Letter: the ideology of greed

Dear Editor

The Tory Party is known a the rich people’s party; it is motivated by the belief that private ownership of industry, business, energy supplies and land, etc. is the right and only way. Their every policy action is geared to maintaining and extending that control, as the continuing break-up and privatisations of national organisations and social services over the last three years shows.

The very act of privatisation puts the interests of the few above the majority; they believe their money creates all wealth – some honesty about their real intentions would be illuminating. Opponents of the Tories so not hide their intentions: they say and want the wealth produced by the majority to be distributed fairly to the majority, and if it needs national organisations and social welfare in all forms to do it, then that is how it will be done, This is open and honest, the Tories have difficulty in being so by the very nature of investors’ interests having priority over everyone by having the power to close down an industry or business and move their investment, irrespective of the colossal damage to the employees and their families.

It is a very backward, selfish and greedy ideology; how otherwise can it be described?

A. Delahoy

Silverknowes Gardens


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2 thoughts on “Letter: the ideology of greed”

  1. Private good, public bad – ah, it was all so simple back then! To me it’s a huge pity that Blair’s Labour government didn’t seize the opportunity to take national assets – particularly the energy utilities and the rail service – back into public ownership for the benefit of all. It clearly wasn’t a New Labour priority, but it was a huge opportunity missed – and one which we all continue to pay the price for today.

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