Edinburgh North East Scouts has opportunities for volunteers

Sign up for the online information evening on Tuesday 29th November at 7.30pm here https://sesscouts.org.uk/edinburgh-north-east-scouts-information-event/ 

We know everyone is busy, so this event is taking place online to fit in around family, work and life. It’ll only take 1 hour and will be informative.

Did you know Edinburgh North East Scouts has almost 100 young people on a waiting list to join?

And they need new helpers to support their 14 Scout Groups in Portobello, Craigentinny, Craigmillar, Duddingston, Calton, Joppa, Stockbridge, Pilrig, Broughton, Trinity, Leith, Newhaven, Wardie and Willowbrae. 

Sign up for this event to find out about the exciting things the Scout Groups get up to and flexible volunteering opportunities.

Demand by young people to join Scouts in the Edinburgh North East area is good with youth waiting lists growing. However, they need new adult volunteers to reduce the waiting list and enable more local young people to benefit from Scouting. 

Edinburgh North East Scouts is looking to the local community and organisations to help change the lives of local young people. They are appealing for help to reduce the youth waiting list and support 100 more young people to benefit from Scouts. 

Scouts is only possible thanks to superstar volunteers – ordinary people, like you, making an extraordinary difference in young people’s lives. They are looking for new adult volunteers to assist their existing leader and executive team.

So please consider what you can do and if you know anyone who may be willing to get involved and ask them to come along to the event too. It is possible that they may consider a job share if that was of interest to you?

Scouting has a reputation for helping young people to develop resilience, a positive character, respect for others, good community skills, as well as physical and mental fitness. Can you help inspire the doers and give it a goers of the future?

FACT 1: There are 14 Scout Groups in the Edinburgh North East area and they all want to provide more Scouting to more local young children.
FACT 2: You don’t need to have any specific skills or be Bear Grylls to lend a hand.
FACT 3: They have a collective youth waiting list of almost 100.
FACT 4: If you volunteer as a Leader to get involved now then they can look at how your child could get automatic entry into their preferred Scout Group.
FACT 5: You don’t have to have previous Scouting experience to get involved. 

As a District, they want to offer your child and other local children across the Edinburgh North East area the chance to participate in all the fun experiences and adventures they do in Scouting week to week such as, camping, fire-lighting, climbing and abseiling, and yes, learning how to tie and use knots (these will come in handy in later life!). 

Are you passionate about seeing local young people succeed? Are you a team player with a positive, can-do attitude? Do you enjoy fun activities? Do you want to do more in your community?

Are you more of a ‘behind the scenes’ person? Do you have a skill or hobby you can share? Then this event is right up your street.  Scouts has the opportunities – you just show up, get stuck in and make memories for life! 

We all have the power to help young people to realise their potential.  You don’t need to have been a Scout when you were younger.

You don’t even need to know how to put up a tent. Their door is open to people of all ages, genders, races and backgrounds, and they’re only able to change lives because people like you lend a hand.

There’s lots of ways you can get more involved with Scouts as a parent, carer or family member. From helping out occasionally on a family rota or as part of their Executive Committee to stepping up as a leader, their volunteering activities are as varied as you. 

The good news is you shape what you do and the time you have to give. Scouts happens when a lot of us give a little … and no, you don’t have to be a Scout or outdoors expert to volunteer.

Most of their volunteers work directly with young people aged 6-18 through their Beaver, Cub and Explorer groups – helping young people gain skills for life through fun activities.

District Commissioner, Rob Whitelaw, said: “This isn’t a job application, and you certainly don’t have to be an adventurer like Bear Grylls to get involved with Scouting and in fact not many of our volunteers are!

“Do you have first aid knowledge? Are you good with numbers? Handy in the kitchen? Or are you a DIY whizz? We all have useful skills, and you can volunteer and help in many ways.

“Are you ready to inspire a generation of young people to experience fun, friendship and real adventure? The opportunities to volunteer with us are flexible. Think of something you’d like to do, and chances are it’s just what we require.

“Whatever your skills, experience and interests, we can find a role for you!”

Sign up for the online information evening on Tuesday 29th November at 7.30pm here:


Missed Opportunity? Scotland’s new Planning Framework ‘undermined by reliance on climate techno-fixes’

Environmental campaigners have said that while the new National Planning Framework 4 is a step in the right direction in tackling the climate emergency it is seriously undermined by an over reliance on unrealistic techno-fixes.

