Drylaw attack victim named


HAPPIER TIMES: Evelyn Crawford pictured with Drylaw Church minister Pat Watson at the Tierney Award reception in 2007

Police have confirmed that the victim of Sunday’s attack in Groathill Road North was 75-year old Evelyn Crawford of Wester Drylaw.  Mrs Crawford remains sedated in hospital with serious injuries including broken ribs, a punctured lung and broken fingers following the vicious attack – thought to be a handbag snatch that escalated – which took place at around 6pm near Ferryhill School.

Evelyn Crawford is a much-loved figure in the local community.  A Drylaw Parish church elder and a willing helper at Girl Guiding and youth clubs, she has also been an enthusiastic member of Drylaw Telford Community Council for many years.  Her dedication to her community was rewarded in 2007 when she was awarded the community council’s Thomas Tierney Award for Good Citizenship.

News of the attack on a much-loved local pensioner has left the community stunned.  A spokesman for Drylaw Telford Community Council said:  “We are all shocked and sickened at this news.  So many people knew and liked Evelyn – put simply, you couldn’t meet a nicer or more helpful person.  Our heartfelt best wishes for a speedy and full recovery go to Evelyn, and we appeal to anyone who has any information at all about this horrific attack to urgently contact the police.  This person must be caught”.

The attacker is described as in his early 20s, around 6ft tall with a skinny build. He was wearing dark clothing and a hat.  It’s understood that he tried to seize Mrs Crawford’s handbag in the attack which took place in Groathill Road North, near the junction with Easter Drylaw Avenue. The attacker was then pursued by a member of the public who chased him towards Telford Road before losing him in Easter Drylaw Drive.

Anyone with information should contact Lothian and Borders Police on 0131 311 3131 or call Crimestoppers anonymously on 0800 555 111.

Search is on for Drylaw's Citizen of the Year

2010 Award winner Henry MacDonald (right) with the first ever recipient - Henry's dad Harry!

Do you know someone living in Drylaw or Telford who goes that extra mile to help their neighbours, or a local person who carries out outstanding voluntary or charity work?  If so, Drylaw Telford Community Council would like to hear from you.  The community council is seeking nominations for their annual Thomas Tierney Award for Good Citizenship.

The community council set up the award in 2000 to commemorate the work of local activist Tam Tierney who died in 1999.  As well as being a founder of Pilton Sporting Club and an enthusiastic member of Craigroyston Community Centre and Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre’s management committees over many years, Tam was also a great supporter of the local community council.   Drylaw Telford decided that an annual award to encourage community activism and good citizenship would be a preferable legacy than a bench or commemorative plaque.  The annual award has become the highlight of the community council’s year – certainly the biggest social event – and the search is now on for a worthy recipient of the 2011 award.

“Henry MacDonald received the award last year and it was a case of ‘keep it in the family’ as Henry’s dad Harry was the very first winner of the award!” said Mike Clark, chair of Drylaw Telford Community Council.  “Nomination forms are going out now and we hope there will be a great response.  We’re sure that there are many   people, young and not so young, doing good things in our community and we want to hear about them and recognise their achievements”.

Nomination forms will be available at community venues including Drylaw Parish Church and Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre over the coming days, and forms will also be available by email from community council secretary Ian Greenhalgh at ian@scotfloor.co.uk

Get those nominations in soon!


Search is on for Drylaw’s Citizen of the Year

2010 Award winner Henry MacDonald (right) with the first ever recipient - Henry's dad Harry!

Do you know someone living in Drylaw or Telford who goes that extra mile to help their neighbours, or a local person who carries out outstanding voluntary or charity work?  If so, Drylaw Telford Community Council would like to hear from you.  The community council is seeking nominations for their annual Thomas Tierney Award for Good Citizenship.

The community council set up the award in 2000 to commemorate the work of local activist Tam Tierney who died in 1999.  As well as being a founder of Pilton Sporting Club and an enthusiastic member of Craigroyston Community Centre and Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre’s management committees over many years, Tam was also a great supporter of the local community council.   Drylaw Telford decided that an annual award to encourage community activism and good citizenship would be a preferable legacy than a bench or commemorative plaque.  The annual award has become the highlight of the community council’s year – certainly the biggest social event – and the search is now on for a worthy recipient of the 2011 award.

“Henry MacDonald received the award last year and it was a case of ‘keep it in the family’ as Henry’s dad Harry was the very first winner of the award!” said Mike Clark, chair of Drylaw Telford Community Council.  “Nomination forms are going out now and we hope there will be a great response.  We’re sure that there are many   people, young and not so young, doing good things in our community and we want to hear about them and recognise their achievements”.

