Edinburgh Castle to shine a light this Christmas in support of the NSPCC’s Childline service

Edinburgh Castle will be illuminated green on the longest night of the year in support of the NSPCC’s Walk for Children campaign.

On Wednesday, December 21, the NSPCC is asking people in Edinburgh to dust off their walking boots and to get into the festive spirit by taking part in the charity’s 5k fundraiser. The children’s charity is inviting families, friends and colleagues to get together for the sponsored walk to raise money to support it and its Childline service this Christmas.

Emma Bowie, Regional Visitor and Community Manager (Edinburgh) at Historic Environment Scotland, said: “We’re proud to be turning Edinburgh Castle green on the 21st of December, the longest night of the year, joining other landmarks across the UK in shining a light on the NSPCC and their invaluable work.”

On average, two children a minute contact Childline. The service’s counsellors receive calls about many concerns and issues, including abuse, neglect, self-harm, and anxiety.

Caroline Renton, Supporter Fundraising Manager for NSPCC Scotland, said: “We’re extremely grateful for the support given by Edinburgh Castle to help raise awareness of the NSPCC’s Walk for Children campaign.

“The NSPCC relies on public donations for the majority of its income, which is why we’re calling on people in Edinburgh and Scotland to support the NSPCC and Childline this festive season.

“By joining our Walk for Children, every step that participants take and every pound they raise will help Childline be there for all children, even on the longest night of the year.  Together let’s make a difference.”

As well Edinburgh Castle, several other landmarks and venues across Scotland will be participating on December 21. Camera Obscura and World of Illusions in Edinburgh, Dundee Science Centre, Glasgow Botanic Gardens and Glasgow Science Centre, will all be showing their support by illuminating green.

To sign up for Walk for Children and to see a list of local participating landmarks search Walk for Children on the NSPCC website.

For anyone taking part in Walk for Children in Edinburgh, please remember to share any photos on social media using #WalkforChildren.

Drylaw Police administer Naloxone for the first time in Edinburgh

Police officers in Edinburgh City Division have administered Naloxone for the first time within days of the intra-nasal sprays being issued to counter opioid-related drug overdoses.

Officers based in the Drylaw area responded to a concern for person call on Friday, 9 December, 2022, and found a woman exhibiting signs of opioid-related overdose.

PC Paul Gunderson, who had only received his personal issue Naloxone that day, was able to administer it as a first aid response and ensure the casualty was passed into the care of paramedics.

PC Gunderson, who has 8 years’ police service, said: “The woman was showing the typical symptoms of a potential opioid-related overdose we’d been told about through our Naloxone training – she was displaying rasping, laboured breathing, had pin-point pupils and her skin was clammy to the touch.

“The nasal spray worked quickly, in the way we’d been told it would, and her condition had improved by the time an ambulance arrived to take her to hospital for additional help.

“Both my colleague, PC Roxanne Kinnear and I were very relieved I was carrying Naloxone as part of my kit. I was able to use it very quickly and extremely easily, and it has helped to save the life of someone experiencing a crisis situation.

“A core principle of policing is to preserve life, and I’m grateful I was able to fulfil my duty and do that on this occasion. I have no doubt my fellow officers feel the same as we all begin to carry these kits.”

Chief Inspector Neil Wilson said: “Drug-related deaths take a terrible toll on families and communities across Edinburgh, and indeed, the entire country. Equipping our officers with Naloxone gives them the opportunity to make a real difference to someone’s life, and indeed the lives of their friends and relatives.

“It also gives us the chance to improve community relationships as people know we’re there to help when they need it most. Having our officers carrying Naloxone in a high profile manner in branded pouches also helps to break down the stigma around drug misuse and I hope it encourages other people to consider carrying Naloxone themselves.”

This is the first time Naloxone has been given to local officers in Edinburgh City, with around 500 kits issued earlier this month. Officers undertake a short online training course before beginning to carry the pouches along with their standard issue equipment. More kits will be delivered in the coming months for the remaining officers.

