, along with itison they will also be donating the first £20,000 raised to Spirit of Christmas which gives Christmas presents to children living in poverty in around Glasgow, where the business is based.

Oli Norman, CEO at itison said: “This year has been exceptionally tough and the most vulnerable in our society have been hit the hardest.

“More people than ever before are struggling, and Christmas for homeless people and families is an especially challenging time. Every year we are blown away by the generosity of our members, and this year, at a time when support is needed more than ever, our hope is to raise enough through our Social Bite campaign to feed homeless people for the entire year”.

Josh Littlejohn, Co-founder of Social Bite said: “Back in 2014 we started working with itison on our annual fundraiser, with a target of 800 Christmas dinners. We ended up receiving over 32,000 donations meaning we could feed homeless people coming to our cafes for the whole year.

“Our annual itison fundraiser continues to exceed our expectations every year and has dramatically shaped the work we can do at Social Bite.

“We couldn’t do it without you and would love you to join us in sharing kindness this Christmas, please share it with all your friends and help the people who need it the very most this year.”

In Scotland, Social Bite’s Glasgow, Edinburgh, and Aberdeen cafes will open their doors to the homeless on Christmas Eve and Christmas Day at 1100 – 1600 to serve Christmas dinners with all the trimmings, offering food and company at what is one of the loneliest times of the year for many. 

As well as providing food to those in need and providing gifts, itison members’ donations have previously helped fund the Social Bite Village in Edinburgh, providing housing, support, and a huge range of services to break the cycle of homelessness.

Social Bite is currently working hard and fundraising to build two brand-new villages in two new Scottish cities, their ongoing aim is to continue supporting people experiencing homelessness into employment, and 1 in 4 of its team has a background of homelessness. Your donation is not only providing a meal or gift but also helping Social Bite to break the cycle of homelessness through systemic change.

To donate £5 to buy a Christmas dinner for a homeless person or give a Christmas gift for children, families and vulnerable individuals visit (it makes a great Secret Santa gift or stocking filler too!) 

Man jailed after series of vehicle thefts and break-ins in Edinburgh

A 28-year-old man has been sentenced for three housebreakings, the theft of 14 motor vehicles and for a number of road traffic offences in Edinburgh which occurred between March 2021 and April 2022.

Jordan Skachill broke into people’s homes, stole personal and sentimental possessions which he used for his own financial gain. He is also responsible for the theft of several cars, mainly Range Rovers, selling them on for his own financial gain.

Following extensive enquiries and detailed investigation, Skachill was arrested in April 2022. He was charged with a number of housebreakings, car thefts and road traffic offences.

As part of ongoing enquiries, officers were able to recover some of the cars and stolen items. Skachill pleaded guilty on 18 November, 2022. Yesterday, he was sentenced to 40 months imprisonment.

Detective Sergeant Craig McMillan said: “Skachill cares little for the people he has stolen from. He cares little for the hurt and harm he has caused. All he is concerned about is himself and what he can get out of it. He will now serve time in prison for what he has done. I hope this offers some consolation to the people he has stolen from.

“I would like to thank everyone involved in this investigation and in particular those members of the public who assisted us in our enquiries. With the continued support and co-operation of the public, we can ensure justice is done.”

The Heart of Newhaven Community

December Newsletter

Welcome to your December Newsletter and Season’s Greetings from the Heart

It’s been a memorable year, has it not, and just look where we are now: the community is finally installed in the Heart, which is going from strength to strength; members of the community have been welcomed in to the first events as work progresses towards opening the whole site; several community groups are holding regular sessions at the Heart, while tenants and partners continue to prepare their various premises.

Coorie-In for winter

We held our Coorie-In event on Saturday 26th November, attended by around 300 people keen to see what was happening. Various partners and users took the opportunity to let people see what to expect as we move forward and the afternoon was voted a great success.

Asked what they had enjoyed about the event, a common answer was “Everything!” Particularly noted was the warm welcome, the variety of workshops and people, the Ukranian crafts, the Victorian Schoolroom and the heritage displays. One special reply was this: Seeing the school “come alive” with voices of all ages. On the negative side, several people felt there should have been more signage, so we’ll work on that for next time.

And talking about the next time, watch out for our next such event, already in the diary for Thursday 23rd February, to be held in the evening this time, from 7- 8.30pm.


Trained Heart reminiscence volunteers were among the groups taking part in the Coorie-In and were kept busy all afternoon.

They hope to organise regular reminiscence events once the building is up and running and the stories and memories shared at these events will eventually be shared with the whole community.

In the meantime, they are happy to go out into the community and gather memories that way.

If you’d like to get involved, contact

Volunteer Information session

Before the Coorie-In, those who had signed up to volunteer had been invited to an introductory event on Saturday November 19th. It was the Heart’s first volunteer information session and had a tremendous turn out.

Prospective volunteers were given a tour around the building and a presentation on upcoming volunteer opportunities. It was a great opportunity for like-minded people to come together and there was a lot of friendly chat over a bowl of hot soup.

We hope to run these sessions regularly, so please register your interest by completing the volunteer form on the website


Christmas events coming up? Book here!

Bookings at the Heart have been increasing but if you have a one-off event you’re planning, or if you plan to hold regular meetings, then come along and see what we have to offer. If you’re interested in renting a space, whether by the hour or regularly, do fill in the form on the website. In particular we can offer evening spaces in the comfortable, modern Anchor Building or for larger events, perhaps the old school assembly hall might suit you. You only have to ask.


Bits & Bobs

1) Do you know of anyone who would appreciate receiving our newsletters? Spread the word and let us know.

2) Is there anyone with an electric keyboard/piano who would donate it for the Anchor building?

3) We’re still on the hunt for someone with some HR experience who might be able to help us. If you would like to get involved, then get in touch via the admin@ address or contact our Chair, Judy Crabb at

Finally, in other news, the Heart is proud to report that It’s Your Neighbourhood, part of the Keep Scotland Beautiful charity has marked us up to Level 3, Advancing, so thank you to everyone who has helped plant bulbs and other plants both around the Heart itself and elsewhere in the neighbourhood.

Stop Press

Save Our Ponds
You may be interested in this petition.
The aim is to save wildlife habitat on unused building plots near Western Harbour, which are currently up for sale for further development.
More information on the Community Council Website:

Season’s greetings, however you celebrate it.

We’ll see you in the New Year.