The updated NPF4, laid in the Scottish Parliament today, sets out to tackle the climate and nature emergency. It gives Councils much needed tools to prioritise sustainable transport, has a greater emphasis on the reduction and reuse of materials, and reduces the risk that vast swathes of the country will be opened up for dodgy carbon offsetting schemes.

However, the Scottish Government has failed to rule out new fossil fuel infrastructure in the planning framework which prioritises controversial technologies and so-called negative emissions technologies (NETs) such as carbon capture and storage and hydrogen.

The NPF4’s reliance on NETs is in contradiction to the Scottish Government’s own Climate Change Plan monitoring report which states that there has been: ‘No public commitment to date by a commercial operator to employ a NETs model for a single large power station in Scotland. Given lead in times for development of such a facility and proposals for CCS deployment for the Peterhead CCGT power project, it is unlikely that a new NETs power facility will be developed in the 2020s.

Friends of the Earth Scotland’s head of campaigns Mary Church said: “While the emphasis on tackling the climate and nature emergencies is welcome, this is a real missed opportunity by the Scottish Government to rule out any more infrastructure for the fossil fuels that are driving us to extinction.

“This plan sets out what developments are going to be prioritised over the next decade and it’s absolutely crucial that we transition away from fossil fuels over that same period.

“Despite this, there are some welcome improvements to the planning framework including much needed tools for local councils to prioritise sustainable transport, a greater emphasis on the reduction and reuse of materials, and the reduced risk that vast swathes of the country will be opened up for dodgy carbon offsetting schemes.

“The overall direction of travel is seriously undermined by continued over reliance on so-called negative emissions technologies like carbon capture and costly, inefficient hydrogen. The longer the Scottish Government falls for industry spin and the fantasy that we can solve the climate crisis without ending our use of fossil fuels, the harder it will be to deliver a just transition to a renewable energy economy.

“This plan puts some important policies on the table, but due to the urgency of the climate crisis, the time for half measures has long since passed.”

The new NPF4 is published as world leaders meet in Sharm El-Sheikh for the annual UN climate negotiations.

The UN Secretary-General António Guterres said that investing in new fossil fuel infrastructure was ‘ moral and economic madness’.

Planning for net zero

Plan for future developments ‘will help combat climate change’

Developments which reduce carbon emissions to tackle climate change and restore nature would be promoted under finalised proposals for long term planning reform.

The revised draft National Planning Framework 4 (NPF4) sets out sustainable policies against which planning applications would be assessed for the next decade.

It has been tabled in the Scottish Parliament against the backdrop of crucial intergovernmental climate talks at COP27 in Egypt and seeks to deliver a new and bold direction, with a shift in culture and approach to planning in Scotland.

Proposals in NPF4 include:

  • enabling more renewable energy generation, outside National Parks and National Scenic Areas, to support the transition away from reliance on fossil fuels
  • supporting emerging low-carbon and zero emissions technologies – including hydrogen and carbon capture – and developments on land that unlock the transformative potential of offshore renewable energy, such as expansion of the electricity grid. Waste incineration facilities would be highly unlikely to receive permission
  • facilitating creation of cycling or walking routes, low carbon transport, more green spaces and opportunities for play, culture and tourism
  • helping rural communities grow by enabling more local homes and encouraging a more diverse rural economy
  • regenerating city and town centres to help them adapt to economic change while enabling people to access shops, schools and workplaces within a 20 minute walk or cycle
  • adopting a planned and evidence-based approach to delivering good quality and affordable homes that benefit communities.

Planning Minister Tom Arthur said: “The window of opportunity to act to reduce emissions and adapt to already locked in changes is narrowing. Our statutory and moral obligation to tackle climate change means change is necessary and urgent.

“This final version of the Framework makes clear that we won’t compromise on climate change. It also clarifies what is to be delivered, and how. And it is now clear through the weighting to be applied to different policies, that the climate and nature crises are the priority.  

“It is timely that we have tabled final proposals during COP27, as we set out to do when Glasgow hosted COP26 last year. This shows that Scotland’s ambition and commitment to delivering on international calls for action is unwavering.

“There is now a clear expectation of the role that planning must play in delivering the expansion of renewable energy needed to realise the just transition from reliance on fossil fuels.

“This Framework creates the foundation upon which to build the fairer, greener Scotland we want to see for the benefit of future generations.” 