Police Scotland officers have now administered Naloxone in at least 97 incidents since training began in March 2021. Around 4,000 kits have now been delivered across several divisions, with the national roll-out expected to be completed early in 2023.

All operational officers across Scotland will be trained in the use of Naloxone and equipped with kits as part of the roll-out. It will also be issued to police custody officers, and those in national divisions such as Operational Support.

The roll-out follows a successful pilot project in four parts of the country last year, followed by an independent evaluation. As a result, the national programme was approved earlier this year, and began on International Overdose Awareness Day in August.

Scottish Budget: ‘Strengthening the social contract with Scotland’s people’

Deputy First Minister John Swinney laid out “a different, more progressive path for Scotland” as he presented the Scottish Budget 2023-24.

He promised to strengthen the social contract with the people of Scotland and pledged to do everything possible to shield families from the welfare cuts and austerity policies of the UK Government

Supporting sustainable public services through the cost of living crisis is a priority – including more than £13.7 billion for NHS boards and £2 billion to establish and improve primary healthcare services in communities, as well as £1.7 billion for social care and integration, paving the way for the National Care Service. This record investment goes well beyond any previous commitment to pass on all consequentials to health and social care, and delivers a £1 billion uplift to the health budget.

Having already increased the unique Scottish Child Payment to £25 per week as part of a drive to eradicate child poverty, the Budget invests £428 million to uprate all other devolved benefits in April 2023 by September’s Consumer Price Index inflation level of 10.1%. It commits £20 million to extend the Fuel Insecurity Fund to provide a lifeline for households, including the most vulnerable, against rising energy prices.

Scotland’s transition to net zero is boosted with increased investment to over £366 million in delivering the Heat in Buildings Strategy in 2023-24. This will help tackle fuel poverty as part of a £1.8 billion commitment over this Parliament to improve energy efficiency and decarbonise more than a million Scottish homes by 2030.

The Budget commits £50 million to the Just Transition Fund for the North East and Moray – more than double the 2022-23 allocation – to diversify the regional economy away from carbon-intensive industries and capitalise on the opportunities presented by new, green industries.

Strengthened by the agreement between the Scottish Government and the Scottish Green Party, the 2023-24 Scottish Budget also includes:

  • around £1 billion investment in high quality early learning and childcare provision, with a further £22 million invested in holiday food provision and expanding support for school-age childcare
  • £50 million for the Whole Family Wellbeing programme for preventative co-ordinated family support and a further £30 million to keep The Promise to care experienced children and young people
  • £80 million capital funding to support the expansion of free school meals
  • going beyond existing commitments with more than £550 million additional funding to Local Government
  • £165 million additional funding for frontline justice services and to continue with transformational reforms
  • a £46 million increase in resource funding to universities and colleges to ensure a highly qualified and highly skilled workforce for Scotland

Mr Swinney said: “The Scottish Government, like governments all over the world, is faced with a difficult set of choices. Through this Budget we are facing up to our responsibilities while being honest with the people of Scotland about the challenges which lie ahead.

“To govern is to choose and the Scottish Government has made its choice.

“Within the powers available to us, we will choose a different path. A path which sees the Scottish Government commit substantial resources to protect the most vulnerable people of Scotland from the impact of decisions and policies made by the UK Government. We choose to stand firmly behind the Scottish people, investing in our public services and doing everything possible to ensure that no one is left behind.

“This Budget strengthens the social contract between the Scottish Government and every citizen of Scotland for the wider benefit of society. This social contract means that people in Scotland continue to enjoy many benefits not available throughout the UK – including free prescriptions, free access to higher education and the Scottish Child Payment. 

“Because we know this progressive model works, we choose the path where people are asked to pay their fair share, in the knowledge that in so doing they help to create the fairer society in which we all want to live”.

Read the 2023-2024 Scottish Budget here.

Responding to the Scottish Government Budget, STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: “It’s clear that Scotland’s trade union movement has made progress in winning demands from the Scottish Government.

