A book is born!

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A new chapter: CIRCLE’s HAVEN Project celebrates Storytelling Week

Children and parents from Circle’s Haven project created a book with the help of children’s author Mike Nicholson last week.

The week-long event (29 July – 2 August) was all part of Haven’s Storytelling Week activities and culminated with a celebration at North Edinburgh Arts when storyteller Claire McNicol read aloud the new book.

Children and parents, guided by Mike, created a narrative for their story by visiting different Edinburgh locations and developed a plot from what they found on their adventures. The result of a visit to Silverknowes was a story about mermaids and pirates, so there were some fantastic ideas!

They then worked with Mike and Haven staff to drawing pictures to feature as illustrations in the new book.

Everyone involved in the project joined to celebrate at North Edinburgh Arts on Friday, where professional storyteller Claire McNicol read aloud the completed book, with help from some volunteers.

So did the pirates and mermaids feature in the finished book? Well, that’s another story!

To see a video of the completed book, visit the CIRCLE Scotland website at:


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Pensioner attacked and robbed in Salvesen

An elderly woman has been assaulted and robbed in her Salevsen home.

Police said the woman was attacked at about midday yesterday (Friday). They said she was not seriously injured.

Polce believe her attacker, a man in his 20s, may have been carrying out gardening work in the area.

He is described as white, with dark hair and of slim build. He was wearing a white, patterned top, and is believed to speak with an Irish accent.

A police spokesman said: “Fortunately the woman was not seriously injured, but this has been a terrible experience for her nonetheless. We are appealing to anyone who may have information regarding this male to get in touch.

“In particular, we would be keen to talk to any person who may have been approached by this male regarding carrying out work in their garden.”

Anyone with information should contact Police Scotland on 101 or call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111


An appeal from afar …

porty2… well, Portobello anyway! Fancy helping out with a beach cleanup? Then read on …

I was wondering if North Edinburgh News would consider doing a small feature on our up and coming beach clean-up at Portobello West, 10.30 Saturday 24th August 2013?


We need as many hands as possible please to clean up the beach, so everyone is welcome.

I started the group a few months back and we have regular awareness raising events, but this is the first (and not the last) of our local events to help local issues.

Thank you for your time and here are our pages, so you can see what were are up to:



Faith Canter



Join the Spartans Family!

Did you see any of the EUFA Women’s Euro 2013 football recently? There were some great skills on display, and if that’s whetted your appetite for more of the women’s game there’s a tasty encounter coming up at Ainslie Park this weekend … SpartansWomen1

North Edinburgh based football team, The Spartans Women’s FC have an important clash with third-place Rangers this weekend in the Scottish Women’s Premier League (writes David Hopkins). With all to play for in the second half of the season it’s time for the community to get behind your team!

Come along to Ainslie Park on Sunday 4th August at 1pm for some great football and a fun day for all. Adult tickets are only £5 and it’s free entry for under 16’s!

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter:


for exclusive content and prize give aways.

Live Together. Play Together. Win Together.

David Hopkins

Health and Fitness Festival heading to Victoria Park


The words ‘health’ and ‘fitness’ are not part of my usual festival vocabulary, but a festival with a difference is coming to Victoria Park soon …  

Zombies, space hoppers, hula hoops and health& fitness practitioners are among some of the activities, demonstrations and information stalls included in the official programme for the Leith Health & Fitness Festival taking place at Victoria Park, Leith on 10 August 2013 from 10am to 5pm.

Organised by local Edinburgh charity, Looking After Our Elderly, this new Festival is free to enter and aims to bring all generations of the local community together with the aim of getting active, healthy and having fun.

The programme contains a wide range of family friendly events and activities including:

  • 5k charity run, adult space hopper race and fitness demos for the wider community from hula hooping and fencing to  bodycombat and bootcamps
  • Range of health, fitness and nutritional information stalls including
  • Therapists offering taster treatment sessions
  • Entertainment marquee hosting a ceilidh band, comedian, dancers and afternoon tea
  • Complimentary bowling on the green
  • Range of local business and community information stalls

Kirsty Smith, Charity Director, said: “The countdown is now well and truly on to our first ever health & fitness festival and I’m excited about the programme that we’re launching today.

“The festival is all about bringing people together and reigniting community spirit.Whether you’re looking to find out more about getting active and healthy or just want to simply enjoy a day out with friends and family, there is something for everyone. We’re looking forward to welcoming everyone along. ”

Kirsty set up Looking After our Elderly in November 2012 as a Christmas Gift Giving Campaign to ensure older people who were house-bound, in care, on their own or in need, did not feel alone at Christmas.

The Festival will help to raise proceeds for the Charity and for the 2013 Christmas Gift Giving Campaign.Entry to the festival is free for everyone to come along.There will be a small joining fee to participate in the 5k run.

Kirsty added: “We’re still on the lookout for people to get involved and support the festival in other ways, by racing, volunteering, hosting an event or demonstration or setting up a business or information stall.”