Read the Minister’s statement in full here

Beaverbrooks announces Boxing Day closure tradition will continue for 103rd year

Managing Director of family-owned jeweller Beaverbrooks, Anna Blackburn, said: “In Beaverbrooks’ 103-year history we have never opened on Boxing Day, to give our amazing colleagues more time to spend with their families and thank them for their hard work throughout the year.

“As a business run on strong family values this is something that has always been incredibly important to us, and this year our 70 stores will remain closed on the date once again, to allow our people to enjoy well-earned time with their loved ones after the busy Christmas period.

“We know it is a challenging time for many people and to support our colleagues, as well as giving them more time to spend with family over the festive season, we will continue our tradition of an extra week’s salary in December for all colleagues to show our appreciation for their hard work. This comes in addition to an investment of £500,000 in cost-of-living payments made in October to all colleagues (£500 one off payment per colleague), providing further financial support in line with increasing costs.

“Rising costs have been a key consideration for all our business decisions this year and we have made sure to put our teams across the UK at the heart of them.

“For instance, we have just created a breakfast club for office colleagues to come and get a healthy nutritious breakfast every day on us. we have guaranteed salary increases for all Beaverbrooks colleagues year-on-year, even during the pandemic, and based on our record-breaking 2021/22 financial success, we paid our biggest ever bonuses to store colleagues.

“We also introduced significant increases in profit bonuses for office teams and all store management to reward the hard work of all colleagues across the past few challenging years.

“Closing on Boxing Day is something we know our colleagues value greatly, and we feel passionate about continuing this tradition, and hopefully inspiring other businesses to follow in our footsteps.”

Beaverbrooks is an award-winning family-owned jeweller established in 1919 with 70 stores across the UK, providing exceptional quality diamonds, jewellery and watches. For further information please visit www.beaverbrooks.co.uk

Amazon community Halloween fancy dress party supports CHAS

The team at Amazon in Dunfermline recently celebrated Halloween by inviting the local community to take part in trick-or-treating at the fulfilment centre. 

Families from the local area were invited to visit the fulfilment centre for a Halloween themed fancy dress event. Members of the Amazon team also celebrated the day with sweet treat giveaways and a charity raffle in support of CHAS. 

Jamie Strain, General Manager at Amazon in Dunfermline, said: “We all had such a great evening and loved seeing so many children dressed up for Halloween. The atmosphere was fantastic and it’s even better that we could support CHAS in the process.”

Amazon Dunfermline (EDI4) Hallowe’en Party, Mon 31/10/2022. Photography from: Colin Hattersley Photography – www.colinhattersley.com – cphattersley@gmail.com – 07974 957 388.

Kim Skelton, a member of the local community who visited the event, added: “My kids loved Halloween trick-or-treating at Amazon.

“The decorations were brilliant, and everyone really enjoyed themselves.”

Amazon Dunfermline (EDI4) Hallowe’en Party, Mon 31/10/2022. Photography from: Colin Hattersley Photography – www.colinhattersley.com – cphattersley@gmail.com – 07974 957 388.

Lara MacDonald, Senior Corporate Partnerships Executive at CHAS, said: “I want to say thank you to the Amazon team for supporting us through the site’s Halloween event. Every donation means so much to us and we always appreciate Amazon in Dunfermline’s support.”

The donation to CHAS was made as part of Amazon’s programme to support the communities around its operating locations across the UK.

Human Rights of Asylum Seekers in the UK inquiry launched

Image representing news article

The Joint Committee on Human Rights inquiry examines the Government’s policies and procedures relating to asylum seekers and the impact these have on their human rights.

This will include the UK’s approach the availability of “safe and legal” routes for asylum seekers, the treatment of those arriving outside of these routes, and attempts to relocate asylum seekers outside the UK. It will also examine the treatment of asylum seekers once in the UK, including treatment in short-term holding facilities, conditions in detention, accommodation, restrictions on movement, and the right to work.

The inquiry also assesses whether the UK’s current legal framework is adequate to meet its human rights obligations to those who are victims of modern slavery or human trafficking.

Chair of the Joint Committee on Human Rights, Joanna Cherry KC MP said: “The UK has a long-standing obligation to provide a place of sanctuary to those fleeing war and persecution.

“We have launched this inquiry to examine whether the current approach to asylum meets the UK’s human rights obligations. Are the current routes for asylum seekers to come to the UK adequate, and is it right for those excluded from “safe and legal routes” to be punished for coming to the UK even if they have fled conflict or persecution?

“Can the UK outsource its asylum obligations to third countries and still ensure the human rights of those seeking asylum are protected?

