Letter: More funding needed to protect our parents

Tony Delahoy on the final part of a deeply troubling BBC documentary … 


Dear Editor

The third and final part of the BBC television programme ‘Protecting our Parents’ (Thursday 2 May) further illustrated the total inadequacy of the available resources – both staffing and funding – in addressing the human needs of frail individuals who are trying to understand the position they are in, at the same time being asked to decide their future accommodation needs.

Relatives, if available to help, are usually elderly themselves, with limited physical ability and torn by guilt.

One lady, who had dementia and at times could be aggressive, was a changed person after having one-to-one care: it was discovered in these one-to-one sessions that music was very comforting to her.

The extension of one-to-one care will need many more staff, more funding and more training. All authorities, national and local, say money is scarce so it is worth reminding them that all wealth is produced in the first place by people, and that money extracted from that wealth in various taxes still belongs to the people, who in turn elect others to manage to fund what the people need.

The Protecting our Parents series has shown the problems that exist now; the offloading of the elderly from hospital (to prevent ‘bed blocking’) to a sparse choice of expensive care homes, or a home care package which is inadequate, not only for essential needs but for mental inclusion in life.

A rapid increase in building NHS ‘halfway hospitals’ with fully trained staff is urgently needed to cater for the elderly who are in need of other care or accommodation.

Much more funding must be allocated to recruit, fully train and deploy staff to enable all round caring be given in Protecting our Parents.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

Letter: Protecting our Parents – who cares?


Dear Editor

Part two of the BBC programme Protecting our Parents, shown on 24 April, revealed the inadequacy of all-round care provision for the elderly.

All staff shown were indeed caring but handicapped by having to work within existing rules and funding constraints.

A disturbing feature was the ‘test’ by a psychologist to determine the patients’ capacity to make decisions (in other words removing decision-making from them) with questions such as: ‘what day is it?’; I would imagine most people after being in hospital for weeks would hesitate before answering. There were  of course other similar questions, and on their answers a decision is made on the patients capacity of doing so, with all that it implies.

The ‘test’ came across as inadequate and faulty, needing radical appraisal.

The second part of of the programme reinforced the first – that provision of care in all forms, from rapidly building NHS Hospitals for the elderly run by fully qualified staff, that care at home visiting time should be greatly expanded – if necessary to 24 hour caring operated by fully qualified staff.

This can be at least a start in showing we do care about protecting our parents.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens

Letters: protecting our parents


Dear Editor

The first part of the BBC programme Protecting our Parents, screened on 17 April, was very moving, highlighting situations of caring that could face the parents of anyone.

Parents are individuals with thoughts, feelings and wishes: in short they are human beings in vulnerable situations.

As illustrated in the programme gentle but subtle pressure is put on patients to decide on moving to a care or nursing home, or returning to their homes with a ‘care package’ arranged by the local authority. The first option could involve considerable financial cots, the second totally inadequate visiting time and care.

We are constantly being told the numbers of elderly people will increase over the years and the country will not be able to afford the care; the implication being that even the inadequate level of care given today cannot be maintained.

How dare they approach the situation from that point of view; they must be oblivious of the mental and physical suffering caused through inadequate care?

Care of the elderly – having given a lifetime of service and care of children yet to serve the future – are and must be absolute priorities for the nation.

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens