Unkindest Cut Of All For Local Butchers

One of North Edinburgh’s longest established businesses will close on Saturday after having served the community for over thirty years.  The Pork Butcher on Pennywell Road closes it’s doors for the last time this weekend – and butcher Brian Burke has no doubt about the cause of the closure.

“The decision to knock down all those houses in Muirhouse and Pennywell is what’s really done for us”, said Brian, who has managed the shop for 33 years.  “We’ve managed to get through downturns before, times when people have less money to spend – we survived that.  But over the last four years or so – when they started by knocking down Muirhouse Crescent – we’ve  seen our customer numbers really drop. You can’t knock down around 950 houses – and rebuild none – without trade being affected.  Bit by bit trade has dwindled and we can’t carry on – the customers are just not here any  more.  Every shop will tell you the same – every one is struggling.  I can well remember when we would have five or six butchers  working on a Saturday and we never stopped – the place was non-stop all day.  It’s hard to believe it’s the same shop”.

Nephew Charlie is a relative newcomer – he’s only worked in the Pennywell shop for 27 years!

“I’ll be finished my apprenticeship soon!” he said.  “Seriously though, it really is tragic not just for us but for the whole community. We’ve seen this happening for the last few years – since they started emptying the houses.  It will be three  years until the first of the new homes are built and occupied – that will be too late for most businesses and I think most of the shops will be shut by then.  I think everyone wants out but they are tied into contracts and it looks hopeless.  I don’t see how any business can survive when there’s no prospect of customers.  When the council was planning the regeneration of the area I think they should have done what they did in Niddrie – decanting and demolishing bit by bit and rebuilding and getting people back in.
If they had done that down here businesses would at least have had a fighting chance, but they didn’t”.

While Saturday will be a sad day for the Pennywell butchers, Brian and Charlie will leave with a lot of fond memories.

“We have had an awful lot of laughs over the years, a lot of fun”, said Brian.  “We always liked to give the kids a slice of chopped pork when they came in, and now we’re giving a piece of chopped pork to the kids of those kids.  You get to meet a lot of good people and I’d like to thank all of our customers who have supported us over the years”.

Charlie added:  “Just recently I was having a drink when someone stuck a pint in front of me.  ‘That’s for keeping me going on chopped pork when I was wee!’ he said!  We have had some really good times and we’re bound to miss it – we’ve been doing it for
such a long time.  It will be very sad when we lock these doors for the last time”.

The city council’s ‘21st Century Homes’ regeneration initiative was welcomed by most people – particularly those languishing
on waiting lists and tenants living in substandard accommodation.  Around 470 new homes will be built in Muirhouse and Pennywell as part of the programme, bringing families – and customers – back to the area.  Sadly, those 21st century homes will come too late to save the local butchers who served the community for well over half a century.

Margo opens Elizabeth Maginnis Court

 Margo MacDonald MSP performed the official opening of Elizabeth Maginnis Court, Dunedin Canmore’s new housing development in Royston Mains Crescent yesterday.  Developed in partnership with the City of Edinburgh Council and the Scottish Government, the superb new facility contains 68 flats and a variety of communal facilities all designed around a central landscaped courtyard. 

It’s a building the late Granton councillor would have been very proud of -Elizabeth Maginnis Court provides flexible accomodation for older and vulnerable people; a group long very close to Elizabeth’s heart.

Margo MacDonald was joined by Councillor Paul Edie (Convener of Health, Social Care and Housing), Councillor Eric Milligan and Cardinal Keith O’Brien – long time friends of Elizabeth’s – all of whom paid moving tributes to the late local councillor who died three years ago.   The Maginnis family was well represented at the event, hosted by Dunedin Canmore chief executive Ewan Fraser, alongside city politicians, officials, community representatives and of course the new residents themselves.

Sisters Jean and Grace and their pals Betty and Rosemary joined the celebration and they all love their new homes.

“It’s really lovely here – I wouldn’t swop for anything!”, said Rosemary.  Betty agreed:  “It really is a smashing place – everyone feels very safe here”.  And Jean and Grace couldn’t be happier.  “We love it here – it’s been worth the wait and we are so happy”.

And doubtless Elizabeth would have been very happy for them too!




Local community campaign group North Edinburgh Fights Back is to hold a community conference at Craigroyston High School on Saturday (12 November). The conference – ‘Tackling Poverty and Inequality’ – has been jointly organised with the STUC and Edinburgh Trades Union Congress and aims to create an Anti-Poverty Charter.