“We want to look beyond fearful headlines about the cost of hotel accommodation or the numbers of asylum seekers arriving, to consider the experience of those going through the asylum system and the way they are treated.

“Fundamentally, is the way asylum seekers are treated appropriate and lawful, or is the UK Government falling short of the human rights standards designed to protect them, and all of us?

“Given the terrible conditions we have witnessed at Manston and the new Home Secretary’s seeming delight at the prospect of further flights to Rwanda, this inquiry could not be more timely.”


The Universal Declaration of Human Rights states in Article 14 that “everyone has the right to seek and enjoy in other countries asylum from persecution”.

The Refugee Convention built on this with the establishment of a regime of international refugee protection, which was ratified by the UK in 1954. The Convention defines a refugee as a person outside their country of nationality or habitual residence, due to well-founded fear of persecution because of their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group or political opinion, and unable or unwilling to return to that country for fear of persecution.

In addition, the Human Rights Act 1998 incorporated the European Convention on Human Rights into UK law. Amongst other things, it prohibits torture and inhuman or degrading treatment (Article 3 ECHR), as well as slavery and forced labour (Article 4 ECHR). It also provides for a right to liberty and security (Article 5 ECHR) and a right to private and family life (Art 8 ECHR).

Asylum seekers often come from countries affected by violence, conflict, and human rights abuses, and a portion of those who leave come to the UK.

In 2022, the number of new asylum applications rose to 63,089, from 48,540 in the previous year. As of June 2022, there were 122,213 asylum claims pending an initial decision, out of which 89,231 cases had been pending an initial decision for more than 6 months. Most asylum claims in the UK are successful – in 2021, the estimated overall grant rate where a final outcome has been reached was 77%.

The Nationality and Borders Act 2022 made significant amendments to the legislative framework for the asylum system. Changes include the introduction of new powers to remove asylum seekers, the creation of a two-tier system for asylum claims, and the inadmissibility of claims by persons with a connection to safe third States.

The Government has also sought through the UK Rwanda Migration and Economic Development Partnership to send certain asylum seekers to Rwanda to make claims for asylum in Rwanda.

Terms of reference

The Joint Committee on Human Rights is looking into the rights of asylum seekers in the UK, with a view to identifying human rights concerns. To inform its work, the Committee invites submissions of no more than 1,500 words from interested groups and individuals. The deadline for submissions is 15 December 2022. We would welcome evidence covering the following questions:

Submit evidence here.

“Safe and legal routes”

1. Is it compatible with the UK’s human rights obligations to deny asylum to those who do not use what the Government calls “safe and legal routes”?
2. What “safe and legal routes” currently exist for asylum seekers in the UK? Should new routes be introduced?

Relocation of asylum seekers

3. Is the policy of relocating asylum seekers to third countries consistent with the UK’s human rights obligations?


4. Are the rules on detention and processing, and the treatment of detained asylum seekers, consistent with the UK’s human rights obligations?

Electronic tagging

5. Is the electronic tagging of asylum seekers a necessary and proportionate interference with their human rights?

Legal aid, accommodation, and subsistence

6. Is the support available to asylum seekers under the legal aid, accommodation, and subsistence rules compliant with the UK’s human rights obligations?

Right to work

7. How do the rules on right to work impact on the human rights of asylum seekers?

Modern slavery

8. Is the UK’s legal framework for tackling modern slavery and human trafficking effective, and is it compatible with our human rights obligations? Are there changes that should be made?

9. Is there any evidence that modern slavery laws are being abused by people “gaming” the system?

Nationality and Borders Act 2022

10. To what extent has the enactment of the Nationality and Borders Act 2022 had an impact on the human rights of asylum seekers?

We understand that the issues raised in this work may be sensitive or upsetting and the following organisations may be able to offer support or further information:

Asylum Aid – free legal aid advice and representation to asylum seekers and refugees in the UK.  
Call 020 7354 9631
Email advice@asylumaid.org.uk

British Red Cross – support to refugees and asylum seekers in the UK including emergency assistance to those who are destitute, and family reunion and resettlement services.
Call 0808 196 3651

London Destitution Service – Refugee Council – support for asylum seekers or rejected asylum seekers who are destitute, and support to vulnerable and homeless asylum seekers who have lost contact with their asylum application and have no legal representation.
Call 02073466700
Email destitution@refugeecouncil.org.uk

Migrant Help – free 24/7 helpline providing independent advice and support to asylum
seekers in the UK in your own language.
Call 0808 8010 503
Webchat; Online Enquiry Form

Samaritans – for everyone, 24 hours a day, every day.
Call 116 123

Construction Festival at Royston Wardieburn tomorrow

Two innovative construction festivals are taking place in Edinburgh as part of Scottish Careers Week with over 120 school pupils attending.

