Prime Minister sends warm wishes to Muslims for Eid

Cameron Eid2Prime Minister David Cameron said:

“I send my warmest wishes to Muslims in the UK and overseas as they celebrate the festival of Eid-al-Fitr. After a month of longer summer days fasting, praying and putting aside many of the things that we can take for granted, Muslims will come together with friends and family to celebrate this joyous occasion. I wish you all Eid Mubarak.”

The Prime Minister yesterday visited the Jamia Mosque in Manchester as Muslims in the UK prepare for Eid 2013. He met senior members of the mosque, as well as members of the local community who use it.

Mr Cameron wished ‘Eid Mubarak’ to them and the wider UK Muslim community, heard views on a range of issues and discussed the challenges and opportunities ahead.

It was also an opportunity to recognise the positive response by the overwhelming majority of the Muslim community to the tragic death of Drummer Lee Rigby.

Cameron Eid1

Do you hear the people sing? People’s Festival offers arts alternative

Scunnered by the corporate commercialism of the Festival? Sick of being bled dry by the bloated beast that the Fringe has become? There is an antidote …  

Peoples Festival‘The Edinburgh Peoples Festival are determined to ensure that the world’s greatest arts festival is open to all citizens of the city. Our festival promises that, unlike the others, our program will remain within the financial reach of everyone, our shows will take place throughout the city (not just in EH1) and throughout the year and we will act primarily, although not exclusively, as a showcase for local talent.

We are committed to presenting the widest possible variety of high quality artistic productions and we aim to stimulate and challenge as well as entertain.’

Tickets are still available for tonight’s walking tour, a chance to dicover Edinburgh’s radical past, at 6.30pm and tomorrow’s showcase ‘The Stars Come Out to Gorgie’ – back at the BMC Club for a ninth year at 7.30pm.

See Edinburgh People’s Festival website for more details:

Police appeal after Leith assault

A thirty year old man was treated in hospital after being followed from a Leith bar and attacked by a group of men last week. The man was subjected to a ‘serious assault’ in Arthur Street on Thursday at around 9pm and police are urging witnesses to come forward.

The victim had been drinking with friends in the Harp and Castle on Leith Walk but before leaving the bar he was involved in a “minor altercation” with three men, who are believed to be Polish.

It is thought that the assailants followed him from the bar into Arthur street where, follwoing a confrontation, two of the men attacked the local man before the third intervened. The three men then returned to Leith Walk.

The victim was able to make his way home and was later treated for his injuries at the Edinburgh Royal Infirmary.

All three men are described as white and around 5ft 7in to 5ft 8in tall.

The first man is thought to be in his early to mid 30s, with dark brown hair and was wearing a baseball cap, light blue jeans, white trainers and a yellow and black stripy shirt.

The second is believed to be in his early 20s with short blond hair and was wearing a grey Nike tracksuit, white trainers and a black Adidas baseball cap.

The third man is thought to be in his late 30s with short, dark hair and was wearing a dark suit and smart shoes.

Anyone with any information relating to this incident should get in contact with Police Scotland on 101, or Crimestoppers in confidence on 0800 555 111.


Increase in University acceptances

Two per cent more Scots have a place confirmed on exam results day.

graduates22,770 Scots were accepted to Scottish universities on exam results day this year, an increase of two per cent. Figures released by the University and College Admissions Service (UCAS) show 550 more Scots have a place at a Scottish university for 2013-14 than at the same time last year.

Welcoming the increase, Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance said: “We’ve already delivered access to university based on the ability to learn, not the ability to pay backed up with increased university places. It is great news that some 22,770 Scots are already accepted to a Scottish University to study for a degree on exam results day.

“These students will also be among the first to benefit from the best package of support in the UK when they take up their places. While the additional places we have provided to widen access will ensure more young people from deprived areas are taking their place on our universities campuses next year.

“Of course, some young people will be disappointed today but help is at hand. We guarantee every 16-19 year old the offer of a place in education or training and I’d encourage anyone who is still considering their next steps to call the SDS helpline on 0808 100 8000 for advice.”

Get knitting – hats the way to do it!

Age Scotland

An innocent pastime – get knitting!

Knitters in Edinburgh are invited to help older people by knitting wee woolly hats to adorn innocent smoothie bottles.   The be-hatted smoothies will be available in stores from November, and for each sold innocent drinks will give 25p to Age Scotland.

