EARN to hold Open Event

EaRN Open Event

Wednesday 25 May, 10am – 1pm


Edinburgh’s Equality and Rights’ Network (EaRN) aims to support and further partnership working between grassroots groups and organisations, and public services and community planners, with the aims of advancing equality, promoting human rights and tackling poverty and inequality in the city.

EaRN is to hold an open event at Norton Park on Wednesday 25 May from 10am until 1pm, to mark the end of its first year and to plan its future activities and concerns.

This event will see Edinburgh citizens, third sector organisations and public sector representatives gather together to discuss the city’s equality and rights priorities for 2016-17.

EaRN aims to provide a platform for community and third sector groups to influence public policy and practice across the themes of poverty, inequality, human rights, caring, and groups with characteristics protected under the Equality Act 2010: age, disability, gender re-assignment, marriage and civil partnership, pregnancy and maternity, race, religion and belief, sex and sexual orientation.

“At its heart EaRN is about empowerment,” said Caroline Gibb, Development Worker for the network. “Our aim is to provide a platform from which those most affected by inequality and discrimination will feel confident to articulate the changes they want and need”.

Funded for three years by the City of Edinburgh Council, the project is begin delivered by long standing charity Volunteer Edinburgh. EaRN works in partnership with public sector representatives from the City of Edinburgh Council, Edinburgh Partnership, Police Scotland, Fire & Rescue, COPFS and others to identify areas for change in services delivered in Edinburgh.

“It is essential that those facing inequality and discrimination in their daily lives are consulted on public services and policies surrounding equality and human rights,” said David Griffiths, Chief Executive of disability charity ECAS, Equality and Rights representative for Edinburgh Partnership, and one of the key drivers in the development of EaRN. “This network will ensure that those who are most affected by such policies and practice have a say in their development.”

Any group, partnership, forum, organisation, agency, company or individual interested in advancing equalities issues, tackling health inequalities, promoting rights-based work and combating poverty is invited to join; interested parties can sign up through the website.

EaRN has also recruited a number of volunteer Equalities Ambassadors to provide a crucial link between EaRN members, public agencies, and the most marginalised groups and individuals in the city. Equalities Ambassador Karen Sutherland said: “I feel strongly that people who are facing barriers for whatever reason, whether it’s because of age, gender, disability, sexuality etc. should be the ones who have the

You can register for the event here.

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