####2Raising taxes on those most able to pay, including second homeowners, are key demands in our ‘Fairer Taxes’ report. We hope reform of the Small Business Bonus Scheme will leave it fairer and less of a drain on public resources and the piloting of scrapping peak rail fares is also a step in the right direction.

“However, we needed strides, not steps. We cannot pretend this is the radical, redistributive budget working people in Scotland needed – it isn’t. We can – and will – demand the government to go much further and deliver the substantial reforms needed to our economy including introducing wealth and further property taxes called for in our report.

“The Finance Secretary has more to do and we welcome his constructive engagement with our movement. This budget leaves the door open for public sector workers to negotiate the inflation level pay rises they so desperately need. We intend to use it.”

Responding to the Scottish Budget delivered by the Deputy First Minister, Dr Liz Cameron CBE, Chief Executive, Scottish Chambers of Commerce, said: “Whilst the backdrop for today’s statement was already set by the Chancellor Jeremy Hunt in the Autumn Statement, today’s Scottish Budget will not bring much Christmas cheer.

“Businesses and households are navigating an extremely challenging period of high energy costs, rising inflation and higher borrowing costs. The specific decision by the Scottish Government to widen the divergence on income tax rates between Scotland and the rest of the UK is exceptionally concerning.

“Many will be left pondering today as to who in the Scottish and UK Governments is standing up for the economy to help businesses survive this crisis and keep people in jobs.”

On taxation:

“The Scottish Government’s move to increase the top and higher rates of income tax will hit taxpayers in Scotland more than other parts of the UK.

“This is a clear disadvantage for Scotland’s businesses and workers and could position Scotland as a less attractive place to live and work. With over 350,000 people alone in the higher rate bracket, questions remain on the impact this will have on talent attraction, retention, consumer confidence and indeed departure of workers to other parts of the UK.

“We urge the Scottish Government to publish its economic modelling of this policy decision, specifically on the proposed impact this could have on future investment decisions by companies.”

On Business Rates:

“As a priority ask from the business community, we welcome the Scottish Government’s decision to freeze the poundage rate and align with the rest of the UK. This will provide relief to ratepayers by reducing the upfront cost burden of non-domestic rates. This was the right decision as is the incentive for businesses to invest in greener plant and machinery which supports net-zero and decarbonisation.

“Looking ahead, businesses need to see widespread reform to the business rates system ensuring it is fit for purpose and aligns with the economic reality that businesses operate in.”

On regulatory legislation:

“The scale of new and incoming regulations are piling additional cost burdens onto firms when they need them least.

“The recent move to delay the short-term lets licensing scheme was welcome and we had hoped for additional signalling from the Deputy First Minister today to delay other burdensome legislation such as the Deposit Return Scheme. This will continue to cause a great deal of frustration for affected sectors and we will therefore continue to represent sector concerns to Scottish Government through the Joint Regulatory Taskforce.”

On Net Zero:

“We welcome the Scottish Government’s intention to accelerate the move to a Net Zero economy. Businesses continue to support this agenda and a clear long-term plan for decarbonisation will support future investment and a just transition.”

Jonathan Carr-West (Chief Executive, Local Government Information Unit Scotland (LGIU) said: “Today’s budget saw Deputy First Minister John Swinney attempting to reach out to local government by promising additional funding and acceding to COSLA’s request to allow councils more freedom over council tax rates.

“Scottish councils will now be poring over the detail to see how much real additional money sits behind the headline of £550 million.

“Moreover, local government in Scotland will still be left wondering how, indeed if, it fits into the Government’s overall vision.

“While Mr Swinney was keen to position his budget in counterpoint to the UK Government, he risks repeating Westminster’s error in protecting the NHS at the expense of local government when we know that the preconditions for good health rely on effective leadership of place and an integration of services that only local democratic institutions can provide.”