Nomination forms will be available at community venues including Drylaw Parish Church and Drylaw Neighbourhood Centre over the coming days, and forms will also be available by email from community council secretary Ian Greenhalgh at ian@scotfloor.co.uk

Get those nominations in soon!


Education leader opens Royston Wardieburn


Cllr MacLaren unveils plaque while Joan Turner looks on

Councillor Marilyne MacLaren unveiled a plaque to formally open the new Royston Wardieburn Community Centre yesterday.  Cllr. MacLaren said the ‘fantastic new centre’ is a major achievement and she praised the efforts of the local community for creating a centre it can be proud of.

The Education, Children & Families leader said:  “This is a very exciting day.  As you all know a new community centre for Royston Wardieburn has been on the ‘to do’ list of the Council for many, many years and I am really pleased that despite the financial challenges we have faced we have delivered this fantastic new centre for the community”.

She went on:  “You will remember that original plans for the new centre were to build at Royston School, but when I came into post and talked to you it was clear that you didn’t want that – you really wanted the new centre to be built here, as this is ‘neutral ground’ that allows the people of the different neighbourhoods – particularly the young people – to come together.  That seemed to me to make perfect sense, so the opening of this new building today is a major achievement of the local community.  You told me what you wanted and we have made it happen, so well done to all of you for sticking with that commitment”.

The original Royston Wardieburn Community Centre opened in 1965 and, not unnaturally, the building in Pilton Drive North was showing it’s age after over forty-five years of constant use.  Over recent years the Centre’s management committee has campaigned tirelessly to get their building replaced and now at last – after a few false dawns and many ups and downs along the way – the superb new centre is open for business for the whole community to enjoy.

Royston Wardieburn is the first new centre to open in North Edinburgh since Muirhouse Millennium Centre opened in August 2000.  The new building has all that the old building had and much, much more – a sports hall, state of the art computer suite, games room, café area and meeting rooms large and small.  There’s also ample accommodation upstairs for centre staff, the Stepping Stones team and local Community Learning and Development workers.

The opening of the building is a dream come true for the centre’s chairperson Joan Turner.  After watching a short documentary about the history of Royston Wardieburn she said:  “Royston Wardieburn is a special place for so many people with a lot of happy memories.  If the new Centre is even half as successful as the old centre has been I think we will all be well pleased”.

It was certainly a day to remember at Royston Wardieburn and community activists, politicians, local workers, schoolchildren and centre members turned out in force to celebrate the occasion.  The afternoon was packed with activities – a Royal Scottish National Orchestra ensemble entertained guests and there was a presentation and short film (thirty hours edited down to five minutes!) presented by Roberta Blaikie of the Old Centre’s History Group.  Councillor MacLaren also presented certificates of achievement to local children and members of the management committee who have successfully completed their REHIS Food and Hygiene Training, enabling them to assist in the building’s café.  Guided tours of the building were also provided for guests to see the superb new facilities the centre has to offer.

Congratulations to everyone involved with the opening of Royston Wardieburn’s new community centre – and here’s to a successful 45 years!


Pictures:  Opening day images

Councillor MacLaren and RWCC chairperson Joan Turner

Roberta Blaikie with young achievers


More fun and games outside the Centre
RSNO musicians entertain guests
Certificates for management committee members

Cash in on new course

Is your New Year’s resolution to manage your money better?  Would you like to find new ways to save money?  ‘Money Matters To Me’, a new course starting at Royston Wardieburn Community Centre next week, could help you to save those precious pennies.

The free, fun and informal course starts on Wednesday 25 January and runs from 10am – 12 noon.  To book your place or for more information call Nicola Ross on 332 6316, email nicola.ross@ea.edin.sch.uk

Up in smoke

UP IN SMOKE - smoking 15 cigarettes daily costs almost £2000 a year

A new campaign was launched today encouraging smokers to quit with the help of the country’s national stop smoking helpline, Smokeline.  Smokeline 0800 848484 offers smokers tips on how to kick the habit and advice on how to stay a non-smoker.

A new Scottish Government-commissioned survey suggests that four in ten smokers are smoking at least 15 cigarettes a day, but only a quarter think that they are spending more than £1750 a year on their habit.  In fact the average annual cost of smoking 15 a day is £1916, so smokers are underestimating the true financial – never mind health – cost of smoking.  The survey reveals that more than half (55%) of smokers questioned are making an attempt to stop smoking as a New Year resolution and for the vast majority of these, health (81%) and money (70%) are the two top reasons for quitting.

Launching the campaign, Public Health Minister Michael Mathieson said:  “We know that the majority of people in Scotland want to stop, which is the biggest step someone can take to improve their health.  Quitting can reduce a person’s risk if having a heart attack or coronary heart disease and also enables people to make big savings when household budgets are under pressure – a new survey suggests many people underestimate the financial cost of smoking”.

He went on:  “Quitting is a common New Year resolution, but we know people are less likely to succeed if they go it alone.  Our new campaign tells smokers that they are more likely to succeed in making 2012 the year they quit for good by calling Smokeline for free on 0800 848484.  Smokeline can help people find the right quitting method to suit their lifestyle.  There’s a huge range of support available – from face-to-face or online to nicotine replacement therapy and group sessions – and Smokeline can help put people in the right direction”.

As part of this year’s campaign the Scottish Government is again teaming up with Scottish Slimmers to offer members advice and information on giving up smoking and Slimmers will receive a joining fees discount if they call Smokeline and take the first step toward a smoke free future.

A Scottish Government roadshow team will also visit locations across the country to inform and advise smokers who want to quit and a TV advertising campaign will highlight Smokeline services.

Local support is at hand too for smokers determined to kick the habit.  Contact your local GP surgery for more information – make 2012 the year you kick the habit!

Man rescued following Muirhouse fire

A 45-year-old man was pulled unconscious from a house fire  by firefighters in Muirhouse last night.  The rescue took place at nine-storey Gunnet Court shortly before 6.30pm.

When firefighters arrived at the scene,  they discovered a fire in the lower level living room of a two-storey  maisonette.  Fire crews wearing breathing apparatus entered the property  and pulled the unconscious occupier to safety. The man was given oxygen at the scene  for smoke inhalation before being passed into the care of ambulance crews and was taken to Edinburgh Royal Infirmary for treatment.

Six firefighters wearing breathing apparatus and using two  main jets extinguished the blaze within the hour.

The cause of the fire is not yet known.

PEP seeks help


PEP manager Helen Tait

Local organisation Pilton Equalities Project is looking for help with an unusual request.  PEP is seeking … binoculars!  No, they haven’t lost one of their minibuses – the binoculars are needed for a project they are currently planning.

So if you have any binoculars tucked away somewhere – large or small, any condition – PEP would like to hear from you.  If you can help, call PEP on 315 4466 or email pepequalities@btconnect.com


Suttie's talking Scots literature

Scotland has a proud history of producing internationally renowned writers, from Burns, Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson to contemporary talents like Hugh MacDairmid, Liz Lochhead and Irvine Welsh.  If you’d like to learn more about modern Scottish literature there’s a free course starting at The Prentice Centre later this month that’s just ‘write’ for you!

Starting on 23 January, ‘Modern Scottish Literature’ is a  8 – 10 week course that will run on Monday afternoons from 2.30 – 4.30pm in The Prentice Centre.  Supported by the Workers Education Association and Prentice Centre’s Adult Education Group, the course is free to all participants.

The course tutor is Derek Suttie (pictured), who is no stranger to The Prentice Centre.  Derek was formerly Senior Community Education worker based at the centre in Granton Mains Avenue until he retired last year.

For further information on ‘Modern Scottish Literature’ or to book your place on the course please contact The Prentice Centre on 552 0485 or WEA on 225 2580.

Suttie’s talking Scots literature

Scotland has a proud history of producing internationally renowned writers, from Burns, Walter Scott and Robert Louis Stevenson to contemporary talents like Hugh MacDairmid, Liz Lochhead and Irvine Welsh.  If you’d like to learn more about modern Scottish literature there’s a free course starting at The Prentice Centre later this month that’s just ‘write’ for you!

Starting on 23 January, ‘Modern Scottish Literature’ is a  8 – 10 week course that will run on Monday afternoons from 2.30 – 4.30pm in The Prentice Centre.  Supported by the Workers Education Association and Prentice Centre’s Adult Education Group, the course is free to all participants.

The course tutor is Derek Suttie (pictured), who is no stranger to The Prentice Centre.  Derek was formerly Senior Community Education worker based at the centre in Granton Mains Avenue until he retired last year.

For further information on ‘Modern Scottish Literature’ or to book your place on the course please contact The Prentice Centre on 552 0485 or WEA on 225 2580.