The two events, at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre (Wednesday 9 November) and Gate 55 Community Centre (Thursday 10 November), have invited local schools to attend including Wester Hailes, Forrester, St Augustines, Gorgie Mills, Trinity, Broughton and Craigroyston.

Council suppliers involved in the regeneration of Wester Hailes and North Edinburgh (including Granton and Pennywell/Muirhouse) are delivering a wide array of inspiration talks, practical hands-on skills demonstrations and showcasing the use of technology and net zero principles in construction over the course of the two events.

During the pandemic the City of Edinburgh Council, in partnership with Developing the Young Workforce, offered the Build Your Future programme which looks to promote the full range of diverse careers within construction to young people in four secondary schools in the city.

Following this successful pilot, a number of the Council’s construction-related contractors now have partnerships in place with every secondary school and five special schools and will be offering Build Your Future this academic year.

These school partnerships are being set up to address the skills shortages in the construction industry within both traditional construction trades and professional and back-office roles. It also aims to encourage a more diverse and inclusive workforce by starting to work closely with pupils from S1 to provide insights into construction.

The City of Edinburgh Council has focused on maximising the benefits which can be achieved from Community Benefit clauses in supplier contracts to create the capacity to deliver these partnerships and events to the benefit of young people and their communities.

Cammy Day, Leader of the City of Edinburgh Council Leader, said: “Edinburgh really is leading the way by putting on these construction festivals as they are highlighting in tangible ways the range of diverse careers that are open to young people within construction industry.

“Both these festivals, and the Skills Academy we launched back in May, show our partnership approach to supporting our young people in providing them with the skills and experience to secure employment. Thanks must go to the various teams at the Council, who have made all these enterprises possible.

“There’s been substantial financial investment in these regeneration programmes by both the Council and its partners and they are a fantastic example of the public and private sector working together to strengthen the communities they are working in.”

James Russell, Skills Development Scotland’s Director of CIAG (Career Information Advice Guidance) Operations, said: “We’re delighted to be officially launching our new Virtual Reality My World of Work Live construction activity in partnership with Balfour Beatty at the Construction Careers and Skills Festival.

“It comes at a fantastic time as we celebrate Scottish Careers Week and events like this are a great example of how young people are experiencing the world of work and learning about the opportunities available to them in exciting ways.

“Through using the new experiential VR system and flying drones as part of our My World of Work Live Drones in Construction activity, pupils will have the chance to learn about and develop the skills that they’ll need for the future, no matter what sector they choose to work in.”

Emma Duncan, Programme Delivery Manager for Developing the Young Workforce (DYW), said: “DYW are delighted to be supporting both the North Edinburgh and Wester Hailes Construction Festivals.

“The festivals will have a great impact inspiring young people, as well as showcasing the range of routes and pathways into a career in the industry.” 

Scott Miller, Chairman of the National Federation Roofing Contractors Scotland, said: “NFRC is delighted to continue to work with The City of Edinburgh Council to promote construction as a career of choice to young people in the city.

“It is imperative that we promote the diversity of roles within the industry to help young people make informed choices about their future careers. NFRC is looking forward to continuing to work with the council to raise awareness of the potential careers within the sector to young people in Edinburgh.”

Council teams involved in the skills projects include: Housing Strategy and Development, Mixed Tenure Improvement Service (MTIS), Development and Regeneration, Sustainable Development, Edinburgh Waterfront and Commercial/Procurement Services and Customer and Digital Services.

Additional information about Pennywell/Muirhouse and Wester Hailes projects:


The regeneration of Pennywell and Muirhouse is a long-term strategic programme for the Council, its partners and the local community. The demolition of unsuitable properties has made way for new homes, retail, the new Craigroyston High School and Pennywell All Care Centre.  

A new community hub is under construction at Macmillan Square which will include an Early Learning and Childcare Centre for 185 children, a library and skills hub, affordable homes, and an expanded and refurbished North Edinburgh Arts (NEA) facility, now in community ownership following the conclusion of a Community Asset Transfer.

Almost 1,000 new homes are planned across a range of housing tenures to meet the different needs in the area.  Of these, 411 social and mid market rent homes have been completed to date against a planned 581.  