The Charity will use funds raised to develop services including theAge Scotland Helpline and local support for older people’s clubs and groups.

To register for the Big Knit and to get free basic and creative knitting patterns call 0845 833 9315 or visit

Hats can be sent to Age Scotland, 160 Causewayside, Edinburgh, EH9 1PR, up until 27 September.

Age Scotland fundraiser Alison Payne says: “This year in celebration of 10 years of the Big Knit challenge we’re offering a £50 book token prize for the most creative hat.  We’re thrilled that one of Scotland’s most exciting new playwrights, Sylvia Dow, has agreed to judge our entries.”

Sylvia Dow, who wrote her first play at the age of 73, says: “’ I’m delighted to lend my support to the continued success of the Big Knit, which is a great way of raising funds to help older people while flexing your creative muscles.”

James Peach, innocent drinks, said: “It’s a fantastic way to get creative, knit a little hat to adorn a smoothie bottle and raise money for Age Scotland to help older people. We’re massively grateful to everyone who joins in and helps make this year’s campaign a huge success.”


Dunedin Canmore supports Fresh Start hit squads

A Hit Squad volunteer gets to work
A Hit Squad volunteer gets to work

Edinburgh-based social landlord Dunedin Canmore Housing has renewed funding for a vital ‘Hit Squad’ service that helps people who were previously homeless to decorate their new home. The social housing landlord has linked up with Pilton-based resettlement charity Fresh Start to help fund the initiative.

Dunedin Canmore has donated £500 for each flat, which will allow the tenants to paint and carpet two rooms in their home with help from a Fresh Start Hit Squad – a team of volunteers who support the charity’s work.

Hit Squads not only provide help to decorate and give client’s long term skills – but they also help combat vulnerability and isolation through positive social contact.

Graeme Russell, Housing Services Director, Dunedin Canmore Housing said: “We’ve been in partnership with Fresh Start for the past 18 months on this project and it has proven to be a great success. Last year, every tenant involved said they felt more settled in their flat after having a visit from the Hit Squad. We’re therefore delighted to support the project once again this year.”

Keith Robertson, Managing Director, Fresh Start, said: “The support from Dunedin Canmore has been invaluable in helping people make a home for themselves. When you have been homeless moving into a home can be daunting, particularly as very often you’ll be moving into a shell. There is a lot of new responsibility. Our  Hit Squads help people to really feel they are making the house their own. And having support from others to settle in is very important too.”

Denise Cranston, 24, who is training to be a football coach, received support from the Hit Squad in March this year when she moved in to her new flat in Edinburgh after living in a homeless hostel.

Denise said: “It was quite daunting moving in to my new flat and looking at all the things I needed to do it. The Hit Squad helped me to paint my flat and they also gave me a cooker. This made the flat feel more like a home and they helped me to feel more settled. I’m really happy in the flat – I absolutely love it.”

HOME SWEET HOME A Fresh Start volunteer applies the finishing touches
HOME SWEET HOME A Fresh Start volunteer applies the finishing touches

Urban Resort update

De Vere

The site’s been cleared, and work on the DeVere Hotel and Urban Resort at Crewe Toll will soon be underway.

The company’s Chief Executive Robert Cook said:

“Demolitions have started in preparation for building to commence on our Edinburgh site – a new Village Urban Resort at Crewe Toll on the site of the old Telford College. It will have 120 bedrooms and 20,000 sq ft of leisure including a 20m pool, full cardio gym and studios for spinning and pilates.

“We’ll have a seven bedroom spa called Viva Urban Spa and a full-blown meetings and events facility with the ability to do weddings for up to 200 people. The food and beverage element will include Starbucks and a chop and ale house, which is fundamentally a large gastro pub with a sports element (plasma screens), counter dining and a theatre kitchen.”

The Crewe Toll development will be De Vere’s first in Scotland. Mr Cook went on: “Edinburgh is without doubt one of the strongest markets in the UK. It’s a 52 weeks of the year market with very busy summers and good corporate business. Our analysis of the particular location we chose showed a need for a health and fitness facility for 3,500 to 4,000 members, and making our food and beverage work will be a particular side of that.

“Typically 60% of our business comes from within a three-mile radius of the hotel. We’re in a strong position with the Western General Hospital up the road and it’s a good base to create something for the community around the hotel.”

The Urban Resort on Crewe Road South will open next year.