For more information on how to get involved, the latest programme updates and application forms for the race, stalls and volunteering visit:



Saturday 10 August: a day of give and take

Give&TakeAttached are details of a Give and Take day organised by  North Edinburgh Timebank and Tenants and Residents in Muirhouse. We are having a ‘swish’ (where you swap clothes) and a toy and book swap stall. There will be  arts activities in the garden run by NEA and a bike workshop run by My  Adventure. We hope to get a knitting group up and running too…

As well as this, we are organising a furniture donation. If people have large items they want to donate, they can get in touch and we can  pick them up on the Saturday morning. We are also looking for volunteers to help  with the moving and lifting, so if you know any fit, healthy people with a couple of hours to spare …


Julie Smith

North Edinburgh Time Bank  Broker

Mob:  07807002591  

Website:  www.edinburghtimebank.org.uk

Police presence to help ensure Festival’s fun for all

Just in case it’s escaped your attention, it’s Festival time. The annual Festivals are all about fun – and city police plan to help keep it that way


Police in Edinburgh are to launch a high-profile safety operation for the duration of the festival season. Officers will offer advice on crime prevention and personal safety to the tens of thousands of visitors who come to Edinburgh during August, and advertising trailers highlighting the 101 non-emergency police number will also feature prominently on city centre streets.

This will be the first time the operation will be undertaken by the national Police Scotland force, which came into operation on 1 April this year.

Ch Supt Mark Williams, the divisional commander for the City of Edinburgh, said: “The Festival is an exciting time for the city, with so much fantastic entertainment, sights to see and events to participate in. It’s also a busy period for police, as tens of thousands of tourists arrive and local residents take advantage of all that is going on across the city. With that in mind, it is essential that Police Scotland provides a visible presence throughout Edinburgh as part of our commitment to keeping people safe.”



Inverleith’s BIG Search is ON tomorrow!

I know I said this last week as well, but the BIG Search definitely goes ahead tomorrow!

The BIG search 2013

Dear All

Rain or shine, we plan to go ahead with the BIG Search in  Inverleith tomorrow (Thursday 1st August) from 1pm. Bring your wellies and please join us for a fun afternoon of questions and clues that will lead you around the Inverleith Ward! Find out more about your area and win great prizes!

Pick up your pack at 1pm at either Blackhall or Stockbridge Libraries (packs include question sheet, local map plus there will be a free  tshirt and goody bag for first 50 entrants!) and plan your route around the area  to  answer the questions.

Bring your completed sheet back to King George V Park (Eyre  Place) at 4pm for prize giving, refreshments and BBQ weather  permitting.

This free event is for all ages. We hope you will join  us!


Elaine Lennon Partnership Development Officer

Ignore that date - it's happening TOMORROW!
Ignore that date – it’s happening TOMORROW!

‘A sporting legacy?’ Council backs Stockbridge development

1316073281[1]City councillors have voted to approve plans by Edinburgh Academicals for a major redevelopment of their Raeburn Place ground. The plans have split Stockbridge – campaigners say councillors have made a ‘huge mistake’ and that the development could destroy the existing community. 

Despite impassioned pleas by objectors, councillors chose to go with officials’ recommendations to grant planning permission for the controversial redevelopment at today’s meeting of the Development Management Sub-Committee of the Planing Committee.

Speaking before the meeting, Accies’ executive chairman Frank Spratt said: “From the outset the only aims we have had have been to keep sport at Raeburn Place, protect the historic home of international rugby and provide high quality facilities in which young people can learn and enjoy rugby.

“All of the council’s and the Scottish Government’s policies support and encourage the improvement of town centres and the provision of high quality sporting facilities.

“Our proposals more than meet the requirements of council’s planning policies, so that north Edinburgh can have a sports hub of which it can be proud. The young people of north Edinburgh, and indeed the city, deserve no less.”

SaveStockbridge1Objectors put forward a compelling case that the character of Stockbridge will be irrevocably changed by the sheer scale of the Accies development. In a statement issued before this morning’s crucial meeting, the Save Stockbridge group argued:

‘The proposed development is totally out of keeping in a mainly residential area, far and away exceeding the actual needs of this amateur sports club, which regularly attracts no more than 200 spectators to its matches. So why does it need such an excessively large stadium for 5,000 spectators?

And why does it need the proposed function rooms, bar, lounge and corporate boxes, all available for hire, which together have a greater capacity than the Ballroom, Music Hall and Drawing Rooms of the Assembly Rooms in George Street, plus new shops equivalent on average to about 25 present Stockbridge shops?

And why does the main building have to be almost as high as three double-decker buses?

Stockbridge is the third coolest place to live in Britain – if it aint’ broke, why fix it?’

Save Stockbridge said the proposed development flouts the city’s own Local Plan, would increase traffic in an already congested area and added that the retail element of the Accies plan will ‘hammer’ existing local shops.

Club representatives, however, argued that improved facilities at Raeburn Place would bring increased ticket sales and encourage wider participation in sport. Accies’ said that there is no plan to bring a major supermarket onto the site, and said that nine small shop units proposed in the development would not have a negative impact on local existing businesses. They also claimed the redevelopment will bring one hundred jobs to the area.

Following the marathon (over three hours) session, councillors finally voted to grant the application – despite one thousand formal objections and a 3200 signature petition opposing the plans

Construction on the £8 million redevelopment could now start as early as next Spring, but after a long and sometimes bitter planning dispute the community’s wounds may take somewhat longer to heal.

Accies development