Later today: Safer Stockbridge

Stockbridge Library 4.30 – 6.30pm

safer stockbridge

TONIGHT! If you have any concerns about safety in your home or place of work, please come along to Stockbridge Library’s ‘Safer Stockbridge’ drop in market place event this evening from 4.30 to 6.30pm to pick up info and advice and talk to Police Officers, North Community Safety Officers, security firms and more!

The Alien Assignment: Haven kids produce another classic!

‘It was his first assignment as a Secret Agent …’


Over recent years, children from Circle’s Haven Project have spent a week during the summer holidays visiting a location then coming up with ideas and storylines to produce their very own storybook with writer Mike Nicholson. Continue reading The Alien Assignment: Haven kids produce another classic!

Victoria Park needs Friends!


Tuesday 8 December at 7.30pm in Trinity Academy

Coffee And Mince Pies!

victoria park

Aim: to set up a Friends Group for Victoria Park

Victoria Park is a fine park – it could be great with an active Friends Group.

Friends Groups
• directly involve the community in park events and changes
• increase access to funding – crucial during Council cuts
• make parks better

There are almost 50 friends of park groups in Edinburgh. Each is dedicated to improving their Park and increasing community involvement.

Come along and help us get a Victoria Park Friends Group off the ground!

Trinity Community Council

First Minister’s St Andrew’s Day message

“We are a nation which has welcomed and will continue to welcome many people from across the world over the years” – First Minister Nicola Sturgeon


Ms Sturgeon said: “St Andrew, who is renowned as the “fisher of men’, is a perfect embodiment of the warm welcome and kindness which we extend to all who come to Scotland.

“St Andrew spoke up for the less privileged. He was responsible for drawing attention to the existence of the loaves and fishes which eventually fed the 5,000. He championed the minority and saw that they were included.

“At this time, when the world is touched by terror and people are fleeing their homeland in search of peace, Scotland can draw from its patron saint and continues to be a place of safe haven.

“We are a nation which has welcomed and will continue to welcome many people from across the world over the years. From China to Poland, from Syria to India, people have brought their cultures and traditions to this country. Our communities have benefited and so has the richness of our lives, making Scotland the thriving country it is today.

“Let’s use today, our national day, to reinforce that warm welcome.”


PEP looking for volunteer drivers

Make a difference in your local community


Pilton Equalities Project is looking to recruit new volunteers to drive minibuses; D1 is required on your driving licence.

For more info contact Elaine Anderson at PEP, telephone 315 4466 or email

Driver only POSTER


Many thanks