DeVere Hotel

Exam pass rates ‘best ever’


Standard Grade and Higher results at record levels

The nervous wait is over – the 2013 exam results were published today, and Scotland’s school pupils have excelled themselves with great grades.

Minister for Youth Employment Angela Constance has congratulated the 151,000 candidates who sat exams this year, and has also emphasised that help is available for those who hadn’t achieved what they’d hoped for.

Key results show:

  • Overall pass rate for Advanced Highers increased by two percentage points to 82.1 per cent
  • Overall pass rate for Highers increased by 0.5 percentage points to 77.4 per cent
  • Overall pass rates for Intermediate levels one and two increased to 77.8 and 81.8 per cent respectively
  • Overall pass rate for Standard Grades increased by 0.1 percentage points to 98.9 per cent
  • Overall pass rates for Access levels two and three increased to 71 and 93.6 per cent respectively.

Ms Constance said:

“The wait for tens of thousands of Scotland’s pupils and their families is finally over, and I am delighted that so many have come out with strong grades, leaving them well positioned for whatever they choose to do next. The exam pass rates are building on a solid record of achievement, meaning that today is a time for celebration. Record pass rates in a set of rigorously assessed exams confirm Scotland’s strong record in attainment and I wish the class of 2013 the very best of luck in their next steps, be it another year in school, or moving on to college, university, training or employment.

“For those young people out there who haven’t got what they had hoped for, did even better, or who are simply unsure what to do next, there is help available. The Skills Development Scotland exam results helpline on 0808 100 8000 offers dedicated advice on potential next steps. We have guaranteed every 16 to 19 year old the offer of a place in education or training, and I am working hard to ensure as many employers as possible are making young people their business in the ongoing difficult economic climate.

“Standard Grades have served our young people well for their academic and working lives since the 1980s. However, the introduction of National 4 and 5 courses next year are a fundamental part of Curriculum for Excellence, meaning that young Scots will be better prepared than ever to succeed in learning, life and work.”

Edinburgh’s schools shared in the national success story, enjoying a double-digit increase in the number of students scoring passes in their Highers.

City council education leader Councillor Paul Godzik said: “Early indications from the SQA exam results show that 2013 has been another really positive year for all our pupils, and I’m delighted by all their successes. Our pupils should be very proud of themselves, too – all their hard work has certainly paid off.”



Tony urges councillors: support the NEN!

North Edinburgh News’ senior and most enthusiastic contributor Tony Delahoy has written to councillors urging them to back the NEN.

In his letter, Tony (pictured below)  – who celebrated his 90th birthday earlier this year – said:

‘Since the funding of our local monthly newspaper stopped it has been a tremendous struggle to produce some editions.

It now seems likely publication will have to cease unless the Council reinstates funding.

It is important that people know what is happening and have a say in what is happening in their areas, building a confidence in their community.

The Council policy of greater involvement of the population in helping to decide issues of concern will benefit.

The value to the Council in maintaining this means of communication by reinstating funding cannot be overestimated.’



Who’s your health hero?

Celebrating Success Awards- Health Hero category open!

NHS Lothian’s Celebrating Success Awards mark the inspiring and truly amazing work that takes place across health services in Lothian each day.

The Health Hero category encourages the people of Lothian to get involved. This is an opportunity for you to nominate for a health care worker or team who has been exceptional in their line of work. It may be someone who has constantly provided help to others or it may be someone that has made a positive change to a patient’s life.  This is your chance to say thank you.

All shortlisted entries will be invited to attend an evening award ceremony, where our winners will be presented with their award by our special guest.

This year’s ceremony will be held on 24th October.

We are looking for someone who:

  • Is constantly supportive and helpful to others
  • Goes the extra mile
  • Is outstanding in what they do
  • Is approachable to both patients, colleagues and others
  • Professional in their line of work
  • Focuses on patients’ needs
  • Shows genuine understanding and care for patients.

If you know someone who you think is your Health Hero then nominate them by completing the nomination form and submiting it by email to:

or by post to:

Celebrating Success Team

NHS Lothian, 2nd Floor, Waverley Gate,

2-4 Waterloo Place, Edinburgh EH1 3EG.

Tips for writing your nomination:

  • If you are completing this form by hand, please use block capitals
  • You can submit as many nominations as you wish – please use a separate form for each entry
  • Please provide your contact details.

Deadline for all nominations must be received by 30th August 2013

For further information call 0141 578 1779.

NHS Lothian