These are complemented by 239 homes for sale against a planned 415 .  Overall the regeneration represents well over £100 million investment by the Council and its partners including substantial support from Scottish Government.

Wester Hailes

The regeneration of Wester Hailes is a key part of our plan to deliver place-based 20 minute neighbourhoods, and build on the strong foundations of the community-led Wester Hailes Local Place Plan.

Work has started to support the radical transformation of Wester Hailes over the next 10 to 15 years. A development and regeneration framework is being prepared, setting out opportunities for

  • new net zero carbon homes
  • energy-efficiency improvements to existing homes
  • improved transport connections
  • landscape and greenspace improvements
  • enhancing services, such as schools and health centres
  • improving opportunities for employment and learning.

The regeneration will look at how opportunities around the Union Canal can be realised, including canal-side development and promoting other uses. We will also consider how a range of services are delivered in Wester Hailes.

The George Hotel Edinburgh partners with Edinburgh College of Art on new sustainable Christmas project

·      Georgian property set to inspire next generation of the UK’s talent through sustainable Christmas campaign

·      Students will work with Edinburgh College of Art’s talented team and guest lecturer and designer, Chloe Patience, to craft a collection of festive decorations using luxury off-cuts from Johnstons of Elgin

·      Students will explore the history of Edinburgh and the Georgian period under a modern lens before decorations are unveiled at the hotel in late November

Luxury hotel, InterContinental Edinburgh The George, has launched a partnership with Edinburgh College of Art, to create a new collection of sustainable decorations for this Christmas.

Students from the BA(Hons) Textiles course will immerse themselves in the history of Edinburgh, the New Town, and the Georgian era when the hotel was built, to inspire their decorations, which will be unveiled on the hotel’s Christmas tree and around its luxurious Lobby in late November.

The partnership will forge ties with the next generation of the UK’s talent and emphasise the hotel’s commitment to sustainability. Johnstons of Elgin, one of Scotland’s oldest family businesses which celebrates its 225th anniversary this year producing the finest cashmere, wool knitwear and accessories, has provided luxury off-cuts that will be used to craft festive baubles for hotel guests to enjoy this winter.

Johnstons of Elgin is committed to the regeneration of resources, and all its designs are made using natural, renewable fibres in its Scottish mills. 97% of its manufacturing waste is recycled into other products.

Students visited the hotel last month to unearth the stories from “The George” including tales of its former famous residents and guests: Susan Ferrier, Scotland’s answer to Jane Austin, Sir Walter Scott and Robert Burns. They also took in the striking features that still exist around the property, which first opened as a collection of Georgian townhouses in the 18th Century.

The students will spend five weeks designing the collection as part of their coursework, guided by Programme Director, Collette Paterson, and award-winning textile designer and guest lecturer, Chloe Patience.

Chloe launched the acclaimed hosiery and bodywear label ‘bebaroque’ in 2007 with co-designer, Mhairi McNicol. Together, they took the brand into the world’s largest luxury department stores including Harrods, Liberty’s and Selfridges, and their designs were worn by Beyonce, Lady Gaga and Katy Perry. Chloe, based in Edinburgh, now runs her own freelance embroidery business, offering unique textile commissions.

FREE TO USE PUBLICITY PICS. 14/10/2022. Pics of The Intercontinental Edinburgh The George, launching a new partnership with Edinburgh College of Art (ECoA), and its BA Textiles students, to create a range of luxury and sustainable Christmas decorations for the hotel, using material cut-offs from Johnstons of Elgin. Pic shows the students getting a tour of the hotel, and sketching initial ideas in various rooms and areas of the hotel. Pic shows Catherine Liu, in one of the suites. Location: Edinburgh.

Stephanie Lee, Director of Sales at InterContinental Edinburgh The George, said: “The hotel has been part of Edinburgh’s fabric since 1775 and we are extremely proud of our heritage, but we are also focused on creating a modern space and experience for guests.

“These talented students will no doubt go on to make their mark on the world, just like the Georgian period did in Edinburgh, so it feels fitting to bring the two stories together for our guests to enjoy this Christmas.

“We are thankful to Edinburgh College of Art and Johnstons of Elgin for helping to bring together this project with a sustainable focus. As a historic property, we recognise our role in doing all we can to make small changes and these decorations will go on to be used for years to come.” 

Collette Paterson, Programme Director BA(Hons) Textiles, said: “We are absolutely delighted to work with such beautiful Scottish materials and such an iconic Edinburgh hotel to allow our textiles students to bring their ideas, creativity and ingenuity to the forefront in such a celebratory way.