The Poverty Alliance says the Scottish Government could do even more to invest in a just and compassionate Scotland:


Reacting to today’s Scottish Budget announcement, Poverty Alliance Policy and Campaigns Manager Ruth Boyle said: “We welcome the decision to use our tax powers in a progressive way to get more investment for the compassionate Scotland that people want. We hope that this will be the beginning of the Scottish Government’s efforts to use the full range of tax powers at their disposal. In the longer-term, the Scottish Government must reform the basis of our tax system, including implementing the long-awaited reform of council tax, to ensure that our tax system has justice and compassion at its heart.”


“Increased support for the NHS and social care is very much welcomed. However, all of our vital public services are calling out for more investment. This budget raises a number of concerns for the future, and we fear that there will be more cuts to other public services coming down the line. We all rely on these public services, but they are a vital lifeline for people on the lowest incomes.”

Social security

“We are pleased that the Scottish Government have done the right thing and uprated benefits in line with inflation. However, we could go much further. The Finance Secretary stated that a key priority for this budget was tackling child poverty and it is therefore disappointing that the budget failed to uprate the Scottish Child Payment in line with other Scottish benefits. This will mean a real term cut in the value of the payment at a time when families on low incomes need more support to stay afloat. This decision raises particular concern for the poverty of single parents, over 90% of whom are women.”


“The decision to trial the scrapping of peak rail fares will help people to make ends meet as costs continue to rise. However, evidence shows that people on the lowest incomes are more reliant on buses. There is a need to improve access to affordable transport by extending free bus travel to people on low-income benefits and to those aged under 25.”

RoSPA issues ice safety advice as weather conditions worsen across UK

The Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents is deeply saddened by the tragic events at Babbs Mill Park, Kingshurst in Solihull, and extends its condolences to the families and communities impacted by the news.

RoSPA is urging people across Britain to be especially cautious around open waters during the current extreme weather conditions that Britain is facing.

With news of the Met Office’s current yellow weather warning, where temperatures are set to drop as low as -15 in parts of Britain, RoSPA is concerned that icy conditions could result in further harm.

David Walker, Head of Road and Leisure Safety, said“With the current weather conditions as they are, it’s important that people are especially careful around open waters. If you encounter somebody who is in trouble on or near ice, it’s vital that you don’t go in too.

“Call the emergency services on 999. If you can, find an object like a pole or a life-ring that they can hold onto and help them stay afloat.”

Key ice safety advice

If someone falls through the ice:

  • Call the emergency services
  • Do not attempt to go out on to the ice yourself
  • Tell the person to stay still to maintain heat and energy
  • Try finding something which will extend your reach, such as a rope, pole or branch
  • Throw the object out and, once ensuring you are stable on the bank either by lying down or having someone hold on to you, pull them in
  • If you cannot find something to reach with, try finding an object that will float and push that out to them
  • Ensure that you keep off the ice at all times during the rescue, continue to reassure the casualty and keep them talking until help arrives
  • Once the person has been rescued, keep them warm and take them to hospital even if they appear to be unaffected

It’s Freezing: Charity warns public to watch out for signs of Raynaud’s

With Christmas right around the corner and freezing temperatures across Scotland, the charity Scleroderma and Raynaud’s UK (SRUK) is urging people to look out for signs of Raynaud’s – a painful condition that affects blood circulation and is triggered by the cold. 

SRUK says many in the UK are “woefully unaware” of Raynaud’s, despite around one in six people living with the condition. According to the charity, more than one in two UK adults don’t know any of the signs and symptoms with millions likely to dismiss symptoms rather than visit their GP. 

The charity is also concerned that high energy prices are preventing many from properly heating their homes, meaning those in Scotland who are living with Raynaud’s are likely to spend Christmas suffering in silence. According to SRUK, keeping warm is ‘crucial’ for living well with the condition, but a recent survey by the charity found that nine in 10 Scottish people with Raynaud’s (90 percent) reported being worried about the cost of their energy, with many choosing to limit their heating or keep it off altogether. 