The conference programme includes keynote speakers and workshops and over one hundred delegates from across the country are expected to attend the event.

North Edinburgh Fights Back member Willie Black said: “This is an important conference and it has generated a lot of interest, both locally and further afield. We want to see communities, community organisations and Trade Unions join together to resist and fight the scourge of poverty which is decimating our communities – communities that are already struggling to cope with the punishing effects of government cuts”.

The conference, which starts at 10am, is a free event but participatants are advised to book their place as demand is likely to be high. For further information on the ‘Tackling Poverty and Inequality’ community conference contact Willie Black on 0751 568 6421 or email w.black@blueyonder.co.uk

Funeral arrangements for Agnes Campbell

Agnes’s family have advised the NEN that Agnes’s funeral will take place on Monday 7th November starting with mass at 10am at St Pauls followed by a burial at Eastern Cemetery at 11am. Thereafter everyone is invited to join the family at the Edinburgh Masonic Club on Shrub Lane just off Leith Walk.

Agnes Campbell was an inspirational woman

Agnes lived and worked in north Edinburgh and throughout her life campaigned for improvements to not just her neighbourhood in Drylaw but across north Edinburgh. Agnes passed away on Thursday 28th October aged 77.

Suicide threat after party stabbing

There was a dramatic stand-off after at Northview Court after a  stabbing at a party led one reveller to dangle himself out of a 14th-floor window for more than four hours.

It is believed that the 21-year-old man was supported by two men who also threatened officers not to enter the flat.

It is understood that a group barricaded themselves in the flat after a party went badly wrong.

At around 5.15am, an argument broke out and a man was stabbed in the thigh.

The 19-year-old victim managed to stumble out of the flat and hobble to his home, in Muirhouse Gardens, leaving a large trail of blood behind him that later led police to the scene of the incident.

His condition worsened and he was rushed to the ERI, where he is reported to be in a serious but stable condition.

One insider said officers later entered the party flat and found large quantities of blood in a bedroom and the kitchen.

It is understood, however, that one reveller, who was believed to be under the influence of alcohol, panicked and threatened to jump out of the window if police attempted to arrest him.

Officers employed a negotiator as they tried to coax the man down from the ledge. Two others held on to him, and it is believed that they threatened to help him jump if police approached them.

One local resident, who asked not to be named, said they had been watching the stand-off since 7.30am.

He said: “There was a party that night and we heard it got out of hand. There was an argument and they said a guy was stabbed. He was losing lots of blood, so there was a trail of it through the building and on the pavement outside.

“The police followed the line of blood to the flat and it all kicked off. Two people have been dangling the lad from the window for hours.”

Another added: “His mates said they would help him if the police didn’t keep back. I think the party went a bit crazy.”

Negotiators finally managed to talk the man down from the ledge at around 11.30am. Two men were taken away by police, and the 21-year-old was taken to hospital suffering from hypothermia.

Police say a man has been arrested and charged in connection with a serious assault.

Tributes paid to Agnes Campbell

Tributes have been paid to local community activist Agnes Campbell, who sadly passed away yesterday. Agnes was involved in local community activism for many years and has been involved in many campaigns to make North Edinburgh a better place to live.

Agnes Campbell was an inspirational woman

Agnes was very proud of the area she lived in and referred to the Greater Pilton area as Gods Chosen Country.

Agnes was from the generation of activists were sitting around in meetings with agendas set by other people wasn’t acceptable and often actions spoke louder than words. In 1962 the Council set about increasing housing rent and Agnes was part of the campaign group that was set up in North Edinburgh, they regularly halted Council meetings by having “sit ins” in the committee rooms and often occupied the Council Chamber.

Fellow activist Brian Robertson said “As a new person who knew nothing about community activism, Agnes was the one who took me under her wing, as it were, and I learned a hell of a lot from her. Agnes embraced me, encouraged me, and above all was my friend.”

“Agnes was an inspiration to me and to so many other local people. She never put me down or discouraged me. When Agnes spoke, you listened. You listened for the simple reason, you knew that you were learning something. She did not speak just for the sake of speaking, she always had a message or a solution.”

“She was a great woman and I will miss her so much.”

Please leave your tribute in the comments section below. We will publish details of Agnes’s funeral when they become available.