“Our students are incredibly excited to contribute to this initiative and to see the fruits of their labour displayed and celebrated in the hotel over the festive period.”

FREE TO USE PUBLICITY PICS. 14/10/2022. Pics of The Intercontinental Edinburgh The George, launching a new partnership with Edinburgh College of Art (ECoA), and its BA Textiles students, to create a range of luxury and sustainable Christmas decorations for the hotel, using material cut-offs from Johnstons of Elgin. Pic shows the students getting a tour of the hotel, and sketching initial ideas in various rooms and areas of the hotel. Pic shows students L-R: Daisy Hall, Meg-Connor-Scahill, Anna Reid, outside the front of the hotel. Location: Edinburgh.

Students will return to InterContinental Edinburgh The George in late November, to decorate the tree, located in the hotel’s Lobby, with the collection before a festive evening hosted for family and friends to tell stories of their inspiration and final design concepts.

InterContinental Edinburgh The George has become a beacon for Christmas in the city, adorned with elegant festive decorations to create an impressive façade for locals and tourists, and a warm and welcoming interior that exudes Georgian charm.

For further information on InterContinental Edinburgh The George, visit: 


Stars support Military charity this Remembrance

A host of stars and influencers, such as Sophie Ellis Bextor, Anneka Rice and Sammy Winward, are showing their support for Remembrance Day this year by backing a national poppy pebble painting initiative, led by the Forces Employment Charity.

The Poppy Pebbles project invites schools, veterans and the public alike, to paint a poppy on a pebble and place it on a war memorial, or headstone of a veteran, as a way of commemorating Remembrance Day.

Those taking part are encouraged to undertake research into identifying and visiting local war graves in their area via the Commonwealth War Graves Commission website, finding out information about the veteran who was buried there.

Colin Back, National Manager of Project Nova at the Forces Employment Charity who devised the initiative says: “The Poppy Pebbles project initially started life as a mindfulness activity during lockdown for some of our more vulnerable veteran clients, who we support into employment.

“However, we found that the idea really struck a chord with the public more generally and now sees people taking part all over the country, from all walks of life, as their way of commemorating Remembrance.

“We are delighted that this year the Poppy Pebbles project has also captured the imagination of some famous faces too, who are helping us encourage more people than ever to get involved.”

For more information, including a free Poppy Pebbles resource pack, please visit www.forcesemployment.org.uk/poppypebbles

Movember: Surgeon with cancer urges men to get checked

An award winning surgeon, who has dedicated his career to improving the lives of people with kidney stones, is now hoping to save lives by raising awareness of the impacts of prostate cancer.
Mr Gareth Jones, an Endourological surgeon with NHS Greater Glasgow and Clyde, was recently recognised for his life changing work, which saw him bring new kidney stone operation practices to the West of Scotland while training new surgeons in modern procedures.

But now his attention is focused on helping to raise awareness about prostate cancer, a disease that his impacted him personally and affects one in eight men in the UK.
Gareth, 55, was diagnosed with stage four prostate cancer in June 2021 and since has been very vocal about why men should ensure they are getting checked. With November a dedicated awareness raising month, through campaigns such as Movember, Gareth is urging as many men as possible to listen to advice as it could save their life.
The surgeon, who has worked at Glasgow’s Royal Infirmary since 2002, said: “It’s so vital that men get checked. It’s simple and relatively painless.  If prostate cancer is caught early then you have so much more of a better chance of cure. Getting checked for prostate cancer should be front and centre when it comes to men’s health.
“For me, as a surgeon you sometimes think you can cope with most things but getting this news was very, very difficult. I had an accelerated diagnoses so it all happened very quickly. If I’m being honest I’m still processing it now. I have got stage four prostate cancer, so it’s all about managing it now.
“There are so many factors you don’t really consider or think about, there are the obvious physical impacts but there are so many psychological aspects to this too. I have been really well supported though my journey , by friends and colleagues , with the input of the palliative care team and psychologists at Maggie’s too. 
“I’m not currently working, so what I have been doing recently is supporting the Prostate Cancer UK Scotland Hub with the view of helping out whenever I am able to. This involves raising awareness and looking for opportunities to get stands back in hospitals following the COVID-19 pandemic and also educate our partners in General Practice.”
As well as playing his part in raising awareness, Gareth has raised over £4,400 for the charity, covering over 180 miles, swimming, cycling, running and walking back in January. 
The father of two, from Cambuslang, said: “I was looking to do some fundraising in January for lifesaving research and support for men and their families affected by prostate cancer.