Recognising the signs of Raynaud’s 

For someone with Raynaud’s, cold temperatures and stress can cause painful flare-ups, also called Raynaud’s attacks. This is when the blood temporarily stops flowing to parts of the body, most commonly the hands and feet.  

When this happens, the skin can change colour to white, then blue and finally to red as the blood starts to return. The condition can also be extremely painful, preventing many from carrying out everyday tasks like handling bank cards and house keys, unbuttoning a coat and even driving. 

Sue Farrington, SRUK Chief Executive, said: “Winter is well and truly upon us and we know that people with Raynaud’s can find this time of year extremely difficult. We all get cold hands and feet when the temperature drops, but for those affected by Raynaud’s the impact can be seriously debilitating, so it’s important not dismiss it and seek advice and support.”  

Signs of Raynaud’s include: 

  • Colour changes to the skin in areas such as the hands or feet, often in response to cold conditions
  • Cold and numbness in the affected areas, such as the fingers and toes
  • Tingling or pain, especially as the circulation returns to the affected areas. 

For around 300,000 people with Raynaud’s, the condition can be a sign of a serious underlying condition, such as the autoimmune diseases lupus and scleroderma, which is why SRUK is urging people in Scotland to visit their GP if they think they may have Raynaud’s. 

The charity also has an online test people can take to check if they may have the condition. This is available at www.sruk.co.uk/testme  

A warning to stay warm this winter 

SRUK is also warning that many people with Raynaud’s could be jeopardising their health by cutting back on their heating this year. 

From a survey of more than 1,600 people with Raynaud’s, the charity found that in Scotland specifically:  

  • More than four in five respondents (86 percent) said they rely on their heating to prevent painful Raynaud’s attacks 
  • More than eight in 10 people surveyed (83 percent) said they had experienced a Raynaud’s attack as a result of choosing not to put their heating on. Of these, one in three (33 percent) believe it could happen again  
  • More than four in 10 respondents (42 percent) are trying to find other ways to stay warm, such as wearing thick jumpers and gloves 
  • Of those surveyed, the number of people in Scotland paying between £200 and £300 each month for their energy more than doubled between October 2021 and October 2022 (from 16 to 37 percent). Meanwhile, those paying less than £200 almost halved during the same period (from 59 to 32 percent). 

Farrington said: “We know that high inflation and the cost of living are making things difficult for lots of people right now but keeping warm is the key to living well with Raynaud’s. 

“We understand that not everyone will be able to afford to keep their homes heated at a consistent temperature, so you can also stay warm by wearing lots of thin layers, thermal socks and gloves, and using heated slippers and blankets. We would hate for anyone to suffer in silence this winter.” 

The charity has written to the UK government calling for more support to keep heating affordable for people with Raynaud’s this winter and beyond. Read the full letter at www.sruk.co.uk/about-us/news/raynauds-energy-campaign 

SRUK also has a factsheet available, which is packed with tips to help people keep warm this winter. This is available from the SRUK website at www.sruk.co.uk  

Low income pensioners: Don’t miss out on £324 extra help


SNP MSP Gordon Macdonald and Age Scotland are urging low income pensioners in Edinburgh to act quickly to claim for Pension Credit before this Sunday’s deadline to avoid losing outon an extra £324 cost of living payment. 

Age Scotland, the national charity for older people, can help identify if someone is eligible for Pension Credit and offer advice on applying by calling their helpline on 0800 12 44 222, where advisers can carry out a full benefits check, or check their eligibility online at www.age.scot/benefitscalculator  

Pension Credit provides pensioners on a low income with extra money and other helpful support.  It can top up their weekly income to £182.60 if they are single, and £278.70 if they are making a joint claim with a partner, as well as cutting council tax bills, help with energy costs and a free TV licence if they are over the age of 75. 

Anyone who makes a successful Pension Credit application to the Department for Work and Pensions before 18 December, 2022 will also be entitled to a £324 lump sum financial support payment.  This is because a claim for Pension Credit can be backdated for up to three months, provided the entitlement conditions are met throughout that time. 