Spartans fear Scottish Cup exit despite win

Local Football Club Spartans fear being thrown out of this year’s Scottish Cup because they fielded an ineligible player.

The Scottish Football Association is investigating the registration documents for forward Keith McLeod, who has been with the club for 10 years. McLeod played in Saturday’s 2-0 win away to Culter in the second round.

Co-manager Mickey Lawson said: “We are hoping for a fine or a replay, but we fear we will be thrown out.”

Lawson, whose side have been drawn at home to First Division side Partick Thistle in the third round, explained that the problem could come down to a clerical oversight. The player’s registration form was sent to the SFA at the start of the season, in accordance with the national association’s rules.

But his form was sent back to the club because there was a mistake – and Lawson fears that it was never returned to Hampden Park.

Spartans chairman Craig Graham said “We are awaiting to be advised of the next steps.”

Graham did not wish to comment further until being contacted by the SFA.

However, the club’s website states: “Obviously we may not be in the next round.”

The SFA, which will call Spartans to state their case on 10 November, said in a statement: “A notice of complaint has been issued by the compliance officer to Spartans FC in relation to an alleged breach of Cup Competition Disciplinary Rules during the William Hill Scottish Cup match between Culter FC and Spartans FC on Saturday 22 October 2011.”

Midfielder Gavin Malin had put the visitors ahead from the penalty spot after 23 minutes in Aberdeen against the North Superleague junior champions.

Jordan Finnie sealed the victory after 83 minutes, but Spartans could now now miss out another day in the national spotlight against Thistle.

Pilton has never sucked

This letter was received to the NEN from an anonymous source.

I would like to commend the North Edinburgh News Blog for allowing people to express their opinions. I was a reader of a Blog called ‘Pilton Sucks’. Now this Blog was written by someone who had complete control of the site and it seemed that no one was allowed to reply.

I have kept a dossier of posts made on the Pilton Sucks site, and have copies of many posts that have been very personal and slanderous to politicians, local workers and to community activists ofNorth Edinburghand beyond. I have been in consultation wit I.T experts and they are of the opinion that it would not be difficult to ascertain the author or administrator of the Pilton Sucks website.

I am now talking to the appropriate authorities to look into the activities of this site. I am also asking people who have been spoken about slanderously to bring this matter to the fore in order that the author of Pilton Sucks is revealed to their identity.

If there are any readers who have been wrongly named in Pilton Sucks then lease make it known. It looks like that I have a chance of clearing all the names mentioned as wrong doing in the eyes of Pilton Sucks.


Pilton has never sucked.

Councillor Morris to face Hearing following complaint

North Edinburgh News understand that the a Hearing will be held next month, following an investigation by the Standards Commission, into complaints received about her conduct.

Elaine Morris will face a Hearing into her conduct


We understand that the complaint is in relation to an email sent by Councillor Morris, to over twenty members on the email list of the Granton & District Community Council,  where she leaked information about a private companies financial matters with the Council.

According to the Standards Commission website it confirms the Hearing stating “Complaints LA/E/1098 & 1108 allege that Councillor Elaine Morris contravened the Councillors’ Code of Conduct (version December 2010) and, in particular paragraphs 3.14 and 3.15 which deal with General Conduct: Confidentiality Requirements.”

Its our understanding that the Hearing will take place on Tuesday 22nd November 2011 starting at 9.30 am and will take place in the Best Western Edinburgh Capital Hotel on Clermiston Road.


Granton community Council meeting halted amid allegations

The North Edinburgh News has today learned that the next meeting of the Granton & District Community Council has been halted amid allegations against members and the Community Council in general.

In a statement issued by the group Secretary, Isobel Macdonald, it states “Due to fact that some allegations have been made against certain members of the Community Council and the Community Council in general and  that an investigation is under way into these, it is prudent that we postpone the next meeting until the picture becomes clearer.”

Its not been confirmed what the allegations are but North Edinburgh News understands that some local people were unhappy with the way in which the last meeting was conducted.

Local Councillor Cammy Day said “I have had a number of allegations made to me, around the financial decision making process and behaviour of some members, of Granton District Community Council. As a result I have asked that the Chief Executive investigate these issues and provide a full report on these allegations.”

He continued “I hope that this will highlight any concerns and allow any required action to be taken to allow Granton District Community Council to get on with representing the Granton area community, and the people that live there.”