“I planned to do the distance of a marathon over the month. But I got a bit carried away and did a bit more than that. I have a triathlon and Ironman history, so I decided I would do an iron man over the month. I ended up getting that finished within a week so I just carried on adding more to the challenge.
“I would meet friends and we’d cycle or do a bit of running. I remember one Friday going to the pool at Tollcross and completing a 1.9km swim. I also went on the heritage park in East Kilbride with my wife and friends and cycled at Whitelee Windfarm too. I travelled to Switzerland for work at one point and used that as an opportunity to walk down the mountains.”
Last month, Gareth was honoured by the British Association of Urological Surgeons with the inaugural Silver Ureteroscope Award, for his dedication to endourology training in Glasgow and the west of Scotland since his own training back in 1997.
Gareth received the award at the annual BAUS endourology meeting in Southampton and admits it all came as a bit of a shock.
He said: “I was really surprised to learn that I was going to be given the award as it’s the first time they have given it out, so I wasn’t even aware of it.
“When I was training I noticed that there was a need for advanced  kidney stone operations and a more formal stone service  in Glasgow and the West of Scotland so became really interested in learning all I could and passing that on to others.
“I didn’t really know how to respond to the award , it’s really humbling.”
Check your risk, or ask a man you know to check their risk of prostate cancer this Movember at prostatecanceruk.org/risk-checker.

New recruit strengthens Edinburgh home’s activity calendar

Language classes now available to care residents following appointment

Pensioners at a care residence in Edinburgh are being offered the opportunity to learn a new skill thanks to the home’s newest recruit.

Since joining Cramond Residence, Garylee Rushforth from Dunfermline has already made his mark by introducing a selection of language classes. The 34-year-old has drawn on his knowledge from living in a selection of European cities and speaks fluent German, Polish and is currently learning Scottish Gaelic.

Garylee has worked in the sector for over six years and most recently played a key role in planning and delivering meaningful activities for patients at an Acute Dementia unit in the Royal Edinburgh Hospital.

Now settled into the job, Garylee has been playing a central role in designing the home’s rich and engaging activities programme aimed at stimulating the mind.

He said: “My aim is to bring a structured approach to the way activities at Cramond are planned, led and delivered, ensuring that each activity contributes to each resident’s care plan while also being fun.

“My first six weeks have been a whirlwind. Cramond is a great place to work with lots of opportunities to develop my skills, share my experience and play a part in the wider care of our residents.

“As I’ve lived in a selection of countries, I know how fun it is to learn new languages and this is a passion and skill of mine that I really felt like I could bring to the table in my new role. The addition of language classes into the activities rota will be highly beneficial for the residents.

“Cramond is one of the very few care homes that really does structure itself around its residents’ wishes and needs. Emphasis is placed on ensuring residents are given the opportunity to input, consult on and determine the direction of all aspects of their care.”

Amongst other therapeutic and managerial roles, Garylee previously worked for the NHS where he delivered Cognitive Behavioural Therapy to patients across the region, with particular focus on mental health and addiction.

Garylee continued: “Cramond is like no other healthcare facility – the luxury surroundings make it feel more like a five-star hotel with care provision.

“The highlight of my time here so far has been seeing residents who would not normally engage in certain activities do so through relationship building, encouragement and measured and supported risk-taking.

“You just can’t beat seeing a resident come alive with emotion and energy after taking part in an activity that we have organised for them.”

Garylee will be contributing to Cramond’s bustling activities and excursions rota, which will see a pizza making masterclass, beer and gin samplings and a trip to the Living Memory shop in Ocean Terminal take place in July.

Established in 2018 at a cost of £8m and spread across three floors, Cramond Residence adopts a small-group living philosophy. That means groups of eight rooms form distinct “houses”, where residents are encouraged to eat and socialise together.

The home provides a range of activities specially designed to give residents a richer and more satisfying life, with specialist facilities and trained staff on hand to provide support & relief.

Cramond Residence offers high quality care for up to 74 residents offering a small-group living concept in nine houses, with all residents enjoying an exceptional range of amenities and activities, delicious food and bespoke care from a highly-trained team.

Prices at the home start from £1,950 per week.

To find out more about Cramond Residence, visit: cramondresidence.co.uk/ or contact enquiries@cramondresidence.co.uk.