Gordon Macdonald, SNP MSP for Edinburgh Pentlands said: “With growing numbers of older people struggling to cope with the rising cost of living, there has never been a more important time to make sure you are receiving everything to which you are entitled. 

“Every year in Scotland, hundreds of millions of pounds in social security payments go unclaimed by older people due to lack of awareness, difficulty in accessing them, stigma surrounding benefits or just not knowing where to turn for help. 

“I would encourage people to call Age Scotland’s helpline to find out if they are entitled to Pension Credit or make an application directly via the gov.uk website as soon as possible.” 

Age Scotland interim chief executive Michelle Supple said: “Pension Credit is not only an essential benefit, but it opens the door to much more additional support including help with energy bills in the winter, a free TV licence for over-75s, help with rent and council tax reduction, free dental care and reduced water bills. 

“We are urging all pensioners on a low income to act quickly and start the application process or call our helpline 0800 12 44 222 for advice. We don’t want to see anyone miss out on extra cost of living support, especially with Christmas around the corner.” 

If you receive Pension Credit, there is a range of additional support and payments to help: 

· A one-off payment of £150 (previously £140) through the Warm Home Discount Scheme to help with the cost of energy this winter 

· A £50 payment in February to help with heating costs 

· Help with Council Tax and rent 

· Reduced water bills 

· Free NHS dental treatment and help towards the cost of glasses and travel to hospital 

· A free TV licence (if over-75) 

· An extra amount of Pension Credit for some carers worth up to £38.85 a week  

Applications for Pension Credit can be made by calling the Department for Work and Pensions on 0800 99 1234, or online at www.gov.uk/pension-credit/how-to-claim 

New independent research highlights Scotland’s “hidden gem” universities


As thousands of students and families prepare for UCAS application deadlines just after Christmas, new independent research released today (Wednesday, 14th December) reveals universities making up “areas of excellence” across Scotland and the UK.

The team behind the renowned Complete University Guide have crunched the data to shine a light on some of the universities blazing a trail in Scotland, including those with some subjects that rank amongst the best in the UK. The message could not be clearer – “you don’t have to go far to go far!”.

With cost-of-living putting increasing pressure on students and families, the “areas of excellence” data highlights some excellent subjects in Scotland and across the UK that they might not have considered. 

The “areas of excellence” data for Scotland reveals:

  • Dundee holding the first place in the UK for Forensic Science, while they rank number two across the UK for Medical Technology & Bioengineering.
  • Physiotherapy is a UK-leader at Glasgow Caledonian, ranked 5 in the country.
  • Queen Margaret is the best in the UK for Complementary Medicine, while they’re in the top 5 for Psychotherapy & Occupational Therapy.
  • Physiotherapy at Robert Gordon sits comfortably in the UK Top Ten at number 7.
  • Education at Stirling goes from strength to strength, sitting at ninth place for the whole UK.

Professor Amanda Chetwynd, Chair of the Complete University Guide Advisory Board, said: “The Complete University Guide is the gold standard for university rankings in the UK, and has helped countless students choose the university and the course that is right for them.

“While invaluable, the league tables do not tell the whole story, with some tremendous success stories lost beneath the headlines.

“Today’s research shows applicants the excellence that exists on their doorstep or closer to home. I am confident that the new “areas of excellence” will work alongside the annual league tables, showcasing those universities offering first-rate courses in Scotland and across the UK.”

The research also reveals other “hidden gems” across the UK, with Universities providing sector-leading subjects that many students may be unaware of. These include:

  • City, University of London Communication & Media Studies 1 1%
  • Edge Hill Tourism, Transport, Travel & Heritage Studies 2 3%
  • Staffordshire Childhood & Youth Studies 4 8%
  • Hull Paramedic Science 1 3%
  • Ulster Pharmacology & Pharmacy 3 7%
  • Lincoln Social Work 5 6%
  • Kent Art & Design 6 7%

Simon Emmett, Chief Executive Officer of IDP Connect, said: “The Complete University Guide’s mission has always been about helping students make the right decisions about their future.

