Muirhouse Housing Association rebuilds


Muirhouse Housing Association hasn’t had it’s problems to seek over the last couple of years. The local housing association’s travails have been well documented, but the organisation plans to build on community spirit and is fighting back.

Back in 2014 the Scottish Housing Regulator identified serious weaknesses in the governance and financial management of Muirhouse Housing Association and in December used statutory powers to appoint an interim manager and three temporary members to MHA’s management board.

Last year a detailed Action Plan was agreed with the Housing Regulator to stabilise MHA’s position and the Muirhouse team has since worked hard to address concerns – with considerable success. A new chairperson was appointed, new members recruited to the board and then six months ago a new Chief Executive was also recruited. These positive measures have resulted in the withdrawal of the SHR-appointed interim management and temporary board members as Muirhouse finds it’s feet again, and while the organisation remains in ‘high engagement’ it’s hoped that this will change when the position is reviewed next month.

Given all the uncertainty of the last eighteen moths staff and board members could be forgiven for feeling a bit down given all that’s battered them, but the mood at last week’s annual general meeting at Muirhouse Millennium Centre was far from despondent – quite the reverse in fact!

MHA chairman Bob McDougall praised both the staff and his fellow board members for their efforts and dedication over a difficult period. “In high engagement, I reported at the time that we were more or less on suicide watch. However since that time we have improved so significantly that we’re hopeful we will move from high engagement to medium or even low engagement in the near future. You could say we’ve moved from suicide watch to an open prison!

“My heartfelt thanks to those board members for their commitment and hard work, giving their time, experience and efforts so generously. And the staff got their heads down and got on with the job, continuing to provide a first class service despite all the madness that was going on around them – they worked for four different Chief Execs and interims in under a year!

“We’re blessed with a great staff team and a committed board and we enjoy a great relationship with our residents. I do believe the future is bright and we are in a good place.”

Chief Executive Stevie McAvoy said: “One of the first things that struck me on coming here to Muirhouse is the passion of local people, and our challenge now is to meet and perhaps even exceed your aspirations. We will be making a concerted effort to go that extra yard.

He went on: “We have a good understanding of what the challenges are. It’s not just about what we do, it’s also about how we do it. I want us to do things the right way, working with you to meet your aspirations. We want to be more than just a housing association – we want to play a part in making Muirhouse a vibrant place.”

Stevie said that, as well as a programme of improvements to existing stock, MHA wants to start building homes again. “We are very keen to get back to being on organisation that builds homes again. That story will develop over the coming months – there are pieces of the jigsaw not in place at this time, but we are working hard to make this happen.”

Both MHA’s financial director Barry Allan and independent auditor Jim Gourlay reported that the housing association’s finances are in good health, with nett assets of £4 million and a surplus of £695,000.

Four new board members were appointed at the meeting: Eileen Carr, Hakima Lazrak, Julie Smith and Vicki Redpath, each bringing valuable experience and skills to supplement existing talents on the Board.

There were awards on the night, too. Mr & Mrs Mitchell of Muirhouse Gardens won the Best Garden award with Mrs McLennan (Muirhouse Park) and Mrs Huggan (Pennywell Gardens) joint runners-up. The Good Neighbour Award went to Roman Sepiol, with Julie Rouse and Tam Diamond as joint runner-ups.

All in all, this was an evening of quiet celebration. Muirhouse Housing Association is rebuilding – it’s been through tough times but it’s on the road back. Chief Exec Stevie McAvoy plans to build on the community spirit he’s already found in the area and wants to make Muirhouse Housing Association a vibrant community hub – and given the positive mood at the AGM that seems a distinct possibility.

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