“Today’s publication of the “areas of excellence” builds on this work, and reflects the changing landscape that students are entering university in and equips universities with key student research to use alongside their own data insights.

“The current challenges facing students and families, from cost-of-living to accommodation, have informed this new CUG research, acknowledging that there are factors impacting university applications that simply did not feature a decade ago. The research shows that it can pay to stay local, or to consider some world-class options in less well-known universities.

“This independently collated data has also enabled us to build new tools to help students and families choose the university that is right for them. Our new Uniselect tool takes the complexity out of researching university options and puts the student in the driving seat, allowing them to shape their future based on what is important to them. They get results which are clear, unbiased and based on what they want to know.”

Realising Hydrogen’s potential?

Finalised Action Plan ‘sets out net zero opportunities’

A pathway to help make Scotland a world leader in hydrogen production has been published, but campaigners are questioning the suitability of hydrogen for most sectors.

The Hydrogen Action Plan sets out steps to help the emerging hydrogen sector in Scotland achieve an ambition of 5 Gigawatts (GW) of renewable and low-carbon hydrogen – equivalent to a sixth of Scotland’s energy needs – by 2030.

It also reaffirms an ambition to produce 25 GW by 2045, with a hydrogen economy potentially supporting more than 300,000 jobs.

Capitalising on the potential for Scotland to become a leading exporter of hydrogen is estimated to contribute between £5 billion and £25 billion a year by 2045 depending on the scale of production and the extent of exports.

The Scottish Government is making available £100 million to support the Action Plan, including a £90 million Green Hydrogen Fund, which will open early next year.

Net Zero & Energy Secretary Michael Matheson said: “Hydrogen could present Scotland’s greatest industrial opportunity since oil and gas was discovered in the North Sea.

“The technology has tremendous potential to help deliver a just transition for our energy sector, realising huge economic benefits while supporting our net zero transformation.

“Scotland has vast natural resources with which we can become world leaders in renewable hydrogen production and export, while others are looking beyond their borders to nations that can produce and provide that hydrogen at scale.

“Our Hydrogen Action Plan reaffirms the Scottish Government’s clear commitment to helping our hydrogen sector grow and prosper. We are open to the world and actively collaborating with international partners in order to realise the benefits of hydrogen.”

Climate campaigners have responded to the Scottish Government’s new ‘Hydrogen Action Plan’ by questioning the suitability of hydrogen for most sectors and highlighting the cost and inefficiency of the technology.

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s Climate Campaigner Alex Lee said: “Hydrogen is inefficient, faces costly technical barriers and is unnecessary or unsuitable in most sectors. Evidence shows that blue hydrogen made with fossil gas, which Ministers want to label as low-carbon, doesn’t deliver meaningful cuts to climate emissions.

“It is welcome that the Scottish Government has heeded the overwhelming scientific consensus on the inefficiency and high cost of using hydrogen to heat our homes. It looks like that this will not be a priority in Scotland but the Plan still suggests that the Scottish Government may attempt to blend hydrogen into the gas grid and potentially invest in ‘hydrogen ready’ boilers in new build homes.

“The Plan also backs hydrogen buses and cars despite the fact electric vehicles are streets ahead in terms of efficiency and public awareness.”

“The Government still seems to be falling for industry spin that dodgy technologies like Carbon Capture and Storage and Direct Air Capture will cut climate pollution. For decades carbon capture has failed to work at the scale promised and the few plants that have been built have been plagued by technical problems and closures.

“It’s time the Scottish Government accepted that carbon capture is not the magical solution it hopes and focused its energies on measures to cut emissions in the here and now.

“The forthcoming Energy Strategy is a chance for the Scottish Government to invest in solutions we know actually work like heat pumps and insulating homes that can help people in Scotland with their bills and unlike dodgy hydrogen help us tackle climate change.”

The Hydrogen Action Plan is available on the Scottish Government website